urban small world

Chapter 1050 1 kilometers

Chapter 1050 One Thousand Kilometers

Li Qingyun could not care about other forces, but Li Qingsong and the others were different.

If it was placed a year ago, they wouldn't care.At that time, they were the kind of people who could eat enough for one person but not for the whole family.

But now it is different.Not only did they get married and became wives, but they also had the influence of Xinmin City.

Although they don't think they are a force, it is obvious that people outside have already counted them as a force.

And in this way, they and those big forces have naturally become competitors, even if they don't want to, there is no way to change this.

Originally, they also wanted to explore with those big forces.

Unfortunately, they are too short.And they don't lack various resources for the time being, so they didn't go with them.

However, although they did not go, they have been paying attention to their actions.

"Brother, don't you really know?" Li Qinglin asked unwillingly.

"Do you think I know, or don't you know? Let me listen to you, really."

"Hehe, of course we want you to know."

"That's right, brother, do you really know something? Just tell us."

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong's eyes lit up at that time. Did the brother say that he really knew something.

Originally, they came here just by luck.Anyway, they haven't been here for several days, they want to come over to have fun, casually have a meal or something.

"I have no idea!"

"Tch, it's a waste of our expressions not knowing."

"That's right, he always likes to play tricks on us, he doesn't look like a big brother at all."

Li Qingyun was also drunk when he heard the two guys complaining about him one sentence at a time.

"Enough is enough for the two of you. Are you itchy and want to be beaten? If so, just tell me, I promise to meet your request."

Li Qingsong and Li Qinglin looked at each other, then immediately shook their heads.What a joke, let them fight Li Qingyun.They wouldn't do that unless they were crazy.

A long time ago, they came to the conclusion that even if they were going to fight Li Qingjing and were abused by Li Qingjing, they should not fight Li Qingyun.

Because Li Qingjing fights, although they can't win, they can still stick to dozens of moves, but if they fight Li Qingyun, unless Li Qingyun lets them make the first move, they still have a chance to make a move, otherwise, they don't even have a chance to make a move , was directly abused.

Now that they saw Li Qingyun's hands pinching each other, they knew that if they kept talking like this, the end would definitely be miserable, so at this time, he wisely chose to shut up.

Although their mouths were closed, their eyes were dishonest and unconvinced.The two of them stared back and forth, making Li Qingyun want to laugh.

"Well, well, although I didn't go out, I heard some news."

"Really, brother, what's the news?"

"I knew that brother must know a lot of things that we don't know. Sure enough, brother is amazing. Brother, if you have any news, please tell us."

"Yes, brother, tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

These two guys just shut up just now, and at this moment, Li Qingyun just opened his mouth, and they started yelling again.It made Li Qingyun's head grow big.

There is really no way to take the two of them.

"Okay, okay, listen to me first, okay, if you do this again, I won't say anything."

"Hey, I'm sorry, brother, tell me, let's listen."

Li Qingyun shook his head helplessly, and then said: "I heard that all those big forces have stopped at about a thousand kilometers away from Supreme Town."

"Ah, all of them?"


"Fuck, no, how is this possible? When did those monsters become so powerful?"

Now that Li Qingyun had said everything, then Li Qinglin and the others would not doubt it. They still believed in Li Qingyun, even though he hadn't been out these few days.

But he is the apprentice of the gods after all, God knows where he got the news from.

Now Li Qingyun said that those people did not walk a thousand kilometers, so they must not have walked out.

If this is really the case, then it makes sense that they haven't heard anything from them these days, because they went there instead.

They made such a big fanfare when they set off, but within a few days, they had such a big embarrassment that they couldn't even walk a thousand kilometers. How could they have the face to send any news.

Li Qinglin and the others even thought that since they were blocked within a thousand kilometers and could not go out, would someone among them be injured?This is also very possible.

Although Li Qingyun didn't say it clearly, but Li Qinglin and the others are so smart, they can be considered to have guessed a general idea.

