Chapter 842

The two little guys didn't know where they learned the fallacies. They were satisfied, but Li Qingyun was depressed.

Originally, this is a very normal action in normal times, but for some reason, today he just feels very awkward, probably because there are two more light bulbs beside him.

Even though they were their own children, both Li Qingyun and Niuniu felt very unnatural.

If it wasn't for the fear that the two little guys would be sad, Li Qingyun and the others wouldn't even hug each other.And all of this was caused by Li Qingjing.If it wasn't for him, the two little guys wouldn't have known so much.Li Qingyun wrote down this account for her first, and there will be opportunities to deal with her in the future.

"Okay, it's getting late, you guys should sleep too."

"Well, I'll sleep on my father's side, brother, can you sleep on my mother's side?"

"Okay, okay." The two little guys didn't care whether Li Qingyun and the others had any opinions, and fell asleep next to Li Qingyun and the others.

This made Li Qingyun very depressed.Don't even dare to move.Because when he moved, Xixi's hand holding his arm would tighten, as if she was afraid that Li Qingyun would run away.

This night, Li Qingyun and Niu Niu didn't move at all.That is to say, they are cultivators. If they were ordinary people and maintained one movement for one night without even moving, their bodies would probably be numb the next day.

Obviously, such a situation will not happen to Li Qingyun and the others.

The next day, Xixi and Hanghang woke up early in the morning. After they opened their eyes, the first thing they did was to confirm whether Li Qingyun was still there.

When they found that Li Qingyun was looking at them with a smile, they were relieved.

It seems that Dad didn't lie to them.Now, the two little guys are finally relieved.

How else to put it, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.When Li Qingyun and the others went out with the two little guys in their arms, they saw Liu Zhigang and Li Qinglin all arrived.

"What day is it today? Don't you all have to be busy, Liu Zhigang, don't you have to work today? And Li Qinglin and the others are building a city. Why don't you have the tolerance to come to us?"

Li Qingyun was very curious about their arrival.

Liu Zhigang, as the general of Wulin Continent, also has a lot of things to do.After all, in a place as big as Xinmin City, many things happen every day, and he needs to deal with them.

Needless to say, Li Qinglin and the others.They are building a city.

Ever since they learned the earth magic from Li Qingyun, they have been on the road to building the city for a long time.Especially in the past month, they put most of their energy into building the city every day.

There is no time to run to Li Qingyun and the others.Li Qingyun also hasn't seen Li Qinglin for a long time.But I didn't expect that they would all come here today. Could it be that because of May Day, they also gave themselves a day off.

"Brother, I heard that you are going to divorce. What's going on, don't scare us."

"Yes, yes, brother, sister-in-law is such a good person, it's wrong for you to do this."

"That's right, brother-in-law, if you fail my sister, I will never end with you."

Li Qingyun's head grew dizzy when he heard what they said.

"Stop, who told you that I'm going to get a divorce, come out, see if I don't beat him to death, and you too, nothing, what are you talking about. It scares Xixi and Hanghang. Do you want to be beaten? .”

Li Qingyun was also very helpless at this time.He also finally knew why these busy people appeared here together. It turned out to be such a thing.

But I really don't know where they heard the news, isn't this a rumor.

"Ah. Here." Seeing Li Qingyun's face that looked like he was about to hit someone, Li Qinglin and the others were stunned.what happened.Is their news wrong?
"Wow, you are all bad people. If Xixi doesn't like you, father and mother won't divorce. Is it father?"

"Don't cry, baby, Xixi is right. Dad is not that kind of person. They are all villains, so let's ignore them, okay?"

"Well, Hanghang doesn't care about them anymore. Bad guys."

"Cough!" Li Qinglin and the others felt embarrassed at this time.They have never been kicked out of the house by Li Qingyun and the others.This time I really lost my face.

But this time, Niuniu didn't speak for them either.I really don't know how the news got to them.Li Qingyun drove them out, and only then did he start to find out the reason.

In Wulin Continent, as long as he wants to know the answer, he can't hide it at all.

"Li Qingjing, I'm going to kill you." Soon, Li Qingyun gritted his teeth and cried out.

That's right, the culprit of all this is Li Qingjing.

And the cause is.Li Qingjing happened to take a picture of Xixi telling Li Qingyun not to divorce yesterday.At that time Li Qingyun saw Xixi and the others crying.He didn't even notice Li Qingjing not far away.

