urban small world

Chapter 89 made a fortune

Chapter 89 made a fortune

Going up to the second floor, the first thing you see is a big living room, which Li Qingyun asked his father to reserve.The living room is very large, at least sixty to seventy square meters, but this living room is comparable to the area of ​​some houses in the city.

It's just that the living room is still very empty, there is nothing, even the electric light, there is only a small energy-saving lamp.Well, he can also understand that in the hearts of the older generation, everything should be frugal.

Fortunately, the walls are all whitewashed, and it only needs a simple decoration to move in.

Li Qingyun nodded.There is no rush for this, when you are free, go to the town to hire some workers, and it will be done in two days.

When Li Qingyun followed Zhao Hongfang to the bedroom prepared for him, Li Qingyun realized that compared to the living room, the bedroom was well decorated.

There was no shortage of beds, cabinets, etc. When Li Qingyun was packing his luggage, Zhao Hongfang opened the wardrobe, started to take things out, and started to make the bed.

Obviously, they didn't know that Li Qingyun would come back today, otherwise, they would have already made the bed, so why would they wait until now.

Moreover, Li Qingyun found that these things were still new, and Li Qingyun was very moved by this.

No matter how reluctant they are to spend money, they are also reluctant to spend it on themselves, but they are often very generous to their children.

No, although everything in this room is not a famous brand, but Li Qingyun knows that buying so many things will cost at least eight or nine thousand, or even tens of thousands.

After that, Li Qingyun turned around on the second floor and found that there were six or seven rooms here.In addition to his room, there is another room similar to his room.Everything is also prepared, probably for my sister.

There is only one bed in the other rooms, it is probably a guest room, in case a guest comes, you can take a rest.

And in the room next to the stairwell, Li Qingyun opened the door and went in to take a look, and knew that it was the room of his parents.

Because the furniture inside is very familiar, I have seen the big ones since I was a child.Although a new house has been built, they are still reluctant to throw those guys away.directly into their own room.

For some reason, Li Qingyun's eyes suddenly became moist.

The more his parents were like this, the more moved he was, and the more guilty he felt.

In the hearts of parents, their children are everything, what is good is always thinking about their children, but what about him.I have been in the small world for so long, and I never said to send some good things back home, even if it is some fruit or something.

This made him feel very guilty.

"Qingyun, the bed is all made, you can tidy up your luggage, you are tired from the car ride, take a rest when you are tired, your dad and I are going down to prepare dinner."

"No, I'm not tired. I'll go down with you. Wait a minute. I'll get something. Let's have something good tonight."

"You kid, you're shopping around again. Go quickly."

Although they were talking about Li Qingyun, it could be seen that both Li Youde and Zhao Hongfang were very happy.

I haven't seen my son for almost a year.Just seeing him makes them feel very happy.

Li Qingyun took out a large plastic bag from his bag.This was all prepared by Li Qingyun long ago.

These are some seafood that Li Qingyun got out of the space.

They taste much better than those on Earth.

Especially the abalones, which are bigger than a palm, make people drool just looking at them.

But when Li Qingyun opened the bag, Li Youde and Zhao Hongfang covered their noses.

"What are these? It's so fishy." Seeing their disgusted faces, Li Qingyun couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Well, for the inlanders, it is normal for them not to get used to the smell of seafood before.I remember that when he ate squid for the first time, he was not used to it.

But then gradually got used to it.

Well, some seafood tastes a bit stronger, and there is no way around that.They don't have the smell of the sea just because they grew up in a small world.If there is no such taste, is it still called seafood?
Seeing the appearance of his parents, Li Qingyun could only shake his head, and re-tied some smelly ones.Putting it aside, he guessed that these things, father and mother, would not be able to accept them in a short time.

But the abalone tasted good.When Li Youde and the others heard that this was not an abalone, they all surrounded him.

Because in their view, abalone and shark's fin are the most expensive seafood, so don't they just try to play like this on TV.

But they watched it for a long time, but they didn't see why the abalone didn't look like a fish.

If Li Qingyun knew what they were thinking, he would probably be depressed to death.

Ok.After working for a long time, only those abalones and some sea prawns could be accepted by Li Qingyun's big package of seafood, and they shook their heads as soon as they smelled the others.Li Qingyun could only throw them aside.

