Chapter 1309
It was impossible for Li Shuisheng and the others to imagine that when they were discussing those savages there, those savages on the opposite side also thought about the possibility of robbing them.

If they knew, they would probably die laughing.Unexpectedly, one day, they would become the targets of a group of savages.

But fortunately, those savages were considered sensible and did not do such a thing. Otherwise, Li Shuisheng and the others would not be so easy to talk to.

At this time, Li Shuisheng and the others still had tasks to do, so they didn't pay attention to these savages.

"Okay, count the number of people, and let's continue to set off."

After a while, an officer ran and said loudly: "Report to the chief, the secret investigation team should have 50 people, but there are 48 people, please give instructions."

"Okay, everyone is here, let's go right away."


A total of 50 of them came, including Li Shuisheng and Uncle Wang, there should be 52 people. Now that they have reached the secret realm, there are only 50 people in total, and there are two more people on the top of the cliff.

After all, that entrance and exit is also a very important place, if no one guards there, some of them will not feel at ease.

When they come down, the people above will take back the rope.Just wait a few days later, when the entrance and exit are opened, and then let the rope down.

And those who can do that job are all recognized as the most loyal fighters.

Although it's a pity that they can't come to this secret realm, it doesn't matter, the future will be long, and there will be opportunities to come down in the future.

When Li Shuisheng saw this, he immediately recognized the direction and began to lead those people into the forest.

The last time he came over, he was still riding a speeding car.But this time, he could only walk on the ground like everyone else.

After all, he didn't want to expose his strength too much.

Although the speeding car was not a secret, taking it out at this time was still too enviable.

Li Shuisheng doesn't want to continue to develop in the army in the future, so there is no need to express himself more.

And he didn't walk here properly.Every time you go up and down, you will miss a lot of scenery.So he decided to walk with these people from the ground.

This might waste some time, but that's okay.

Anyway, I wasted more than a month, and I don't care about a few more days.

After all, if he leaves here, he may not have a chance to come back in the future.

But when they walked through the forest, they realized that the road was not so difficult.

This is much more difficult than the virgin forest on the other side of Shennongjia.

As a result, the trees here are taller, and there are more vines under the trees.

It is really not an easy task to open up a path from here.

No one has come here for many years, but it is a real virgin forest.

Even if there were some monster activities in the past, most of them came and went.Those weak monsters generally only move within a limited range, so as not to break into other monsters' territories and become other monsters' food.

And most of those humans were blocked in the eastern area of ​​the secret realm.And the human beings who can come here will not walk on the ground.

In this way, if Li Shuisheng and the others wanted to find a way, they had to find their own way.

Fortunately, Li Shuisheng has many magical weapons in his hands.

As Li Qingyun's apprentice, he has some magic weapons in his hands, and even the spirit weapons are not normal.With Li Shuisheng's thick skin, he had already prepared a magic weapon for himself from Li Qingyun.

Therefore, at this time, the big trees or vines blocking them are nothing at all. With a light wave, even the big trees with a diameter of fifty or sixty centimeters are directly brought down .

Of course, Li Shuisheng and the others are also people who know about environmental protection, and they usually don't attack those big trees.

The only occasional downing of a large tree or two is when they need to be used for bridges and such.

So in this way, their schedule was also slowed down a lot.

After all, if they wanted to reach the city that Li Shuisheng and the others visited last time, they would have to travel almost half a province.

You must know that at this time, they are all coming here with their feet, and they don't do anything else. It is estimated that they may not be able to get there in ten and a half months.

But what can be done about it.The road I choose, I have to walk through it with tears in my eyes.

Li Shuisheng's depression, Li Qingyun and the others wouldn't know about it.

During the more than a month since Li Shuisheng disappeared, Li Qingyun's ears have also become much quieter.

When he was here before, he would come to Li Qingyun's house from time to time.

It became quiet all of a sudden, but Li Qingyun was a little unaccustomed to it.

But Xixi and Hanghang are very happy these days.Dad plays with them at home every day, can they not be happy.

In a blink of an eye, it is the National Day of the Eleventh.

National Day is considered a big day in Huaxia every year, and it is one of the few long holidays in Huaxia.

There are usually a lot of people traveling on this day, and the number of people arriving at the Wulin Continent will also increase a lot.

But Li Qingyun didn't need to worry about these for a long time.

And today's Hua-xia will have a military parade.Events like this don't happen every year.After all, that would be too costly and costly. Only in some special years will military parades be held.

Such a major event, of course, cannot do without Lao Wu and the others.

Lao Wu and the others have cultivated in the Wulin Continent for so many years, and it is time for them to show it to the world.In many cases, you have to show your muscles outward to deter some people.Lest they mess up their minds.

In fact, this is related to the recent behavior of the United States.

Although a few years ago, the genetic modification base of the country was destroyed, but as the former largest country in science and technology, the technology of the United States is not built.Over the years, they have never given up on research on basic transformation.

There is no way, they have been the world's boss for decades, and they are very unwilling to be kicked out of that position.

And China-Xia Kungfu is their greatest resistance to dominating the world.

Over the years, they have done a lot of things to discredit Hua Xia.

But it's a pity that the current Hua-Xia is no longer the existence they used to be able to manipulate.

Since the emergence of the Wulin Continent, Huaxia's strength can be said to be growing day by day.

And the United States can only use genetically modified people to restrict the rise of China.

This year, the genetic modification technology in the United States may have made great progress, and then they drifted away.

In private, they and Hua Xia have already had several contests in secret.

So, the higher-ups decided this time, let Lao Wu and the others come out to frighten the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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