Chapter 127 Deja Vu
The confrontation between the two beauties is also quite eye-catching. You must know that in the youth fighting competition, girls have always been a scarce resource. This year is lucky, and two beautiful beauties directly appeared.

After finishing speaking, Tang Mingkong took a group of people and sat down at the due east position. After taking the seat, her two slender long legs were stacked up and down, and the aura of one person suppressed the audience. It seemed that she was the focus of the audience, the absolute king. .

Then came in the Smecta area with a somewhat ugly face.

Looking at the location, Smecta District had no choice but to sit in the middle of the Bay Area and Nanguang District. During this period, no one paid attention to the people in Smecta District.

After a brief silence, the door opened again, and a team wearing thick robes walked in. This team was like a beast, and everyone was big and thick, as strong as a real yak.

Everyone has a special blush on their faces, which looks like the true color of the skin, giving people a rough and wild beauty.

"Every team in the new snow area is a real beast." Chris said calmly, crossing her legs.

Zhang Ping, who had seen the related videos, nodded. The style of play in the new snow area is mainly wrestling. With that terrifying physique and strength, all opponents caught will inevitably be thrown to vomit blood.

But there seemed to be something else mixed in with their beastly ranks.

For the underpants in Nanguang District, a burst of wolf howling and whistle sounded again, aiming at the center of the team in the new snow area.

However, the frivolous whistle of Nanguang District attracted great dissatisfaction from this group of brawny men. Their eyes, like copper bells, fixed on the colorful pants of Nanguang District, and there was a faint and strong smell of blood. Let it out.

"It is said that the teams in the new snow area have different training methods, and it seems that the rumors are true." Chris looked like she was watching the show, shaking her round and attractive long legs.

Such a strong smell of blood must have seen blood before.

But in the face of the pressure from the new snow area, a group of hooligan-like guys in Nanguang District were not afraid at all. With smiles on their faces, they took off their sunglasses and glanced straight at the middle of the team in the new snow area.

Right in the middle of the team in the new snow area, there is a woman wearing a characteristic light red gown. Her face is covered by a wide hat, but her slim figure cannot be concealed.

The whole body exudes a mature poppy-like temperament, the tall figure, the Oupai who is above the proportions that are ready to appear, any normal guy, people can't help looking forward to, the appearance under the hood .

The most important thing about Dangre was that there was such a thin and beautiful woman in the team in the new snow area, which made people feel incredible and made people even more curious.

What is the appearance of a beautiful woman bred in the rough snowfall area?

This thought is like a hundred claws scratching the heart, scratching people's curiosity.

"Beauty, what are you covering up, take off your hat, and let us see how beautiful the flowers in the new snow area are." The captain of Nanguang District smiled, swinging his feet in slippers.

But the other team members in the new snow area glared at these people with impure eyes like angry bulls.

The girl who was protected in the middle walked past the people in the front row of the Central District following the movement of the new snow team.

However, just before the eyes of the people passing by the Central District, a sudden change occurred. No matter how others whistled and pleaded, the woman in the red robe, who was unmoved, suddenly stopped in front of the Central District, with a slender body. It seemed to be trembling slightly.

The two hands hidden in the sleeves only grabbed the wide sleeves.

The people in the Central District were also very confused, they didn't understand what the woman was going to do. Compared with the team in the Nanguang District, they were much more reserved, and they didn't seem to have provoked this woman in other places.

"Mei Duo! What's the matter, is someone bullying you? Tell me, and I will teach him a lesson for you!" The man next to the girl in red immediately said angrily in a thick voice.

The flowers in their new snow area are absolutely not allowed to be bullied by others, otherwise they, the elders of the new snow area, will be laughed at when they go back.

"No, no." The voice of the girl in red who seemed a little nervous trembled.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Pingze raised his head and turned off the topographic projection of Mount Emei in his hand. The voice was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

After Zhang Pingping raised his head, the nervous red-clothed girl suddenly became more agitated, and suddenly raised her hand to take off her hat.

An exquisite baby face, slowly revealed from under the hood, with exquisite and perfect features, looks a bit like a child who has not grown up, but his figure is very hot, which makes people feel a little incredible.

Perhaps the two styles of innocence and maturity should be in conflict, but they are perfectly combined in this girl in red. The face of an angel and the figure of a devil are the most appropriate descriptions.

The moment his face was revealed, there was a strange cry immediately.

The girl's skin is not too fair, but has a blush like a red apple, which seems to be related to the geographical scope of her life.

Zhang Pingping looked at the girl calmly: "You know me?"

