Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 139 Individual Competition

Chapter 139 Individual Competition (6)

The inexplicable smiles of Lei Tian and Feng Yuming aroused Lin Zonglin a little.

At the beginning of the third round, Lin Zonglin stepped onto the stage directly: "Nanguang District, Lin Zonglin."

Let the boss come on stage directly, what do you guys do?
Lin Zonglin also has confidence in himself. As a B-level enhancer, he doesn't think he will lose to anyone except Thunderstorm.

"I originally wanted to snipe at their captain or that Zhang Pingche, but now it's probably a bit difficult." Lin Zonglin narrowed his eyes and thought.

"Lin Zonglin is on the field. This time, the Central District is a bad move. They actually dispatched the thunderstorm prematurely. Who can fight against Lin Zonglin now?"

Qi Fengdong shook his head slightly. Even he didn't dare to be careless in the face of Lin Zonglin, a B-level enhancer. Now that there is no thunderstorm in the central area, who can restrain him?It's too easy to think five to zero.

If the score is [-]-[-], then the central area, which was deliberately targeted, may have a turning point. As long as it is stable in the third round and can score three to four points, it can still keep the top three rankings.

"It's too urgent." Yu Wenqing unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, "Zhang Pingping is still too anxious to deal out the strongest hole card in advance."

Tang Mingkong looked at Lin Zonglin standing on the stage and curled his lips: "What's the rush? Do you want to know what the problem is?"

Yu Wenqing regained his composure again: "Of course, I was a little puzzled just now, why the Central District is so eager to win, now it suddenly becomes clear."

"Don't tell me directly." Tang Mingkong said grimly.

"We have indeed greeted the captains of other districts and promised conditions, but such a verbal oath is like a double-edged sword. It can hurt others as well as ourselves. As I said, the purpose of this joint is to Just for the sake of suppressing the Central District, they will definitely guarantee their points and reach a tie for second or third, and then the team competition will see the true chapter."

"Zhang Pingze obviously guessed that I may not be able to influence the thoughts of other teams, so I want to directly use alienation tactics to directly make other teams doubt us, thereby disrupting my deployment. The first step of the quarrel, [-]-[-], the Central District has won, and [-]-[-], we have won."

"Hmph." Tang Mingkong snorted coldly and didn't comment because she didn't understand.

Yu Wenqing also knew Tang Mingkong's character, so he smiled softly.

"The Central District scored five points in the first round, and Nanguang District, which has an agreement with us, is stimulated by this blow. It is difficult to guarantee that we will not suspect that we have an affair with the Central District and rely on the Central District to suppress Nanguang District. This possibility It is also completely established. Lin Zonglin is a little clever and conceited. If he suspects it, and Zhang Pingze's fueling the flames, he may directly bite us back and fight with Nanguang District. It is definitely not a good choice. At that time, we will only lose to both sides, and the central region will be reaping the benefits."

With such an explanation, Tang Mingkong understood a little bit.

"I have to say, it's quite a calculation. Even in an absolutely disadvantaged situation, you can still do this step." Yu Wenqing turned to look at Zhang Pingze, who was sitting in the team in the central area, with his usual expression.

Tang Mingkong looked at the excited light in Yu Wenqing's eyes, crossed his legs, and smiled with his lips curled up: "So that's why you suppressed the Central District?"

She didn't know how long, she hadn't seen her senior brother show such an excited expression.

"Well, with this guy's calculations, entering the team competition may have a big impact on us, so we will directly let him completely lose his chance in the individual competition. In this way, in the team competition, the Central District will not What the hell is going on?"

Yu Wenqing licked his dry lips due to talking too much.

"Your eyes seem to be full of anticipation. Now that Lin Zonglin is on the court, there is no suspense. What are you looking forward to?"

Tang Mingkong asked.

"I want to see how he's going to break my game! Even if Lin Zonglin loses, I still have a backup player, so I just want to see how he struggles?" Yu Wenqing's eyes were full of excitement, but his face still had a spring-like smile .

Tang Mingkong looked at Yu Wenqing with a strange smile on his face, curled his lips in disdain, obviously not cold to Yu Wenqing's sick psychology.

It's not that she doesn't like this kind of man who is good at calculating, but she doesn't like Yu Wenqing's perverted personality. On the surface, he looks like a spring breeze and is polite, but secretly he is very perverted. It's uncertain what this perverted Yu Wenqing will do to her, which is why Tang Mingkong doesn't want to see Yu Wenqing.

