Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 178 Misfortune to District 1 [Leader, Chapter [-]]

Chapter 178 Misfortune to the First District

Zhang Pingping glanced at Wang Jue: "Nothing."

Zhang Pingze doesn't want to come up with g96 yet. G96 is different from g94. Although g94 has amazing curative effect, it does not cause little damage to the body, while g96 has better curative effect and less damage to the body. This epoch-making product When the biological culture fluid does not have enough capacity as a guarantee, Zhang Pingze does not want to show this huge cake.

Wang Jue curled his lips, but he didn't care. He still trusted Zhang Pingche. If he didn't say anything now, there must be his reasons.

"A military armored vehicle is coming. It's not convenient for you to go up. I'll take a step first." Zhang Pingping picked up Lei Yiyi and said calmly.

Wang Jue nodded: "It's okay, don't worry about me."


District one.

Director Wang never thought that he, the dignified director of the Security Bureau, would be kicked out by a group of gangsters one day, like a bereaved dog.

"Director, Chief, we have to continue to retreat, the brothers in front can't stand it anymore." The captain of the guard rushed over covered in blood.

Director Wang looked at the captain of the guard covered in blood, his lips trembling a little. This battle was the worst battle the Security Bureau has ever encountered since its establishment.

"How about the casualties?" Director Wang forced himself to calm down and asked.

"That monster is too powerful, almost all the brothers in front are dead." The captain of the guard wiped away his tears.

Director Wang looked at the gate of the first area, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's enter the first area and activate the ion shield."

Let people fight in the first district. For Director Wang, he has already lost this battle. The first district is the place where politicians and rich people gather. If he is dissatisfied, his bureau chief will come to an end.

After all, this is a class society. When the second district is invaded, Director Wang can still hold the pressure, but if he is beaten into the first district, everything will be over.

The earth is a peaceful environment. When the central region was established, the current situation was not considered at all. The major gates were like a symbolic gate to divide the signs of each region. There was no real defense capability at all, so the three Only the Cave Snakes in the area can enter so easily.

Director Wang just gave the order, and all the police officers were relieved. The cave snake was under too much pressure, and they didn't want to face such a monster.

Although it is human, Director Wang has never seen a human being who is resistant to bullets. Even an A-level enhancer would not dare to resist an electromagnetic gun.

The police officers of the Security Bureau immediately began to retreat, and the cave snakes who had gone mad behind them all howled excitedly, and they were about to hit the first area, which was where the rich lived, and the gangsters only lived in the area. After seeing the scene in the first district in the video, in their impression, that is heaven.

A Cave Snake leader with all his clothes torn off, holding a machete in his hand, his body was covered with bullet holes, but under the bullet holes, there were gray-brown bones, and it was this layer of bones that made them invincible .

"Hahaha, the people in the Security Bureau are all hot dogs, let's kill them, and the first area is ahead, everyone rush!" The leader of the cave snake laughed wildly.

Some small police officers from the Security Bureau looked at the crazy cave snake leader behind, holding back their anger, and took the electromagnetic gun in their hands to shoot at the cave snake leader.

The leader of the Cave Snake was shot directly on the forehead, and his whole body was knocked out by the impact. His body rolled around in the air before falling to the ground.


A police officer looked at the firearm in his hand and exclaimed in surprise. Just now, he directly adjusted the energy level of the electromagnetic gun to the highest level.

Under such an impact, even if a person's bones can bear it, the brain will be smashed to pieces.

But just when the little policeman was overjoyed, the cave snake leader who fell on the ground shook his head and got up, looking at the little policeman angrily in his eyes, leaving a fist-sized wound on his forehead, revealing a taupe Skull, scalp burst, looking extremely disgusting.

"Looking for death!" Growled the head of the Cave Snake, and slapped the ground directly, rushing over like a gust of wind.

The little policeman was frightened stupid, is this still a human being?

Seeing that the boss was safe and sound, the Cave Snake gangsters screamed as if they were crazy. Only madness can give them courage at this moment.

