Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 121 Notes on Lonely Life

Chapter 121 Notes on Lonely Life

After Zhang Pingping went to the bathroom, he returned to his seat, passing by Ye Lian's place.

Ye Lian nodded familiarly.

Sitting back in her seat, Lei Yiyi was still lying on the window, looking out.

Zhang Pingchee squeezed out the small plastic sheet, looked at the three small pills lying inside, looked at these three small pills, suddenly for some reason, remembered the tactile sensation of his fingers just now.

"Is it possible to have sleeping pills without side effects?" Zhang Pingze wanted to immediately throw the pill into the material analysis machine and analyze it again.

"Brother Zhang, when are we going to take off?" Lei Yiyi asked while lying on the window and watching the floating ships soaring into the sky with fascination.

Zhang Pingze looked at the time: "There are still 15 minutes."

"There are still 15 minutes." Lei Yiyi sat back in her seat, a little entangled.

"Brother Zhang, we went to Yunchuan District, do you have time to go out for a stroll?"

"What are you shopping for?"

"Shopping, the Internet said that there are many ancient cities in Yunchuan District, and it is said that they are all buildings before the interstellar calendar."

Zhang Pingche said coldly: "They are all renovated. If they were really buildings before the interstellar calendar, they would have collapsed a long time ago."

Lei Yiyi - depressed face.

Yunchuan District is a tourist attraction in China and even the world. With the improvement of the earth's environment, the already beautiful surface features have become more charming. As long as Yunchuan District is mentioned on the Internet, a lot of travel guides will immediately appear.

That's why Lei Yiyi is so excited. The beautiful natural scenery of Yunchuan District obviously makes Lei Yiyi yearn for it.

"After this competition, I'll go and tell that old lady Chris that she will definitely give us a vacation and let us have a good time in Yunchuan District." Lei Yiyi clenched her small fists and said firmly and confidently.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi's hand, which was originally smooth and fair, but now there were some scars that could not be removed.

"When we arrive in Yunchuan District, I'll accompany you for a stroll." Zhang Pingping said calmly, "By the way, go to the supplies store in the competition area and buy a pair of gloves."

Lei Yiyi realized something, and immediately withdrew her hand, as if she was afraid of seeing the ugly scar on her hand.

"Actually, the scars on the skin are easy to eliminate." Just then a warm voice came from one side.

Lei Yiyi and Zhang Pingze raised their heads at the same time, and that voice had the magnetism to make one's heart beat faster.

"You are?" Lei Yiyi looked inexplicably at the gentle and generous woman in front of her who looked like the big sister next door.

White collar with a lace inner shirt, a large fresh green coat, a layer of slim black straight-leg pants on the straight and well-proportioned legs, the smile on the face is gentle like the warm sunshine , the face is exquisite and beautiful, but it is not amazing, but very attractive.

All in all, this is a beautiful woman who cannot be hated no matter what.

"Hello, my name is Ye Lian." Ye Lian tilted his head and smiled, but did not overstep.

"I just met because of some things." Zhang Pingze said it directly without waiting for Lei Yiyi to ask.

Lei Yiyi swallowed back the question on her lips: "Then sister, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Lian touched her face, and smiled awkwardly: "I saw that your hand was hurt, and I thought you might need help, so I came here. I'm really sorry to bother you."

Looking at Ye Lianwei's embarrassed smile, Lei Yiyi also felt that her attitude seemed a little too blunt, so she smiled apologetically.

When not facing the perverted Chris, Lei Yiyi is actually a very gentle girl.

This may be the natural attribute of mutual restraint.

"This is a hand cream I made myself. It's very effective in removing scars. You can try it." Ye Lian rummaged through the small bag she carried with her, and then handed out a crude thing that looked like a small toothpaste tube.

"The packaging is a bit ugly, but it's really easy to use, and it has good whitening and moisturizing effects." Ye Lian said with a smile.

Lei Yiyi looked at the ointment handed over, looked at Ye Lian, and then at Zhang Pingche.

Zhang Pingping's eyes were calm without any fluctuations: "Thank you very much."

After hearing this, Lei Yiyi also had a smile on his face, took the ointment with both hands, and smiled a little happily: "Thank you, Sister Ye."