However, this time the Datang Group can be regarded as opening the way for her. As long as she wins the qualifying spot this time, the following series of roads have been paved for Tang Mingkong. Becoming a mecha master is just an easy task. However, it takes hard work to become a famous mecha master.

All of this is not only for her own sake, but also to open the way for Datang Group.

As a child of a large consortium, life is sometimes not so free and casual.

Tang Mingkong looked at the calm Zhang Pingze not far away, and sighed in his heart.

Just as everyone was sweating and wondering whether the Central District could stand up, a young and beautiful figure in the Central District stood up and walked onto the stage.

"Captain vs. captain, this is a good game to watch."

"What a good show, it's not of the same level. The captain in the central area is not a strengthener."

Lei Yiyi ignored the words that came to his ears, walked to the stage, and smiled coquettishly: "Central District, Lei Yiyi, please enlighten me."

Lin Zonglin couldn't maintain his hideous old face when faced with such a delicate and delicious young girl. He touched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "Please enlighten me."

As the game reminder sounded, Lei Yiyi's fluttering big eyes suddenly narrowed, and a dangerous aura emanated from that petite body instantly.

Lin Zonglin shuddered suddenly, the hairs all over his body exploded, and a signal frantically flashed in his mind.


Cold sweat suddenly slid down from the forehead, slowly rolling down the face, time seemed to slow down suddenly, while the opponent was getting faster and faster.

Lei Yiyi's straight long legs, like beautiful jade, slammed on the ground of Chanwu Terrace, and a burst of white smoke erupted from the soles of his feet, which was the burning smoke of glue produced by the high-speed friction between the soles and the ground.

It was the first time that Lei Yiyi shot with all his strength in the game. Before facing those small fish and shrimps, Lei Yiyi just dismissed them at will, but when facing the B-level strengthener, Lei Yiyi directly released all his strength and shot with all his strength when he came up.

The moment the soles of the shoes and the ground rubbed white smoke, Lei Yiyi's body disappeared in place as if a bullet had been ejected from the chamber.

"Hold the grass!"

The audience burst into foul language collectively, this kind of power has already entered the realm of fantasy, okay?

Twisting his waist and stepping forward, he punched in the air, but before the punch arrived, the whistling wind of the fist had already blown towards his face.

Lin Zonglin's pupils constricted, and his body clearly told himself that the baby should not receive this punch.

Sliding sideways, Lin Zonglin has the physical fitness of a B-level enhancer after all, and his reaction speed is also super fast. His body suddenly moves sideways like a teleportation.

Lei Yiyi's punch was missed, and just as the soles of his feet hit the ground, his body suddenly fell down, as if his whole body was almost stuck to the ground. The soles of the special sneakers pulled out a stream of white smoke on the rough ground, as if It's almost sparking.

In the next instant, Lei Yiyi popped out like a flea, and rushed towards Lin Zonglin who was still dodging sideways to buffer his footsteps.

The distance of five meters was not even enough for Lei Yiyi to jump with one step. Turning around and kicking, her slender legs appeared on Lin Zonglin's chest almost instantly.

Lin Zonglin was scared out of his wits immediately, and put his hands on his chest to resist.


There was a crisp collision sound, and Lin Zonglin's nearly two hundred kilograms body, like a kite with a broken string, flew upside down, flew five or six meters in the air, and then landed, and began to roll crazily on the ground stand up.

"Goo—" I don't know who swallowed dryly under the stage.

Lin Zonglin almost rolled to the edge of the Chan Wutai before stopping, turned over abruptly, and jumped up, with a disheveled appearance, his arms were covered with scratches on the ground, and blood flowed down the wound, looking extremely miserable.

His face turned liver-colored, and he was a little suspicious that he seemed to have been hit by a car just now.

"Obviously prepared to be hit, why was she kicked so far? Is this woman a star beast?" Lin Zonglin looked coldly at Lei Yiyi who was standing in the center of the stage, tilting his head to look at him.

"Well, are you still going on?" Lei Yiyi asked, tilting his head, with an innocent and natural smile on his face, standing there like an innocent and romantic literary girl.

Go to TM's literary girl.

"Labor and capital haven't lost yet!!" Lin Zonglin roared and stood up.

 Ps: Supplementary updates, yesterday's debts, before the agreement was put on the shelves, it was updated twice a day.

(End of this chapter)

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