Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 105 Out of Silver Wolf Street

Chapter 105 Out of Silver Wolf Street

Lei Yiyi and Thunderstorm were already in position, they rushed out from the corner, and threw the bricks in their hands at the mechanical killer on the road.

The bricks of B-level fortifiers are not much weaker than bullets.

And the brick thrown by Lei Yiyi made a whistling sound, and the flight trajectory was almost without much arc, directly hitting the slender body of a mechanical killer.

The mechanical killer who was yelled at by Brick suddenly staggered two steps back to stabilize his body, and then pointed his gun at Lei Yiyi and Lei Tian.

Zhang Pingche pursed the corners of his mouth, and stood up abruptly holding the Thunder Snake.

Dynamic Vision Explosion!
Everything around seemed to be extremely slow, the trajectory of the bullet appeared clearly in front of Zhang Pingze's eyes, but the speed of the bullet was still astonishing, like a stone shot from a slingshot, it shot towards Zhang Pingze's position quickly.

Zhang Pingping was expressionless. Facing the oncoming bullets, the Razer anti-material sniper rifle was placed on the edge of the roof railing.


Clasping the fingers twice, the huge impact force was applied to the shoulders, making Zhang Pingche's body lean back a bit, and the second shot missed.

But even if the missed bullets passed by the edge of the mechanical killer's head, they exploded with terrifying force. Half of the mechanical killer's head was directly sliced ​​off by the bullet's blast, and the first shot aimed directly at the head. Even the upper body was torn away.

Razer anti-material sniper rifle, as the last generation of anti-material sniper rifle before the appearance of electromagnetic sniper rifle, its power is absolutely terrifying. If it is not because of the huge recoil force, which leads to the decrease of shooting accuracy, it will definitely become a generation of king gun. This is a terrifying killer that can even blast a hole in a star warship.

After firing two shots, Zhang Pingping took a deep breath, endured the discomfort in his shoulders, and then aimed at the remaining two robots that were distracted below.

Here, Lei Yiyi and Thunderstorm were running on the bullet stream, and the howling bullets formed a line of fire when they stretched out their hands.

Bright blood burst out, and Thunderstorm's thigh was directly pierced by stray bullets, bursting out a mass of blood.

Just when Thunderstorm was in despair, two gunshots echoed in the air, quieting the noisy world.

Zhang Pingping did not put away the Thunder Snake, but followed the sniper scope and scanned the surrounding situation again.

Zhang Pingze, who jumped out of the corridor with the Thunder Snake on his back, said to the people who were still waiting anxiously: "Thunderstorm is injured, and there are still a group of robots coming over, we have to leave quickly."

After finishing speaking like an endorsement, Zhang Pingche rushed out first.

Lei Yiyi grabbed Lei Tian's arm with one hand, carried Lei Tian who was almost twice her size, and ran over briskly.

"Brother Lei!" Yuan Long and a group of team members rushed to support the thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm shook his head: "It's okay, let's go."

Zhang Pingping glanced at Lei Tian, ​​then took out a small needle from his combat uniform, and gave Lei Tian a needle.

"He's fine. After a while, he will be able to move on his own, but he can't exercise vigorously." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Pingze didn't even hesitate at all, and directly gave Thunderstorm a shot of g94.

Although it is not good for the body, it is better than holding back and losing your life.

As for the less harmful g96
Zhang Pingze didn't give up, anyway, it wasn't his vitality that was lost.

The thunderstorm was stabbed with a needle, and his frown was slightly relieved.

Still leading the way.

While Zhang Pingze was on his way, he directly dialed the communication and called Chris.

The communication rang a lot, but Chris didn't get through.

After closing the communication page, Zhang Pingze didn't think much about it. He sent these students out first, and then went back to have a look. Perhaps Chris was in trouble, no, it should be that the army was in trouble.

The students in the mission team are at worst E-level enhancers, and their running speed is not weaker than the best [-]-meter athletes in the history of the interstellar history, even faster than them.

The mechanical killers on the path no longer gathered together, they were all scattered in the middle of the street to guard.