And Li Qingjing didn't think much about it at the time, he thought.Such an interesting video, how can I only watch it by myself.Therefore, he shared it with Liu Zhigang and Li Qinglin.

So there was the scene just now.

Although Li Qingyun, Xixi and Hanghang explained clearly, but they are children after all, they are easy to coax, and they are willing to believe what Li Qingyun says.

And Liu Zhigang and Li Qinglin are also adults.They are not so easily fooled.From their point of view, Li Qingyun's words were likely to fool Xixi and Hang Hang.That's why they wanted to persuade them when they went to Li Qingyun's house today.

The result was the embarrassing scene just now.

Although Li Qingyun also knew that this was not Li Qingjing's original intention, maybe she just took it as a joke at the time, but she did not expect that the matter would develop to this point.

And at this time, Li Qingjing, who hadn't woken up yet, didn't know that Li Qingyun was waiting to take care of her, otherwise, she probably wouldn't be going out today.

"Xixi, Hanghang, don't worry, father and mother are doing well. If you don't believe me, go ask grandma and grandpa."


"Of course, it's more real than real gold." Li Qingyun assured him.

"Yes, mom also promises." Lin Qingwei also raised her hands at this time and said: "I said, you two little guys have so many ideas. Don't watch TV with your aunt in the future, it's all about teaching bad kids children's."

Speaking of this, Lin Qingwei was also very depressed, and she never thought that such a thing would happen.

Originally, she also liked watching TV with Li Qingjing very much.After all, as a girl, it's normal to watch TV to pass the time when you have nothing to do.

But after this happened, she didn't love those TV dramas anymore.

If it was in the past, if Li Qingyun asked them to ask grandma or grandpa, the two little guys would have gone to find grandpa and grandma long ago, but today they did not run away, each of them hugged an adult and did not let go.As if afraid that Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei would disappear.

To be honest, Li Qingyun was both happy and depressed seeing them like this.

The happy thing is that this is the first time they have been so attached to them since they were born for so long.

You know, ever since these two little guys were able to run away, they have never been so clingy to Li Qingyun and the others.

What is depressing is that the two lively children were frightened into such a state.Could Li Qingyun not be depressed?

If Li Qingjing was here at this time, Li Qingyun would have wanted to punish her.

"Xixi, Hanghang, why did you run into the arms of mom and dad? Come quickly and see what delicious food grandma made for you." Zhao Hongfang came out of the kitchen at this time.

"Hey, what about Qinglin and the others, they were still here just now. Why are there no one there?"

"Mom, they left beforehand, don't worry about them." Of course Li Qingyun didn't know Zhao Weihongfang, they were driven away by him, lest his mother say that he was not polite.

Fortunately, Zhao Hongfang didn't ask too much, because she quickly discovered the abnormality between Xixi and Hanghang.

The two little guys were unhappy yesterday.Zhao Hongfang also thought of many ways to coax them, but none of them became happy.

Later, she heard that the two little guys were missing their father, so she didn't care too much.

Children.It's normal to think about your parents.But why, now that Li Qingyun is on the side, they are still so unhappy.

"What happened to them?"

"It's okay, don't worry, when Li Qingjing was watching TV, these two little guys were frightened by what happened on TV, they will be fine in two days."

"What, Li Qingjing scared them. Hmph, this guy is itchy. See how I deal with her." Zhao Hongfang immediately jumped up when she heard Li Qingyun's words.

Then he walked towards Li Qingjing's room without saying a word.

Seeing his mother's back, Li Qingyun thought to himself, sister, sister, don't blame me, who told you not to watch TV dramas all day long, but to watch those bloody dramas.

Although Li Qingyun wanted to deal with her very much, but she was a girl after all, and it would be bad for Li Qingyun to do anything to her, but Li Qingyun couldn't bear it, so he could only use his mother's hand to deal with her.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Qingyun heard faint begging for mercy and Zhao Hongfang beating and scolding.

Although Li Qingjing's skills were no worse than Zhao Hongfang's, but Zhao Hongfang hit her, how dare she fight back.That is unfilial.

At this moment, Li Youde, who didn't know anything, walked up to Li Qingyun and the others and said, "Qingyun, what's the matter over there, making such a big commotion." Judging by his appearance, he didn't intend to fight at all.

(End of this chapter)

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