urban small world

Chapter 111 Ye Bo

Chapter 111 Ye Bo
After spending more than an hour, Li Qingyun finally arranged the place, and now the entrance was discovered.
As long as someone discovers it, I believe it will not be long before more people will know.

But how to attract people here is also a difficult task.After all, it is not on the main road at this time.

Even if there are many tourists on the mountain, how many people can walk here?

However, Li Qingyun is not in a hurry to arrive. After all, there are not many tourists on the mountain now, and it may take a while. After the spring returns to the land, there will be more tourists.When the time comes, he will come and think of a way.

Li Qingyun shook his head, and then left here directly.

Seeing Li Qingyun flying away, the monkeys couldn't help but screamed, and they didn't know what they were screaming.

Soon, several curious monkeys came to the stone wall.

If you want to say who is most familiar with this place, of course you must count these monkeys. They often play here and are very familiar with this place.They didn't expect that the stone wall would change its appearance in just a short while, and become smooth all of a sudden.

It's a pity that they studied there for a long time, but they didn't find out why, and finally they could only leave with a full stomach of doubts.

Ye Bo looked at the man lying in a pool of blood in front of him, and then looked at his blood-stained hands, and burst into tears.

"Parents, sisters, have you seen that I have finally avenged you, may you have a spirit in heaven, and you can finally rest in peace."

"Help me. I don't want to die." At this moment, the man on the ground made a slight voice.

It's a pity that there is no third person here, he wants to ask Ye Bo to save him, how is that possible.The fact that he was on the verge of death was caused by Ye Bo.

"Hmph, you want to live now, but why don't you think about those people who were killed by you. Why didn't you let them live at that time. Don't worry, there is no one around for hundreds of meters, right? Someone will come to save you, you just wait for death slowly. Haha.” Ye Bo saw that the man on the ground was not dead yet.Not only was he not unhappy, but he was also very excited.

Watching him waiting to die little by little made him excited.

It's not that Ye Bo is a pervert, but that he hates him too much.

Originally, he had a beautiful family, parents who loved him, and a lively and lovely younger sister, but sometimes, beauty is not only a bad thing for a poor family, but it may become a disaster.

Sister Ye Bo was attracted by this young man on the ground precisely because of her beauty.

It's a pity that this son's reputation is not good, of course Ye Bo's younger sister won't fall in love with him, but for such a son, how can he escape if he is attracted to him.

On a dark and stormy night, he bribed a roommate of Ye Bo's younger sister and tricked her out of school, and ended up drugging her. When he wanted to use force, he didn't expect her to drink much. woke up.

But how could a little girl like her be a boy's opponent?During the resistance, she stumbled and fell from the window.

Such a young life came to an end.

Ye Bo's sister's accident dealt a great blow to the family.After Ye Bo's parents found out the truth of the matter, they wanted to sue the other party. Unfortunately, they did not expect that the other party would be so cold-blooded and ruthless.

In the case of selfishness and no results, the rich second generation on the ground found someone to beat them to death.

Of course, externally, of course, it was mainly a traffic accident.Anyway, he has money, and some desperadoes come to help him.

When Ye Bo got the news, it was too late.In the following days, he can be regarded as experiencing the energy of a rich second generation.

He will always be fired for no reason after less than a month's work, and even in many cases, he still can't get his salary.

And all of this is because of this man on the ground.

The reason why he didn't kill him like he killed his parents was because he didn't want to make things worse. After all, he would have to spend a lot of effort to solve the problem if he killed someone.At the same time there will be some losses.

His old man helped solve the previous two incidents. If it happened again, he didn't know if his old man would help him.

Second, maybe he feels that Ye Bo is not a threat to him, so he really enjoys this kind of cat and mouse trick.

Ye Bo was also a good student since he was a child.I have been a three-good student since I was a child.Belongs to that type of academic bully.

He had just graduated from university, and he never expected to encounter such a thing.

It's a pity he forgot, and the good man got angry.That's even more terrifying.

Don't look at Ye Bo, after his parents had an accident, he didn't seem to think about making him trouble again, but that's only on the surface.

