Chapter 195
Moreover, Li Qingyun was very familiar with these people who came in now, and Li Qingyun had often seen them before.

But when he thought about it, it seemed that he hadn't really seen them recently.

Li Qingyun found that those people seemed to have changed a lot from half a month ago.If, half a year ago, they were just newborn tigers, then now they are all grown up tigers, as if ready to be released at any time.

Moreover, Li Qingyun also noticed the smell of blood from them.Obviously, many things happened to these people that Li Qingyun didn't know about during the past half month.

Now Li Qingyun became interested. He wanted to know where these people had been for the past half month, what they had done, and why they had changed so much.

Soon, those people escaped the sight of ordinary people and disappeared in front of ordinary people.

After an hour, they made a big circle and finally came to their secret base.

These people were Zhao Ming and his group who had been away for more than 20 days.

In the past 20 days, they have suffered a lot and fought a lot of battles outside. These 20 days are also the 20 days of their sharp change.Now they can be counted as real special forces.

Although their skills hadn't improved compared to when they went out, they felt that there were several of them before they could completely defeat them.

Kungfu is not useful just by practicing it.Only by making perfect use of what you have learned is your ability.

Although soldiers are simpler than other professions, they are simpler.But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

No, as soon as these people returned to the base, it wasn't long before someone came to provoke them.

Those people are the ones who were not selected last time.They were very unconvinced.Because they feel that their strength is no worse than those people, why should they take advantage of all the good things.And not their share.

So, today, as soon as they heard that Zhao Ming and the others were back, some people who had had trouble with them before, of course, would not let go of this opportunity.So I didn't wait for them to pack up, so I found them.

"Hey. Isn't this Zhu Tian? I'm afraid I didn't do less meritorious service this time. There is an extra Doudou on my shoulder, so I have to call you sir when I see you in the future."

"Do you have anything to do? Leave if you have nothing to do. I'm tired and want to have a good rest. I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to do."

"Fuck, say you're fat, and you're still panting. If you don't give Brother Yong face, believe it or not, I'll whip you."

"Oh, how did you talk. Zhu Tian, ​​don't be angry. I just took advantage of these few days to practice another boxing technique, so I want to ask you for advice on two moves. I wonder if I can teach you a few." Brother Yong waved his hand, stopped the people around him, and said to Zhu Tian with a smile.

He said he wanted to ask the other party to teach him, but his tone was very unbearable, and he looked like a villain.In fact, he just wanted to take the opportunity to beat Zhu Tian up.

Isn't it normal for warriors to be beaten a little bit, even if others know about it, they won't say anything.

After all, these people are the top choices in terms of cultivation aptitude.There are less than 200 of them selected by an army, so each of them is very proud.

Therefore, many people, for those who are on a mission for the first time, can be said to be envious and jealous.Why don't they have such an opportunity to make meritorious deeds?

Therefore, many people, in the past 20 days, have put all their strength into cultivation, and they are waiting for this day.

They want to let leaders know.They are no worse than those people, even stronger.

Zhu Tian sighed.I didn't expect to encounter such a mess when I came back.To be honest, he was really not in the mood to fight the other party.Because he felt that it was bullying children.

Although they have practiced more than 20 days longer than themselves, what does that matter?

Only they themselves know how much progress they have made in the past 20 days.

It's not about how much their skills have improved, but that during the war, they gradually integrated their strengths, although their skills have not improved.But the strength has improved a lot.

"Why, why are you sighing. You must be afraid."

"Since you want me to teach you, let's go, let's go to the playground outside."

Hearing that Zhu Tian offered to go to the playground outside, it was Brother Yong's turn to be surprised.

Originally, according to his plan, he wanted to bring Zhu Tian to the playground, and then beat him up hard, which would also make him more ashamed.

It's just that before he could speak, the other party brought it up first.It made him feel a little wrong.But when I think about it, I have learned a new boxing technique, and my skills have improved a bit.On the contrary, the other party has been out for more than 20 days, but he knows that there is no way to practice outside.Therefore, the other party should be the same as it was more than 20 days ago, so he can feel relieved.

Soon, a group of people came to the playground.Then when they arrived, they realized that they were not the only ones who needed to compete.

Fortunately, the playground is relatively large.I'm not afraid that they won't be able to move around.

"Wow, there is also a martial arts competition over there. Brother Yong, let's take a look first, or."

"Come on directly, I don't have time to watch the fun with you at this time, I have to go back to rest." But at this moment Zhu Tian spoke.

Well, Brother Yong, who thought it was fraudulent at first, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.It may be that Zhu Tian and the others knew that they would encounter difficulties when they came back, so he simply followed his own will and ran to the playground. At worst, he would be beaten up by himself. The key is that there are so many competitions in the playground at this time, even if he loses Not many people noticed either.

