Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 141 It's Embarrassing

Chapter 141 It's Embarrassing

The sun slowly set on the top of Emei Jinding, and the sky was full of red clouds.

"The morning glow does not go out, and the sunset glow travels thousands of miles. It seems that tomorrow will be a good weather."

Yu Wenqing came out of the clinic, stood in the corridor of the building, looked at Hongxia outside the window, and said with a smile.

Tang Mingkong folded his arms, leaned against the wall, and gave Yu Wenqing a sideways look: "It's settled?"

Yu Wenqing turned around and smiled, his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Of course it's settled. I said that Lin Zonglin was a little clever. He expressed his anger to me in a timely manner. He just wanted to get more benefits. I pointed out a way for him, and he honestly Get lost." Yu Wenqing said with a smile.

Tang Mingkong snorted coldly, turned and left: "Just don't screw it up, I'm not interested in hearing your dirty plans."

Yu Wenqing watched Tang Mingkong leave with gentle eyes, then shook his head with a smile.

Whether Tang Mingkong is willing or not, there are certain things that must be done, whether it is for the team or for himself.

After Yu Wenqing left, Zhang Pingzheng walked out from the corner unsteadily, without much expression on his face.


"Nanguang District vs. Yunchuan District!"

"What!" Yu Wenqing stood up suddenly, the gentleness on his face disappeared instantly, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

"Lin Zonglin, what are you doing!" Yu Wenqing turned his head and looked fiercely at Lin Zonglin, who was fooling around.

Lin Zonglin looked at Yu Wenqing with a sneer on his face: "I'm messing with you, didn't you see?"

"Are you crazy, I said earlier." Yu Wenqing abruptly took back the words that came to his mouth.

"Speaking of your uncle! What do you think you said? What do I listen to? Get out of here honestly? Damn you!" Lin Zonglin opened his mouth and cursed directly.

Yu Wenqing's face changed suddenly: "You eavesdropped on our conversation."

"Damn! I'm eavesdropping on your uncle!" Lin Zonglin said angrily, "Today I will fight you to the death, come on!"

"Damn it, madman!"

Yu Wenqing sat back in his seat, the conversation just now had passed, but luckily the live broadcast camera was not on their side.

"How did he know about our conversation yesterday?" Yu Wenqing said to himself depressedly.

Tang Mingkong glanced at Yu Wenqing who was in a crazy state: "It's too late to say anything now, the most important thing is to win the game."

"Shanghai District? No, there is also a problem with Shanghu District!" Yu Wenqing's eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly looked up at Shanghu District.

In this match, Shanghai District was supposed to challenge Yunchuan District, why did it become Shanghai District vs. Central District?

Even if Nanguang District turned against the tide and came directly to Yunchuan District, then it should be Shanghu District that stood in front of Nanguang District.

Two teams challenged one team at the same time. According to the rules, the two challenging teams fought against each other, while the remaining two teams fought against each other. As a result, Nanguang District now seems to have negotiated with Shanghai District, and turned against the water at the same time.

Then there was only one result, Yu Wenqing raised his head and fixedly stared at Zhang Pingze who was sitting in the central area.

Zhang Pingping turned his head knowingly, met Yu Wenqing's gaze, then pointed to his ear, then turned his head to watch the game.

"He, he heard it, no, he recorded it, damn it, damn it, it's all my mouth!" Yu Wenqing regretted and wanted to slap himself twice.

Tang Mingkong twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are really mean, you talk too much, shut up and watch the game."

Tang Mingkong sat back on the chair with his legs folded together, revealing his majestic aura: "We won't necessarily lose."

Yu Wenqing stared blankly at the domineering Tang Mingkong, his eyes flashed, he took a deep breath, and sat up: "Well, we may not lose, no, we will not lose."

At the beginning of the game, facing the Nanguang District players who had entered a state of madness, even though the second group of Yunchuan District tried their best, they only maintained the score at [-] to [-].

As for the Central District, it lived up to expectations and sent Shanghai District five points.

Facing the big men in the new snow area, the friends in the bay area shivered and directly sent out four points.

The men from the Northeast District fought evenly against the demoralized Smecta District, and finally won three points.

The second round is over and the rankings are updated.

Shanghai District, 17
Central District, 15
Yunchuan District, 14
Nanguang District, 14
fresh snow area, 13
As for the bottom three districts, they can only watch the big gods above fight, hoping to fight again in the coming year.

Before the last round of competition started, a heavy atmosphere had already begun to slowly condense in the air.

"Tomorrow is the last round, we are still second, and Shanghu District has surpassed us by two points, can we catch up?" Lei Yiyi muttered while lying on the bed, shaking her two long white legs.