After that, Li Qingyun and Zhao Hongfang went to the field to pick vegetables.The former small courtyard still remained, but it was refurbished, and the vegetable fields inside were still there.These dishes are grown by my mother and eaten by herself, so they rarely use pesticides.Because there are some chickens at home.

Usually they will find bugs to eat by themselves in the vegetable field.Moreover, cooked chickens generally do not harm vegetables. They help to eat bugs, and their manure can also be used as fertilizer. The small courtyard maintains a good ecological balance.

Although there are all kinds of dishes in Li Qingyun's small world.There are seasonal ones and out-of-season ones, but at this time, he is not ready to show them.

After all, he just came back, if he said that he came back with vegetables all the way, maybe his mother and the others would suspect that Li Qingyun had mental problems.

In the past, there might not be many vegetables to eat in winter, but modern times are different.Scientists have developed many varieties of vegetables that are resistant to freezing. Even in the winter, there are many vegetables to eat.

At least Li Qingyun discovered that in their yard, there are a lot of cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, SH greens and big radishes.
There are almost ten kinds of vegetables.

Obviously, the two of Zhao Hongfang and the others can't eat so many vegetables at ordinary times, and she planted them specially for the Chinese New Year.Knowing that Li Qingyun and others will come back for the Chinese New Year, so I grow some vegetables myself, which is convenient and more at ease.

He said that he followed his mother to pick vegetables, but when Li Qingyun wanted to do it, his mother would still be in his way.In the end, most of them can only be watched from the side.

One afternoon, some people came to the door one after another, all of them were neighbors and Li Qingyun's uncles and aunts.

They heard that Li Qingyun was back, so they came to have a look.

Obviously, they all heard that Li Qingyun had made a fortune outside.

I don't know where this news came from, but many people believe it is true.

After all, people in the village still don't understand the situation of Li Qingyun's family.

At that time, Li Qingyun's father, Li Youde, in order to reduce the burden on the family, went out to work early to help support his younger brothers' education.

When they grow up and finish their studies, although they didn't get into college, the high school students from decades ago are still very popular, and it's better to mix one by one. people.

It can be said that they have all these, but Li Youde's dedication is indispensable.But after they are promising, especially after they get married, they look down on Li Youde as an elder brother.Therefore, the relationship between their brothers is not very good.Usually seldom come and go.

I don't know that they all came here today.

What Li Qingyun didn't know was that because their family suddenly built such a house, it was almost the largest and most beautiful house built in the whole village.

This also caused a sensation in the village.Don't they know how capable Li Youde is? For so many years, he has trained two college students, and he has almost wiped out all his money.If it was said that he still had money to repair the house, Li Qingyun's uncles were the first to not believe it.

Therefore, I don't know when Li Youde showed his mouth. Many of them knew that Li Qingyun paid all the money for the house repair.

Although they don't know what Li Qingyun is doing outside, they do know one thing, that is, Li Qingyun has made a fortune.

The reason why many people come to the door is not just to inquire about the news and see if they can make a small fortune along with it.

But it's a pity that their thoughts are good, Li Qingyun told them directly that he has no job now, otherwise he wouldn't have come back in a month before the Chinese New Year.

Of course, they didn't believe Li Qingyun's words, they only thought that Li Qingyun was fooling them.Many times when telling the truth, no one will believe it, Li Qingyun expressed his helplessness.

But those people didn't believe it, but Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde beside them believed it.

They were happy just now, but they never thought about why Li Qingyun came back so early.It's not true that he didn't have a job as he said.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible, otherwise, there would be no reason for him to come back so early, which job would have such an early holiday.

So, slowly their brows frowned.Because there were guests, they didn't have the time to ask more questions.But after those people left, Zhao Hongfang finally couldn't help asking: "Qingyun, are you really out of work?"

Li Qingyun was taken aback at the time. He didn't think of what he said to deal with those people, but his parents took it seriously. At this moment, he didn't know how to describe his feelings.Didn't you tell the truth and didn't believe it?Why did they believe it.Do you want to play with people like this?

Seeing the worried faces of his parents, Li Qingyun became even more depressed.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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