urban small world

Chapter 754 1 Right

Chapter 754 A right

"Next, the top ten rewards of the Huajin group will be awarded. Everyone can't wait, so I won't be verbose."

Hearing the fairy's words, many viewers below thought to themselves, since you have been babbling for so long, you are really embarrassed to say it.

Well, they just thought about it, but they didn't dare to really say it.After all, the other party is also a god no matter what.That is the existence that many of them need to look up to.

That is to say, in the past few years, everyone has become accustomed to the existence of the gods in the Wulin Continent. If this was placed before the Wulin Continent appeared, if they really saw the gods, they still don't know how they would react.

They don't speak ill of the gods anymore, they don't even dare to think about it in their hearts.As the saying goes, there are gods standing three feet above the head. In the minds of Huaxia people, gods have always been very ethereal and omnipotent existences.

This is also the reason why so many people go to major temples and Taoist temples to burn incense and worship Buddha every year and festival.

Even, during the college entrance examination every year, many parents would go to temples to burn incense and pray for the blessings of gods and Buddhas in order to ensure that their children can be admitted to a good university.

Although they all know that asking God is worse than asking yourself.

Usually if they don't work hard on their own, it won't be useful to ask God.It was just that they were asking for a comfort in their hearts.

A few years ago, in the minds of the Hua-Xia people, those immortals were just a kind of ethereal existence, but now they know that the immortals are just a group of highly cultivated human beings.

They also have their own emotions, and they also have their own feelings. Of course, the most important thing is that they are not the existence that only eats fireworks and does not eat food as they think.

And after knowing that gods are actually just more powerful human beings, many people's dreams of omnipotent gods have also been shattered.

But even now the Hua-xia people are not as respectful to gods as before.However, the immortal is a powerful cultivation capital after all.

If you can not offend them, it is better not to offend them.Because that is of no benefit to them.

Of course, the puppet did everything according to Li Qingyun's request. All of this was Li Qingyun's intention. Even if the people below scolded him, he didn't care. .He doesn't care what other people think of him at all.

"Okay, now let's award No.4 to No.10 rewards."

Regarding this, everyone has no opinion. Under normal circumstances, in any competition, the top three win the most.Everyone is used to it.

"No. 4 to No. 10, each of them can get two pieces of space equipment, plus a set of middle-grade spiritual weapons, and a bottle of Peiyuan Dan. Of course, the better the ranking, the higher the number of Peiyuan Pills." More and more. As for how many there are, then you can count them yourself."

Originally, the puppet wanted to introduce it in detail, but seeing those people, one by one, after receiving the rewards, they were all immersed in the research of those prizes, and they didn't listen to what he was talking about at all, so he Just don't talk too much.

It's fine if you don't listen, go to your own research institute.

Then there will be prizes for the top three.

That's the point of today.

Although the arena looks very bright now, but at this time, it is already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.After all, after so many games, it will take time.

Jie Jie, at this time, there are not many fewer people in the arena outside than during the day, why is that.Isn't it because they want to be the first to know what rewards these three people can get.

The most exciting time has finally arrived. At this time, even Lin Yuexuan, Ma Zhihao, and Li Yang on the podium were very nervous. They were very excited, and they were also expecting that they would get what kind of reward.

But this time, Li Qingyun didn't make them wait too long.Because Li Qingyun found that Xixi and Hanghang had already started yawning, they were tired after playing all day.Li Qingyun also wanted to play early, and took the two little guys back to rest.

"The top three contestants will not only get the same prize as the six contestants just now, but they will also get a right elsewhere."

Hearing this, many people's hearts were raised. When they heard that what they got was not a real thing, but a right, many people felt very surprised, but no one raised any objections at this time.They all want to know what kind of rights can be used as rewards.

The puppet looked around at everyone's performance, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Now I have three lands here. You three can each choose one to develop. As long as you have the ability, it is also possible to develop them into a new main city. And from now on, everything in this city will be decided by you. "


The fairy's words just fell.The pot exploded below.

You know, for a long time, the Wulin Continent has only 8 main cities.

These are still built by the gods.

It's not that they don't want to build new cities, it's just that they haven't been able to make decisions.Even when Zhidaomeng built a headquarters in the suburbs, it could only do small things.Counting it up, it means building a village, at least they dare not say that they built a city.In order not to be approached by those gods.

For Hua-xia people, what is the most valuable thing.Of course it was land.

Whether it is used for growing food or for development, it is inseparable from the land.

Unexpectedly, now the Wulin Continent will give some land to reward the top three.

Now the fun will be great.

Don't look at Ma Zhihao and Li Yang as scattered people, but if they have land in their hands.Then it is entirely possible for them to become the future city lords.

It just depends on whether they have such big ambitions.

After all, with the land, is it afraid that no one will invest in the development?If they let the word out, it is guaranteed that many powerful forces will come to him.

Besides, if they really don't want to develop, they can still transfer the rights to it.At that time, holding a large sum of money will be enough for them to be chic for a long time.

Li Qingyun saw that most people were shocked by this news, and he was very satisfied with the effect.

Although let him do it by himself, a city can be built in half a night.But he didn't want to do such a thing again.There are still few people here, so he can help them. If there are more people in this small world after thousands of years, he doesn't want to be a 'nanny' all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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