urban small world

Chapter 256 Savage Clash

Chapter 256 Savage Clash
"Two brothers, we've been walking for so long, why haven't we encountered a single powerful animal? We encountered some rabbits and squirrels along the way. Didn't you say that this forest is very dangerous?"

"Boy, where did you go? You don't even look at this place, it's just outside. You thought it was a few months ago, a few months ago, there might still be a lot of animals here, but The past few months have passed, and every day, I don’t know how many people go hunting in the mountains. There are no powerful animals around here. They have been hunted down long ago.”

"That's right!" Lin Yunfei nodded.Even if they were not hunted, they probably all went deeper.Those animals weren't stupid either.

"Hush, don't make a sound, there seems to be movement ahead!"

Several people did not calm down immediately, and quietly looked forward.But it's a pity that there are some tall grass in front of them, which completely blocked their sight, so the three had no choice but to move forward slowly.

When they slowly pushed aside the bushes and saw the front, their eyes lit up.

They couldn't help thinking, "No way, such luck, just now that they couldn't find the prey, the prey came to the door by itself?"

I saw a big wild boar not far in front of them.Those long fangs show that it is not so easy to mess with.

Wild boars are ferocious animals. In the forest, they are also a bully. If they are provoked, even tigers will dare to attack them. Many hunters would rather face tigers than wild boars.

Because when tigers feel invincible, they choose to run away. Although it is more difficult to catch it, the danger is reduced.

But this single-minded wild boar is different. You can provoke them, especially after they are injured, they will never end with you.

With their hundreds of kilograms of weight, you can't stand a brutal collision with them.Therefore, the older generation of hunters said, one pig, two bears and three tigers.

Sometimes, brute force can be scary.

However, it was obvious that these three people didn't know about this. In their eyes, they had already regarded this wild boar as a meal on their plate, as if they could win every battle as soon as they got out.

No, when these three guys saw that it was just a wild boar, they immediately jumped out.Because in their eyes, only tigers, lions and other kings of beasts are more powerful.They didn't pay attention to such a dark guy like wild boar.

But soon, they will know that they can't underestimate any animal, otherwise they will suffer.

The wild boar didn't actually live here. It was patrolling the territory with a large group of children in the harem. For some reason, it lost its wife and children in a blink of an eye. They disappeared.

And it soon found itself in a strange place, which made it very angry.

So, the next moment, it went crazy and began to 'plow' the land around it.

After a while, hundreds of square meters of land were plowed out by it.I have to say that the materials here are really rich.It dug out a lot of delicious things from the ground with just a plow.This is much better than where he used to live.

This is also very normal. The surrounding area where wild boars live, because they are often active, the things in the field have long been found out and eaten by them.And now this place.

Because there are not many animals staying for a long time, it is normal to have more supplies.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses.

If they lived in this area, it is estimated that their family would have become someone else's meal, and although the place where they live now is a little poor in supplies, at least they are still alive.

Just when the wild boar was eating very happily, it actually saw three two-legged monsters appearing not far away, and looked at itself greedily.

This made the wild boar feel a chill all over his body.Well, it's unforgivable that they wanted to eat themselves.

So before the three two-legged monsters could move, it rushed up with its fangs.

It needs to teach these guys a good lesson.

"Ah, Lin Yunfei, get out of the way, and you'll be in a daze."

"oh oh."

Finally, under Li Qingsong's reminder, Lin Yunfei came back to his senses, and dodged the wild boar's first blow in embarrassment.That's right, these three are Li Qinglin and the others.


As soon as Lin Yunfei turned his head, he saw that behind where he was standing just now, a bowl-sized tree was directly knocked down by the wild boar.The sound just now was the sound made after the tree broke.

Lin Yunfei couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat at this moment, if Li Qingsong hadn't woken him up in time just now, he didn't know what would have happened.He didn't think he would be any better than that tree.

The excitement in my heart just now disappeared all at once.All that is left to him now is deep fear.

He underestimated this wild boar just now, so that he almost fell here himself.

