Chapter 133 Flip
While speaking, Wang Xuan and Feng Yuming had already exchanged hands.

The ancient martial arts inheritance of Qitian Pavilion is Qitianquan, which is an improved boxing method based on the monkey boxing in ancient martial arts. What came was comparable to a storm, a sky-high combo.

Qi Tianquan is characterized by flexibility and explosiveness.

As for Wang Xuan's footwork, it was obvious that he had entered the room, stepping up and down, the whole person seemed to be not touching the ground, flexible like an ape.

Feng Yuming couldn't keep up with Wang Xuan's footsteps at all, so he could only stick to his spot and turn around quickly to face Wang Xuan's sneak attacks that were almost everywhere.

There is nothing wrong with the saying that if you stay for a long time, you will lose. After more than a dozen rounds of harassing fighting, Feng Yuming's consciousness and pace became somewhat dull.

"The players in the Central District seem to have lost their physical strength, and they can no longer keep up with the speed of Wang Xuan in the Shanghai District." Tomato, the commentator in the live broadcast room, explained quickly and viciously.

And the other commentator, Ozawa, also nodded: "I have to say, it's a disciple of Qitianguan, this skill is really amazing, not to mention the difference in strength between the two, I think it is Feng Yuming's strength is the same as Wang Xuan's, so I'm afraid he's no match either."

"How can the inheritance of the Monkey King be child's play? It seems that there is no suspense in this situation."

"But Ozawa, I thought of a question. The players in the Central District should be professional, so why did they run out of energy so quickly?"

"You just don't understand this. Wang Xuan's Youdou is not about chaotic walking. There are skills in it. These special skills can make the defending side consume more energy than the attacking side. But I can’t say it.”

Lei Yiyi nervously looked at the two figures on the stage: "Brother Zhang, is Feng Yuming about to lose?"

"Not necessarily." Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the figures on the stage who were constantly colliding and then separating.

After another round of fighting, Feng Yuming's side was exposed, and he seemed to be a little unresponsive. Wang Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately made a move and rushed straight to Feng Yuming's side.

The moment Wang Xuan rushed forward, he used both fists and feet, which looked like a monkey fighting, but the offensive was extremely sharp, and the dancing of his hands and feet almost formed an insurmountable wind wall.

"This is Qitian combo." Tomato exclaimed, showing excitement.

Ozawa laughed and said, "It's Qi Tian Combo, also known as Crazy Monkey Flurry. It seems that the winner is over. Wait, the contestants in the central area have also moved."

Tomato also exclaimed: "It's moving, fight recklessly, my god and Qi Tian fight recklessly, what kind of move is this!!"

Facing the attack like a storm, Feng Yuming faced the attack like a storm. Although many places on his body were injured in an instant, he resisted the attack.

Feng Yuming's face, arms, and legs were full of scratches, bruises, and footprints. These were just the damage caused by Qi Tian's combo attack at the moment. This kind of violent attack speed is simply against common sense.

But the faster the movement, the more floating the center of gravity, and the seemingly sharp place is also the weakest place, Feng Yuming recklessly slammed into it, directly smashing Wang Xuan's next offensive.

Just when Wang Xuan was about to jump away and look for an opportunity again, Feng Yuming's eighth-level chain punch caught up.

Stepping forward, he caught up with the retreating Wang Xuan in a straight line.

Facing the punch that had just come on, Wang Xuan was startled, and pressed his hand directly on Feng Yuming's raised punch from the bottom up. The whole person suddenly rose into the air, and leaped backwards.

But once the Bajiquan road is unfolded, how can it return without success? Feng Yuming is like a cannonball, rushing out all the way, only to move forward, clinging to Wang Xuan who is looking for a chance to fight .

If you sacrifice yourself and hurt others, you don't have the guts. If you don't go close to your body, you won't be able to exert the power of Bajiquan. This is what Feng Yuming realized by himself after learning this set of serial boxing from Lei Yiyi.

Zhang Pingze said that in the entire fighting department, only Feng Yuming has a good understanding, even surpassing Lei Yiyi.

It took only a few days for Yin Yang to get started, but Feng Yuming had practiced this eight-level chain boxing for nearly a month.

Wang Xuan was directly forced to retreat again and again, unable to even organize a decent counterattack.

Although he was not injured, Wang Xuan fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Feng Yuming's face and body were covered with scratch marks, bleeding out, but his face became more and more excited. He was an E-level enhancer, and he could beat a D-level enhancer. Although he was not as perverted as Zhang Pingche, Feng now Yuming already felt the power of the ancient martial arts taught by Zhang Pingping and Lei Yiyi.

Seeing that the two of them were almost hitting the edge of Chan Wutai.

A flash of determination flashed in Wang Xuan's eyes, his feet stopped abruptly, and he stopped retreating. His flexible legs kicked directly at the knee of Feng Yuming's front leg.

Feng Yuming was in pain, and his knees were bent, and his next movements were immediately disrupted, revealing his empty door.

Wang Xuan slammed up close to him, like a crazy monkey, launched a crazy attack, jumped up directly, and rode on Feng Yuming's body, with both hands moving, he smashed at both sides of Feng Yuming's neck.

How could Feng Yuming have thought that Wang Xuan would jump on him, he was hit immediately, and backed up again and again, but Wang Xuan's feet hooked his legs, Feng Yuming directly fell backwards with Wang Xuan .

Wang Xuan rode on Feng Yuming's body, with one hand forming a claw, pinching Feng Yuming's throat, with red eyes on his face, his chest heaving violently.

Feng Yuming let go of his hands, signaling that he would stop resisting.

Seeing Wang Xuan looking like he was about to kill someone, Feng Yuming was a little afraid that this guy would really ruthlessly kill him, directly crushing his own throat.

"The game is over, the game is over!!" The referee shouted loudly.

Whether it was the live broadcast room or the netizens, they all held their breath and stared at the two people in the field. Wang Xuan looked like he was going to eat people.

But in the end Wang Xuan still came to his senses, took a deep breath, and slowly stood up.

The knees of both legs, because they were placed under Feng Yuming's body, were already bloody from being knocked on the ground.

"In the first game, Shanghai District won."

Feng Yuming rolled his eyes: "The baby is scared to death."

Although a lot of blood was scratched on his face, they were all skin injuries, Feng Yuming didn't care, he just stood up and patted his buttocks and ended up.

On the contrary, Wang Xuan was helped down by the medical staff because of injuries to his knees.

The two anchors in the live broadcast room also wiped off their cold sweat: "The battle just now was so exciting. I don't know what to say anymore."

"Yes, this kind of competition is simply too exciting, let's present barrage for our players on both sides."



[I was so scared that my pants fell off]

[No counterattack, unhappy]

The Internet is still noisy, but the second round of the live game has already started.

"Shanghai District, Qi Fengdong." A young man dressed in black, with short hair, and ordinary appearance stood calmly on the Chan Wutai.

"Um, Central District, Zhao Pingming, I admit defeat." Zhao Pingming raised his hand speechlessly.

[This 6, came up to sign up, and then said that I surrendered, it made me laugh. 】

Qi Fengdong turned around and stepped off the stage without stopping.

"Central District, Zhang Pingchee." Zhang Pingchee walked up to the Chanwu Stage slowly, with a calm expression on his face without any emotion.

 Ps: Sure enough, the detailed description is too troublesome. Not many people can understand it without talking about it.Or that you like to write realistically.

(End of this chapter)

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