Zhang Pingping sat by the bed, looked at Lei Yiyi's curvaceous and delicate body, without changing his face: "Perhaps, the individual competition is not the total score, so it doesn't matter if you are a little behind."

Lei Yiyi rested her cheeks on both hands: "How can I do that? Before I left, the old woman Chris said that every minute must be fought for."

"Didn't you never listen to her?" Zhang Pingze interrupted calmly.

"Uh, but I feel so stressed." Lei Yiyi lay on the bed in a big shape, and said with a sigh.

Lei Yiyi's clear and innocent voice, even when she sighed, sounded a little coquettish, which made people feel very cute.

Just when Lei Yiyi was sighing, a slightly cool palm was placed on the back of her neck, and Lei Yiyi, who was stimulated violently through the skin of her neck, shivered.

"Zhang, Brother Zhang, what are you doing?"

There was more vibrato in Lei Yiyi's tone, her two fair little feet curled up nervously, her toes that looked like jade beans turned a little red, and the neck directly covered by Zhang Pingping's hands was even more so. It was so hot that there was a hot red under the crystal clear skin.

Lei Yiyi, who was so nervous to death, didn't even have the slightest intention to resist. The complicated feelings in her heart couldn't be expressed in words, but her whole body was a little stiff, as if she had been cast by some magic of static time.

"Aren't you under a lot of pressure? I'll decompress you."

Zhang Pingchee said something calmly, and then put his hand against Lei Yiyi's smooth skin, and began to straighten out slowly along the line of the spine.

Lei Yiyi held the bed sheet with both hands, and buried her face deeply in the big soft bed. Looking from the side, she could only see her small ears that were rosy and translucent in white.

Sudden pushing the palace to activate the blood, suddenly so ashamed, Lei Yiyi buried her face in the quilt to avoid making strange noises.

Since Lei Yiyi's digestive and circulation functions were strengthened, Zhang Pingping never gave her a uterine push to promote blood circulation, because it was unnecessary, and although Lei Yiyi was a bit greedy, she was too embarrassed to ask.

The feeling of mobilizing the whole body's activity is really obsessed, especially those hands, where they are comfortable and want to make people masturbate, and the heart is full of anticipation for the following actions Feel.

Tightening her legs, Lei Yiyi blushed and thought: "Well, this is not relaxing, is it more tense?"

Just after Lei Yiyi moaned uncontrollably, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Lei Yiyi bounced up from the bed suddenly, bumped his head against Zhang Pingzhe's mouth, rolled his whole body into the quilt, retracted into the quilt, and rolled himself into a sushi shape.

"It's disgusting, it must have been heard by the people next to me." Lei Yiyi thought brokenly.

Zhang Pingze covered his red and swollen mouth, licked the blood on his lips, and then got up to open the door.

"Who?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly. As soon as he opened his mouth, his lips, which were smashed by his own teeth, felt twitching pain.

"Student Zhang, it's me." A soft baby voice came from outside the door.

Zhang Pingche opened the door expressionlessly.

"Student Zhang, what's wrong with your mouth?" Hulan Huayu froze for a moment, subconsciously took out a handkerchief, and put it to Zhang Pingche's mouth.

When she got her hands on it, Hulan Huayu suddenly felt something was wrong, and a blush appeared on the delicate doll's face.

"Student Zhang, are you alone? Well, let's go into the room and talk about it." Hulan Huayu also felt that it was not good to be seen standing in the corridor like this, so she said a little shyly.

Zhang Pingzheng was taken aback, this handkerchief looked familiar, as if it belonged to him.

"Please come in." Without thinking too much, Zhang Pingzheng gave way directly and let Hulan Huayu in.

"Is classmate Lei not there?" Hulan Huayu asked when she heard that there seemed to be no sound in the room.

The tone was cheerful and natural, and the opportunity to be alone with Zhang Pingche made me a little excited no matter how I thought about it.

Hulan Huayu looked at her chest, and inadvertently touched her flat belly, feeling a little more confident in her heart.

I am already so perfect, what is there to be nervous about and feel inferior?
There are quite a few people who pursue themselves now, but they are all just interested in their appearance. When I was a little chubby girl, who ever gave me a good face.

Thinking of this, Hulan Huayu's face became softer, and the baby's face became firmer. Maybe he only had this chance to express his heart, and it was unknown whether he would see Zhang Pingche in the future.


Hulan Huayu walked into the room, and as soon as the two words came out, she met Lei Yiyi who poked her head out of the sushi.

 ps: Let's see if we can publish another chapter today, friends, please subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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