Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 107 Steel Beast

Chapter 107 Steel Beast
Under the empty Silver Wolf Playground Ferris Wheel, a huge white mech with one arm rushed towards the fast crawling monster.

"Chris! Chris! Obey the command and retreat temporarily!!!"

There was an even more irritating voice in her ears, and Chris's sexy red lips opened a crazy arc.

"Retreat, sir!"

50 meters in front of the white bear mecha, a giant black beast with an unknown number of legs moving forward steadily and quickly, and the hard insect's back is covered with an unknown thick metal deck , There are actually all kinds of heavy weapons on the deck.

This is a B-rank Zerg that is armed to the teeth. It has a centipede-like body structure. It is ferocious and intelligent. Since its appearance until now, it has defeated two teams from the side, and even knocked off an arm of Ice Bear. .

The length of the body is more than [-] meters, and the height is four meters. Even if the white bear stands in front of it, it is like a large and delicious food.

There are five heavy weapons on the Zerg's back, all of which are protected by a metal fortress like a small bunker. It is not easy to destroy it.

Pale flames spewed out from behind the white bear, the booster had been fully activated, and the speed of the white bear reached the limit. Under the dim light, only a white light and shadow could be seen flashing by.

Outside Silver Wolf Street, the rear command vehicle.

"My left hand is gone, but I still have my right hand. I still have my legs without my right hand. Today, I will definitely tear you to pieces." Chris's violent voice was transmitted back to the command room.

The commander slammed the tactical headset on the table in agitation: "Asshole, Chris is a lunatic."

However, after a moment of sulking, the commander grabbed the headset again and quickly issued an order: "The first team and the second team will immediately integrate at the carousel in the Silver Wolf Playground, and the third team will provide long-range fire support , first knock out the heavy weapon on that damn bug’s back.”


The commander looked at the various light spots on the map in front of him, and his forehead was slightly sweaty. Originally, the third team was responsible for suppressing the resistance of the armed personnel in the military factory with the commando team. Now the third team pulled out, and the commando team had no fire support. , I am afraid that casualties are inevitable.

"This tm is war, what are dead people!" The commander cursed in a low voice irritably, in a very bad mood.

Although Chris was the officer in name, he was basically the one who worried about the training and combat of the soldiers. He didn't want to see his own soldiers get injured or even die.

"Asshole, Chris, I will sue you to a court-martial when I come back this time." The commander slapped the table and shouted at the communicator.

Chris's crazily laughing came next: "Just tell me, I've already spent enough time in this hellish place, it's best to let me go to the front line."

In the midst of Chris's crazily laughing, Ice Bear's huge body jumped up directly, facing the bunker with tongues of flames on the worm's back, pulled out the particle sword behind it, and slashed away.

Hot sparks erupted on the worm's back like fireworks, illuminating the dark ferris wheel.

The particle sword cut on the metal bunker, like molten iron falling from a high altitude, splashing countless dazzling sparks on the ground.

"It's so fucking tough!" Chris controlled the white bear to jump onto the worm's back, and couldn't help cursing as she looked at the metal bunker with just a cut.

The white bear's broad palm gripped the particle sword tightly, and pulled out the particle sword embedded in the metal bunker. The scorching sword drew an arc in the air, and slashed at the metal bunker again.

"Hahaha! Cool!" Chrissy's maniacal laughter reached the commander's ears, and the commander's head was bulging with veins.

The giant beast had already sensed that the white bear had jumped onto itself, and its long worm body quickly coiled up, and the heavy weapons on the worm's back were pointed at the white bear one after another.

The commander yelled at the communicator: "Chris, dodge immediately! The weapons at seven o'clock, nine o'clock, and eleven o'clock have locked you!"

Chris shook her head violently, and immediately saw the shells ejected from the dark muzzle.

How could Chris, who was in a frenzy, retreat, swung the huge particle sword and slashed at the oncoming high-explosive bomb.

In the state of madness, all the functions of Chris's body have been greatly improved. In addition, the speed of the high-explosive bomb is inherently slow. This sword slashed at the high-explosive bomb impartially.


The flames soared into the sky, and the mushroom cloud of the explosion rose, and the heavy body of the white bear was directly lifted up in the huge explosion, like a dilapidated rag doll, rolling in the air.

The huge body of the white bear rolled in the air for a distance of nearly [-] meters before it slammed into the pool where the rapids were rushing forward with a splash, splashing soaring into the sky.

"Chris? Chris? Call Chris, please call back!" The commander shouted anxiously into the communication.

At this time, the fire assistance from the third team also arrived, and the electromagnetic gun that had been set up was fully charged, and it suppressed the firepower on the insects that were surrounded by the body and were also affected by the explosion.

The metal fortress of the worm was finally destroyed by the repeated bombardment of high-explosive bombs and white bears.

But the current situation of Chris is unknown. The commander kept calling, and the anxious expression on his face became more and more intense.

"Cough, cough, cough!" A violent cough came from the communication, and the commander was relieved.

Chris shouted in a bad tone: "What's the name of the ghost! I'm not dead yet."

The commander breathed a sigh of relief: "Can you obey the order and obey the command?"

"Didn't I listen to your order?" Chris's tone was a little weak, as if she seemed a little tired, "If you let me go, I will go, what else do you want?"

"I told you to go up, you did go up, I told you to retreat, why didn't you retreat?" the commander said angrily.

"Hehe, you're just a conductor, and I've already given you face by obeying half of your orders." Chris sneered.

Holding the grass, big sister, do you want to be so willful? The commander had a wonderful expression on his face beeping a dog.

Just then, the roar of an old-fashioned engine came.

"Command! There is a car driving over in a strange way!" The guard soldiers outside shouted immediately.

The commander was a little suspicious, whether the brains of his little guards had been kicked by bugs, and a car drove over, so they drove over, why did they still do it in a strange way.

He tilted his head and glanced at the road outside.

Commander, he has a big trough expression on his face.

Sure enough, it was a strange way.

How to describe it?Serpentine walk, s route
It's definitely not a person drinking alcohol, it's definitely a car drinking alcohol, otherwise he wouldn't be able to drive so crazily.

The speed of the car was a bit high, and the body was shaking from side to side. From time to time, one wheel was only a centimeter off the ground, and it looked like it was about to roll over.

When this old-fashioned car, which made the most of the S-curve, drove up in front of it, many bewildered soldiers remembered their work, and pointed their guns at the old-fashioned car one after another.

The door opened, and Zhang Pingze, with a calm expression on his face, got out of the cab.

On the other side, Lei Yiyi jumped out of the car door directly, his face pale and frightening, the moment he got off the car, the expression on his face was like that of a drowning person who finally climbed back to the shore.

With a plop, Lei Yiyi knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground, his face was pale, and his body kept shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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