This undoubtedly reduced the difficulty of moving forward. Basically, all the mechanical killers encountered were shot in the head by Zhang Pingzheng.

Zhang Pingping led the crowd into the hidden self-service supermarket: "The exit is in front, if you leave Yinlang Street, there will be no robots."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Yuan Long breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

"There are two robots ahead." Zhang Pingze seemed to organize his sentence, and then said calmly.

"Um, I know, let's rush over." Yuan Long didn't understand what Zhang Pingze meant.

Zhang Pingze repeated: "There are two robots ahead."

"I know?" Yuan Long responded impatiently.

Lei Yiyi was sweating profusely, watching the awkward scene, then the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "Brother Zhang's sense of consciousness, there are only two robots in front, there must be something wrong."

Yuan Long was choked by Lei Yiyi's explanation. It was unreasonable for Zhang Pingping to play hints at such a critical moment.

"You just say it directly, you have to go around." Yuan Long complained.

Holding the gun, Zhang Pingche leaned against the door, held back for a while, and then said, "Sorry, I didn't think you might not understand."

After hearing this, Yuan Long's face also darkened. Why do these words sound so uncomfortable? Is it my brain circuit abnormality, or your brain circuit abnormality.

Zhang Pingze didn't probe out, but popped up the shooting function of his personal terminal, and then took pictures of the street scenes.

In the picture, two mechanical killers stand on both sides of the road like two door gods. The scanning equipment on their heads emits red light and scans back and forth.

The slender body, like a matchstick, shines silvery white under the light. The design concept of the mechanical killer is to reduce the hit area. The slender body makes the survival rate of the mechanical killer higher on the battlefield. The location is a narrow and long magazine, which is full of solid electromagnetic bullets. Even if the magazine is hit, it will not explode.

At the end of the street, there are two stick figures standing alone, how strange it looks.

Zhang Pingze wanted to move the device to another location, but at this moment, the mechanical killer standing on the street suddenly opened fire.

The howling bullets directly tore the strengthened glass door of the self-service store into pieces, and the yellow streamer drawn by the bullets flashed past Zhang Pingze's hand.

Zhang Pingping immediately withdrew his hand and walked a few steps into the store.

"What's going on, why was it discovered?" Lei Yiyi quickly retreated into the store.

A frown appeared on Zhang Pingping's calm face, then he raised his eyes and scanned his surroundings, and fixed his gaze on the monitoring facility beside him.

He took out the electromagnetic pistol and pointed it at the surveillance camera, just one shot.

"The entire Yinlang block is connected to the Internet, and they saw us through the camera." Zhang Pingze retracted the electromagnetic pistol and explained calmly.

"This is not a small project. It seems that this underground military factory has been operating in Yinlang District for many years. Well, it's a bit strange." Zhang Pingping was lost in thought.

"Brother Zhang, can we talk about this later, those two mechanical killers are coming." Lei Yiyi shouted, holding his head.

The shouts were covered by the sound of howling bullets and shattered glass, and the splashed glass shards could draw streaks of blood on the skin.

"I know. Hearing the gunshots, I guess it's still 100 meters away." Zhang Ping said calmly.

Yuan Long shouted at the top of his voice: "There is an alley opposite, we can rush over."

Zhang Pingping muttered calmly: "Don't wander around."

After the warning, Zhang Pingze continued to speculate on the question just now: "And I was thinking, since this military factory has existed in Silver Wolf for many years, what could make them suddenly become impatient?"

"I'll go! You can't do it anymore, if you don't go, let's go!" Looking at Zhang Pingping's calm eyes, Yuan Long couldn't stand it.

After Yuan Long finished speaking, he nodded to the two team members on the side.With a loud roar, he looked for the alley opposite the store and rushed out.

They obviously couldn't trust Zhang Pingche, who was starting to talk nonsense, and they were about to leave the self-service store first, rush into the alley opposite and escape.

Zhang Pingping looked at the three people calmly, and his eyes slowly turned with the movement of the three people, as if he was looking at a merry-go-round, turning away from his eyes.

 ps: The update has been resumed.

(End of this chapter)

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