Brother Yong felt that his guess was right, but what Zhu Tian wanted to tell him was that you were too self-righteous.Zhu Tian never took him seriously.Only went out.Only then did they realize how weak they were before.

The reason why Zhu Tian asked him to start right away was because he didn't want him to be frightened after watching it and stop fighting with him, it would be so boring.

Just as he thought.When they came back, they guessed that there would be such a scene, so they had already discussed it.This time, we must teach those comrades a good invited all the people who challenged them to the playground, and they were all ready to do it at the same time.It is to not give the other party a chance to regret.

Soon, out of 20 people, more than [-] people were challenged.All twenty pairs also came to the playground.

Such things have long been known by the person in charge of the foundation.

Not only did he not stop it, but he even said that he was going to be the referee.Those people can only do it when he gives an order.

After all, for him, this is not a bad thing, there is competition to make progress.

Soon, there were only 46 people left on the playground, and each of them had an opponent.The rest of the people all retreated to the four sides.

"Okay, time is up, let's start!"

With an order, all 46 people moved.

At this time, each of them has a sigh of relief in their hearts, and they can only get out by defeating each other.

Soon, most of the people around were dumbfounded.Because they found that the playground was completely different from what they had imagined.

Originally, they thought that those who practiced for more than 20 days should be able to win the others.After all, they are still in the initial stage of practice.This time is also the time when the most progress has been made, and it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that one day is the same. More than 20 days, logically speaking, the gap will be huge.

But why, those people who practiced for more than 20 days, at this time, were all KO'd in just half a minute.Yes, in only half a minute, all of them were KO'd.Without exception.

That brother Yong was laid down by Zhu Tian in just over ten seconds.

This made many people unacceptable. After practicing for so many days for themselves, it was themselves who lost in the end.

Now they have been slapped in the face, the most important thing is that they took the initiative to stretch their faces and let others slap them, just thinking about it makes them vomit blood.

Li Qingyun hid aside, no one found him at all.And everything that happened here was seen by Li Qingyun.

Although I don't know where those people have been for a while.But from the very beginning, Li Qingyun knew that they would definitely win in the end.

Zhu Tian's outstanding performance.He slapped the face of the person who wanted to watch the fun, but Zhu Tian and the others didn't laugh at those people, but after cleaning up the scene, they clapped their hands and left.Didn't spend much time there at all.As they say, they are too tired.For more than 20 days, none of them had a good night's sleep.

It can be said that they spend every day in battle.The enemy will not determine a good time to come again.So it is impossible for them to have a good rest.If they hadn't all practiced martial arts, they wouldn't be able to persevere at all.

At this time, back in the safe base, what they want most is to have a good sleep.

They didn't even attend the reception banquet that the base prepared for them. From this, we can tell how tired they are.

Li Qingyun was very curious about where they went these days.So, he didn't leave, he wanted to hear what other people had to say.

Finally, under his monitoring, he knew where these people were going.

In this way, Li Qingyun understood.

This time when they came back, it was Lao Wu who thought they had completed the first stage of advancement.They should come back and continue to practice.And the rest of them will take over from them.Tomorrow those people will also have to open the frontline server.It's just that the temporary order hasn't come down yet, so they don't know.

Old Wu thought it over.

It would be very dangerous to let them fight at once.It is not easy for them to cultivate a talent, especially this kind of talent with poor qualifications.

But it's normal to think about it.In such a mysterious continent as the Wulin Continent, who wouldn't want to share their meat.

They have invested so much manpower and material resources in aviation.For what ah.The purpose is not to be able to walk out of the earth one day.It is best to be able to immigrate to other planets.

After all, the resources on the earth are limited, and they will be used up one day. If they can't get out of the earth before they run out, then it will be their end.

But now with the emergence of the Wulin Continent, following the exploration there, they discovered that it is not only suitable for human survival on Earth, but also rich in supplies.If anyone occupies there, he will definitely have the greatest voice on Earth in the future.

Originally, they sent special forces to lurk in there, but they didn't expect that those special forces disappeared without a fuss, no one was alive, no dead body was seen.

Of course, Li Qingyun will not know about these things.

But he knows one thing, that is, life is not easy now, as long as he knows this.

Li Qingyun felt that it was time to show his strength.

Otherwise, everyone thought he was a bully, and they beat him to death for themselves, but they didn't even ask him about his master.

At the earliest time, he was thinking that if he put the entrance of the small world there, there might be a conflict. After all, there is no reason not to be tempted to put such a big piece of cake there.

But there are two more friends, and they didn't do anything other than build some military camps in Shenxian Mountain.Li Qingyun thought they had changed their sex.

(End of this chapter)

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