The head of the Cave Snake was so fast that people couldn't keep up with the eyes, and almost instantly caught up with the team of the Security Bureau.

"How dare you beat labor and capital, go to hell!"

The leader of the Cave Snake didn't even use a knife, and directly inserted one hand into the chest of the little policeman.

Afterwards, the people from the Security Bureau, who were already stunned, started to shoot wildly at the leader of the Cave Snake.

Facing the hail of bullets, the leader of the Cave Snake directly grabbed the policeman's body as a shield, and retreated quickly.

Although he has become an alienated person, the vital points on his body still exist, such as the eyes and heart. Once hit by a bullet, even an alienated person will die.

Braving the hail of bullets, he still rushed over easily, killed people, and then left. Facing such a monster, we can't blame the Security Bureau for being too useless.

They are just police officers. Although they have undergone systematic training, they are fundamentally different from soldiers.

After the leader made a surprise attack once, he never launched another attack. Instead, the gangsters who had lost their intelligence and ability to think, pressed on with firepower, and the morale-destroyed police officers of the Security Bureau retreated steadily.

After dropping the corpses of more than a dozen police officers, the Security Bureau finally retreated into the first area, and got a temporary respite against the gate.

But just when he stood still, he heard the buzzing sound of the suspension vehicle landing.

The first area is restricted, and foreign hover vehicles cannot enter the first area anyway, but the hover vehicles in the first area can move in the central area unimpeded. This is the difference.

And the suspension cars that are parked now are all luxurious limited editions, obviously all of them are cars of some big bosses.

Director Wang felt his throat was dry.

Some people in black came out of the hover car, and then some people in decent dresses came out.

"Director Wang, what's the situation?" A middle-aged man with a small stomach walked out of the suspension vehicle in a hurry and looked at Director Wang calmly.

Director Wang looked at the man who came out suddenly, with a bitter expression on his face: "Mr. Li, this time it's our Security Bureau's negligence."

Director Wang also knew that there was no reason to say, so he directly admitted his mistake. Facing the human coordinator of the Human Development Association, Director Wang was a character the size of a sesame seed, a character who could be crushed to death with just a word.

Li Taolue was a member of the Human Development Coordinator, and he was also a veteran councilor. When Qin Aiguo was authorized to be a Human Development Coordinator, he gave a speech. After many years of management, his own power has grown to a terrifying level.

"Director Wang, you can't settle this matter. I don't think it's interesting for you to be the chief of the Security Bureau." On a limited-edition racing suspension car on the other side, a young man in suspenders and weird attire Walking down, he smiled frivolously.

Director Wang was in a cold sweat. How could he not know this young man as an old fritter in the Central District? The eldest son of the Canghai Consortium moved back to Earth because he didn't like the alien environment.

The Canghai Consortium is an old-fashioned consortium with a small hunting group. Although it is engaged in catering, but these days, if you are rich, you are a master, let alone a rich one like the Canghai Consortium. The Haitian Shengyan in the first district is Canghai The property under the name of the consortium.

This young master was even more difficult to deal with, Director Wang was already so bitter that he couldn't speak.

A huge explosion sounded from the gate of District [-], making Mr. Hai, who was planning to teach Director Wang a few words, backed up two steps, and had already retreated to the door of the suspension vehicle. The bodyguards in black stood in front of Mr. Hai.

Li Taolue, a well-tested veteran member of parliament, did not look flustered.

Just when everyone was a little nervous, a levitation car directly broke through the electromagnetic barrier of the forbidden air in the first area, and then completed a gorgeous drift in the air, and landed safely.

"Oh, there are still people here to join in the fun, come to take refuge in the first district?" Mr. Hai stroked his hair like a cockscomb, and looked curiously at the humble hover car.

Although inconspicuous, this levitating car passed through the electromagnetic air barrier without any hindrance, which shows that it must be someone with a big background.

The floating car door opened, and what came out was a person who made the expressions of all the people present change.

  ps: I feel very weak, I really need to take a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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