When the girl heard Zhang Pingche's words, she suddenly panicked and waved her hands: "No, no, I think you look familiar, and you recognized the wrong person."

"Oh." Zhang Pingchen lowered his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

Seeing Zhang Pingchen lower her head, the girl's face showed a trace of relief and entanglement.

"Mei Duo, do you really know him? I heard you said that you were bullied at school, so you transferred to another school. He shouldn't be the one who bullied you." Said politely.

"You can talk, but don't point your fingers randomly?" Lei Yiyi stood up suddenly, and looked coldly at the tall and strong man like a bison.

The behavior of the red-clothed woman misidentifying people also made Lei Yiyi feel a little bored, and her intuition told her that that woman must have crossed paths with Zhang Pingche, how could she just misidentify the wrong person with that complicated look.

They must have known each other before, Lei Yiyi came to a conclusion in her heart, before agreeing to Zhang Pingche's invitation from the Martial God Project, Lei Yiyi didn't know what Zhang Pingche was doing all day long, maybe at some point in the past, she accidentally hurt him. A girl's heart, but she doesn't know it.

"If you are a man, stand up and don't hide behind women." The rough man said to Zhang Pingping, his bull's eyes seemed to swallow Zhang Pingping alive.

"Yixi, you made a mistake. I don't know him, but I just know him well." The girl called Mei Duo stretched out her hand to stop her, her feet flicked, and she directly blocked the strong man who was about to fight at the slightest disagreement.

"I really haven't seen her before." Zhang Pingze raised his head and said truthfully.

Only then did Yixi put away her aggressive posture, shook her head, and led everyone in the new snow area to find a place to sit down.

Mei Duo bowed apologetically, and then left.

"That big guy looks like he's plotting something, but it looks like the girl won't dump him, hahaha." Feng Yuming teased and gossiped.

Lei Yiyi patted Feng Yuming who was sitting next to Zhang Pingze: "Let's change seats."

"Yes, Sister Yi!" Feng Yuming turned over and jumped to the back row.

Lei Yiyi sat next to Zhang Pingche, her face seemed to be immersed in shadows.

"Brother Zhang, do you know that woman?" Lei Yiyi's voice seemed chilly.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi's uncertain face, touched his chin: "The voice sounds familiar, but I can't remember it."

Lei Yiyi raised her head and showed a sweet smile, but it was a smile, but there was a whizzing cold wind: "Is that the little girlfriend of Brother Zhang from long ago or something? Or the guy who had a crush on you."

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi who was smiling brightly but exuding resentment, and said calmly: "I used to take care of you, I don't remember the others."

Lei Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and blushed instantly: "What, what, what kind of care, obviously, entanglement."

Seeing Lei Yiyi stumbling and blushing, Zhang Pingping reached out and touched Lei Yiyi's head: "Stop messing around."

Lei Yiyi, who was suddenly touched on the head, almost spewed hot steam, her face was extremely red with embarrassment.

But the person who touched the head didn't have the consciousness to make a pampering expression at all, with a cold face, as if he was touching his pet, and mechanically followed the hair.

It seems to be touching pets?
This pet seems to always love the lower limit of IQ. When it comes to a woman with whom he shows a little relationship, Lei Yiyi's daily IQ is off the line.

Why is that?Zhang Pingzheng was a little puzzled, his hands were still mechanically smoothing Lei Yiyi's hair.

This trick is not only effective for ordinary pets, but also seems to have excellent effects on humanoid pets.

Feng Yuming, who was behind, leaned forward and back with a smile, looking at the harmonious and strange scene in front of him, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: "I'm afraid I only have a coffin face, and I can handle Sister Yi submissively."

Just when Lei Yiyi was about to lie on Zhang Pingze's lap, a soft notification sound appeared, and the light screen in front of the lounge began to change.

Starting from the far left, quickly scrub out various data.

The first thing to appear is the data of the Bay Area teams that have already arrived.

"Lin Feng, reinforcement level C, normal."


Everyone cheered up and looked at the constantly refreshing data.

These reinforcement levels are very important information.

"The team strength in the Bay Area is so average? Except for Lin Feng, they are all D-level enhancers. This average strength is easy to deal with or difficult to deal with. There is no special strength, but everyone is not weak. "Yu Wenqing smiled gently, and said in Tang Mingkong's ear as if planning a plan.

Tang Mingkong crossed his legs, raised his chin, and said proudly: "In my opinion, their entire team is a weak point."

Yu Wenqing smiled helplessly and shook his head.

 Ps: Today is the [-] update, Niaofeng tried his best, the high fever has not subsided, and his physical condition is very poor.

(End of this chapter)

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