But after being afraid, it was anger again.I was so embarrassed by a wild boar. If my brother-in-law and the others knew about it, I don't know how I would laugh at myself.

So Lin Yunfei shouted loudly, ready to attack the wild boar.But at this time, the wild boar, who missed a hit, turned around again and rushed towards it.

Who made him bark all right?Of course, it attracted the wild boar's attention all of a sudden, so if you don't hit him, who will you hit?

Lin Yunfei was depressed now.Originally, he wanted to make a sneak attack, but when he saw the wild boar charging towards him with all his strength, the momentum he had just raised disappeared immediately.

It's not his fault either.After all, this was the first time he faced the enemy, and seeing the aggressive look of the enemy, he couldn't do a head-to-head confrontation with the opponent to die together.

As the saying goes, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.Therefore, Lin Yunfei stepped aside again, dodging the wild boar's brutal charge.

But this time, the wild boar did not hit the tree.However, because of the full force of the collision, the car couldn't stop for a while, and it only stopped after slipping forward for a certain distance.

But don't wait for it to turn around.Li Qingsong, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed over from the side at this time, and directly gave it a kick.

The next moment, Li Qinglin at the side picked up a stick as thick as a forearm and hit the wild boar on the head.

Then everyone saw that the wild boar's head began to bleed.

But before the three of them cheered.

The next moment, the wild boar got up from the ground.

Then everyone saw that its eyes were red.Obviously, at this time, the wild boar had grown bigger and was about to explode.As soon as it turned its head, it bit towards Li Qinglin.

Fortunately, Li Qinglin had a stick in his hand, so he put the stick into the wild boar's mouth with a straight stroke.

The next moment, the three of them heard a 'click', and the wooden stick as thick as a small arm was not bitten off.

The faces of the three have changed. If this bites them, I don't know what will happen.It is estimated that it will not be better than that wooden stick.

At this time, the three of them had to get serious.They don't want to fall on this wild boar.

Injured wild boars are more difficult to deal with than uninjured wild boars. If it is an old hunter, he should be thinking about how to escape at this moment, but these three guys don't know this.

From their point of view, since it was all injured, as long as they persevered, they could clean it up.


The next moment, the wild boar let out a loud cry, and rushed towards Li Qingsong who was closest to it regardless.

Fortunately, the kung fu of the few of them is not bad. Although they don't have much experience in fighting the enemy, they can still dodge at this time.

How to put it, he is also a strong man of dark energy.

The next moment, they finally saw what a real plowing machine was.The wild boar made many gullies on the good ground.

It seemed tireless, chasing the three of them and kept hiding.

It was obvious that the three of them had thought about it and used up its strength. To be honest, at this moment, they really had nothing to do with this crazy wild boar.

At this moment, Li Qingyun, who was at home, kept shaking his head.

These idiots couldn't even clean up a wild boar, but instead made themselves so embarrassed, I really convinced them.

It seems that, as they said, it is time to go out and exercise.It was too good to protect them before.Let them have a whole body of strength and don't know how to use it.

Among the three of them, there are two masters of dark energy, don't they know how to use the advantage of dark energy?

No wonder Li Qingyun would be depressed if he didn't use his strengths, but used his own weaknesses to confront others' toughness.

Although the wild boar's skin is very thick, as if wearing a layer of armor, ordinary people can only deal with them from some of their weaknesses, such as eyes and chrysanthemums.This is how many old hunters deal with them.

If it is replaced by an experienced dark energy master.They will gently pat on the wild boar when they avoid the wild boar's collision.

Hit your own dark energy into the boar's body, and don't care about its 'armor' at all.No matter how powerful the 'armor' on the outside of the wild boar is, the internal organs inside the body are not that strong.As long as the internal organs are injured.Isn't it still only at the mercy of others?

But these three guys didn't think of such a simple reason, they were still hiding with the wild boar, sneaking up on it from time to time, and they were still complacent about it.

What made Li Qingyun most depressed was that for this reason, there were five or six trees on the side that blocked the disaster for them, and they were directly broken by the wild boar.These trees were all planted by Li Qingyun himself a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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