Ye Lian smiled and waved his hands: "It's just some gadgets I made myself, it's nothing precious."

"Sister Ye Lian, what do you do for work? You still do this?" Lei Yiyi asked.

"I'm just a little pharmacist, and I made my sister laugh."

"No, Sister Ye Lian is very powerful. Isn't biopharmaceuticals all high-end jobs?" Lei Yiyi subconsciously thought that the nature of Ye Lian's work was similar to Zhang Pingping's research.

"." Zhang Pingze sat indifferently and calmly between the two women, "Biological pharmacy and pharmacist are not the same profession."

Ye Lian couldn't help but scratched her soft shoulder-length hair with a wry smile: "Indeed, it's not a job, I'm just in charge of drug matching."

Lei Yiyi nodded: "That's amazing."

"It's a very common occupation." Zhang Pingze interjected again.

Lei Yiyi looked depressed, Brother Zhang, you don't know how to chat, can you stop talking?
"Ha, that's it for now. I'll go to the bathroom first, and we'll talk later when I have time." Ye Lian was a little embarrassed, turned around, waved his hand and said goodbye.

"Well, okay." Lei Yiyi smiled and waved his hands.

After sending Ye Lian away, Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingze with a depressed face: "Brother Zhang, you know, it's easy for you to have no friends like this."

"I'm telling the truth." Zhang Pingze said calmly, unmoved at all.

"And I don't understand, why do you praise the other party by saying those adjectives that are completely unrealistic?"

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi, and said that I have no friends anymore, why?If you have the ability, you come to bite me.

Lei Yiyi sighed helplessly, and shook the ointment in her hand: "Anyway, sister Ye Lian also gave me something, you should understand the reason why you eat people with a short mouth and treat people softly."

"I didn't take it again." Zhang Pingche blurted out.

"You! Brother Zhang, you are destined to be an orphan." Lei Yiyi supported his forehead.

Zhang Pingping touched the three pills in his pocket, he was a little confused, could these three pills be regarded as the category of soft hands?

Forget it, these three pills are not for use, they are just curious about the ingredients, and I am going to go back and study it.

As for the lonely life, just ignore it, pets are enough, what kind of girlfriend do you want.

Lei Yiyi looked at the upright Zhang Pingchee, sighed, and stood up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

After speaking, Lei Yiyi got up and went to the bathroom.

"There are still 5 minutes before the take-off time. Passengers, please take your seat immediately, press the safety lock button on the left hand side, and repeat. It's time to take off."

Lei Yiyi returned to her seat with a happy face until she was prompted to take off.

A green shadow floated by, and Ye Lian had just returned from the bathroom.


Under Lei Yiyi's surprised eyes, the hovercraft lifted off steadily.

Looking at the increasingly smaller ground, Lei Yiyi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Sit down." Zhang Pingping stretched out his hand and turned Lei Yiyi's head.

When the slightly rough palms touched her smooth face, Lei Yiyi's face suddenly turned red, and that kind of intimacy obviously made Lei Yiyi very happy.

Immediately afterwards, the hovership began to accelerate slowly, and a faint feeling of pushing back came from the seat.

Then the feeling of pushing the back became stronger and stronger, Lei Yiyi sat on the seat, his whole body stuck to the backrest, feeling the strong feeling of pushing the back, feeling extremely excited.

Looking out of the window, the clouds outside the window quickly receded backwards, as if entering a space-time tunnel.

Rush to the sky.

The floating ship is above the white clouds, galloping fast, the next is a sea of ​​clouds like mountains, it looks spectacular and beautiful, under the setting sun, all the clouds are dyed red, the whole sea of ​​clouds is like a rough red ocean, churning There was a huge red wave.

At this time, the speed of the hovercraft gradually stabilized, and the feeling of pushing back gradually disappeared, and a gentle electronic female voice came from the radio.

Lei Yiyi looked at the red sea of ​​clouds outside the window, with a bewildered look in his eyes.

"It's so beautiful!" Lei Yiyi lay on the window, her face pressed against the glass made of special material, slightly deformed.

"In the future, we will see more beautiful scenery." Zhang Pingping looked out of the window calmly, without any fluctuations in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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