"Brother, it can't be, they have so many warriors in the Baodan realm, and they have developed together, but they can't walk a thousand kilometers away. How is this possible?"

Although they already have the answer in their hearts, they still don't know exactly what happened to those big forces.So at this time, they also want to find out more things from Li Qingyun.

Unfortunately, Li Qingyun ignored them at all.

Li Qingyun glared at them directly. "How do I know exactly what's going on. I only know so much. If you want to know, find the answer yourself."

"Hey, brother, let's forget it. You don't know what we are capable of. Since so many of them can't get out, let's forget it."

What a joke, although Li Qingsong and the others are curious, they are not planning to go to the Supreme Continent until they figure out the reason.That is fatal.

They don't want to risk their own lives because of curiosity.

Even if they didn't put their lives in it, and got hurt a little, that's not what they want to see.

Seeing that Li Qingyun couldn't ask anything, Li Qinglin and the others finally gave up.

As for Xu Fei next to him, he didn't say a word the whole time, but he also got the answer he wanted.

Then Li Qingyun and the others stopped talking about this topic.

The reason why Li Qingyun told them this.He also has his own reasons.

First of all, they were his cousins ​​after all, Li Qingyun could really do something to them.Another one is that Li Qingyun didn't want them to go to the Supreme Continent to find out the truth out of curiosity.

In case something happened to them, it would be too late for Li Qingyun to regret it.

After all, those monsters would not ignore them just because they were Li Qingyun's cousin.This is impossible.

Although the strength of the few of them is not bad, if they encounter a group of monsters, they are likely to be injured.This is what Li Qingyun doesn't want to see.

So, he also said some information.

Although Li Qingyun didn't say it clearly, as long as he is not a fool, he would know that something happened in the Supreme Continent that they didn't know about, and that's why this happened.

Therefore, in this way, Li Qingsong and the others will be more careful even if they want to go to the Supreme Continent.

However, Li Qingyun guessed wrong this time. After listening to Li Qingyun's words, they never thought about going outside the Supreme Town.

If it was in the past, they might still have such thoughts, but now it is different, the two of them are married people, and they are no longer the people who just need to be responsible for themselves.

They also have wives. In order not to worry their wives, they have to think more before doing things.

With so many powerful forces in the Wulin Continent, none of their hundreds of warriors in the Baodan realm broke through. It is conceivable that something happened to the Supreme Continent that they didn't know about. If they don't want to worry their family members, It's better to be quiet.

Although they got some news from Li Qingyun, they will definitely pay more attention to the movements of those big forces in the future, so that they can prepare in advance.

No matter what happened here, I believe that when the news comes out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

The sooner they know the news, the earlier they can prepare and reduce some losses.

However, not long after they finished talking, Li Qingyun discovered that Liu Zhigang also came to the door with Xiaoshuai.

After Xiaoshuai came in and greeted Li Qingyun and the others one by one, he quickly ran into the house, he was going to play with Xixi and Hanghang.Children, when they are together, they can play together.

Xiaoshuai is bored at home alone. Many times, he envies that Xixi and Hanghang have a younger brother or older sister so that they can play together.

So, Xiaoshuai is the first time I ask his parents to give him another brother or sister.

This made Liu Zhigang very depressed.And it's not just Xiaoshuai's voice.Liu Zhigang's parents also strongly urged them to have another one.

In the eyes of the elderly, of course, the more children the better.As the saying goes, many children are blessed.

But it's a pity that these children are not born just because they are born.

Especially for cultivators, the stronger they are, the more difficult it is for them to have offspring.

At that time, Li Qingyun and the others also worked hard for a long time before they got Xixi and Hanghang.

Although Liu Zhigang also wanted to add a younger brother or sister to Xiaoshuai, it was a pity that he had worked hard for a long time, but there was no news. He even wondered whether his function had degenerated.

Once, Liu Zhigang quietly ran to Li Qingyun to show him his body because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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