Because he knows that it is not easy for him to sue the other party. After all, the other party wants money and power, and he is weak, so it is impossible to sue him.

However, it is impossible not to avenge the revenge on parents and sister.It's just that a dog that bites does not bark is exactly what he is talking about.

Although he was suppressed, he was also quietly collecting information about the rich second generation, and today he finally found a chance.

When he was alone, he finally seized the opportunity and tied him to a place where no one was around.

"Please. Please let me go. I, I. Give you money, very... a lot of money."

"Haha, don't have such a beautiful dream. If you let you go, you don't know how many innocent people will be harmed. I am killing harm for the people. Do you really think I will be so stupid. You can go down and accompany me at ease. My sister. Then you can repent in front of her." Ye Bo said loudly, and when he got excited, he kicked the other party a few times.

The opponent had shed a lot of blood.He kicked a few more times, and the rich second generation immediately passed out.

Ye Bo didn't care about it at all.I never thought of letting him go today.Now it's finally revenge.He knew that there was no place for him in this city anymore.

Such a big thing happened, even if the police had no evidence that he did it, the other party's family would not let him go.

For these rich people, he has seen a lot of them a long time ago.

Seeing each other doesn't have much time to live.He finally started to make plans for himself.

Before anyone found out that something had happened, he had to run away, otherwise, he might not be able to leave.

Although he took revenge, he never thought of taking his own life into it.

So, after thinking for a while, Ye Bo left the hut, and locked the door when he went outside. After that, he drove away in the rich second generation's car.Just now he drove the other party's car to tie the other party here.

Now that he has a car, he can run farther. Although it is easy to expose his position, there is no way around it.

It's not too big, just change the car halfway.

At least for now he has to get out of the city first.

I have to say that his choice is very normal.After he left, within two hours, someone found the rich second generation's body.Then he was wanted.

Unfortunately, at this time, Ye Bo had already left the city.

He drove his car to Linshi, threw the car away immediately, and then took a bus to leave.

Although he ran very fast, those rich people really had a lot of energy.As for the revenge of killing the son, how could it be possible for the parents not to avenge it.

There was no news from the police for a while, and they never expected the police to catch people, so he had to use his own method.

Ye Bo thought he hid it well, but it was a pity that he was still found by others, so he was hunted down all the way.

And Ye Bo fled all the way to Sen City.

He found that there were still people following him, so he had no choice but to go straight into the mountain.

After all, human beings have a desire to survive.He will not give up until the last moment.

In his mind, as long as he entered the mountain, it was so big that it would not be easy for others to find him.

Unfortunately, his thoughts were good, but what he didn't know was that among those who chased him down behind him, there happened to be a scout.

Many soldiers can only work as security guards or bodyguards after they leave the army.After all, they also have to live, and many of them have devoted themselves to those rich people.

It was precisely because of that person that Ye Bo had escaped for so long, yet he still hadn't gotten rid of him.

The mountains are huge.However, people will leave traces when they move inside.Ordinary people might not care, but to scouts, it's nothing.

Therefore, even if he is included in the book, Ye Bo has not yet escaped the other party's pursuit.

Finally, Ye Bo was overtaken by the opponent at the edge of a waterfall.

"God, why don't you open your eyes and take a look. Can't you give me a way out?" Ye Bo saw that the other party was getting closer, and at this moment, he had no choice but to run.After running away for so long, he was also tired and had no strength to run anymore.And in this place, there is no place to run.Unless he jumped off the waterfall behind him.

But after jumping from such a high height, I might not even know if anyone survived!
"You are running. Why don't you run away. The little bastard runs quite fast. We have wasted so much time. I advise you to go back with us obediently, so that you can suffer less flesh and blood. .”

"Damn, you bastards, helping them do bad things, you will all die." Ye Bo will not go back with them, even if he dies, he will not go back with them.He knew that if he went back with them, it would be impossible for him to survive, and he didn't know how much inhuman torture he would suffer before he died.Instead of that, it's better to have a good time.

 Ask for collection, please recommend! !

(End of this chapter)

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