Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 181 I will fight back [Leader, Part 3]

Chapter 181 I will fight back [Leader, third update]

Yekaterina: "Hey! You won this time, Lei Yiyi is yours, and Hulan Huayu is yours too."

Looking at this sentence, Zhang Pingche looked back several times, and always felt that the tone was a little strange, but he couldn't think of anything strange.

On the chair beside him, Tang Mingkong leaned on the chair with his neck up, and fell asleep with his head up like this. The sleeping appearance looked ugly, not reserved at all, and not ladylike.

But think about it, this girl is not a lady at all, she is so tired, she must have stayed here all day yesterday, she seems to have just fallen asleep.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Tang Mingkong, who was sleeping ugly, and began to watch the latest news.

"We have to learn a lesson. The earth can no longer rest on its laurels. What happened yesterday is a wake-up call. Why did the central district riot and where did the mob have the courage to come from?" the scholar in the video was spitting.

"In the final analysis, the reason is that there are too few cutting-edge military forces on the earth. Without a very powerful threat, those people with ulterior motives feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, so we will pay this painful price. The earth and the interstellar derailment For too long, if the matter of the space node cannot be determined, then the gap between us and the entire human federation will become wider and wider, and society will become more and more insecure. If this continues, we are not protecting ourselves, but harming own."

Listening to the military expert, Zhang Pingping analyzed the reasons for the riots in the Central District from various angles, and in the end, he wasted most of his saliva on the space node.

Apparently, the Air Construction Party took the opportunity to start exerting its strength. For people like them, any sign of trouble will be used by them to prove their point of view.

And this time the matter in the Central District is too big, and the wind direction of public opinion is expected to be broken.

"Regarding this matter, Mr. Li Taolue, member of the Human Development Coordinator, also expressed his views for the first time."

The elegant image of Li Taolue immediately appeared in the video.

"I was at the scene of yesterday's riot. Looking at the chaotic battlefield, I felt very uncomfortable. This kind of situation should not happen on our human home planet. The ignorance of the mob made me deeply reflect on it. , maybe we have blocked ourselves for too long and lost our sense of awe, ignorant people will never be afraid of the vastness and danger of the starry sky, so they will do stupid things, I don't want us to continue on the wrong path."

In a simple sentence, although there is no mention of space nodes, the support has been fully expressed.

The Air Construction Party, which was supported by the Human Development Coordinator, immediately began to swell, and for a while, the wind direction of the entire planet changed drastically.

"It seems that this space node is about to be established." Zhang Pingze watched the video calmly.

For the construction of space nodes, Zhang Pingze did not hold any obvious attitude. Even if Qin Aiguo is a conservative party, he has no attitude. The establishment of space nodes has the benefits of building, and the benefits of not building them. If you really want to In terms of pros and cons, Zhang Pingping should belong to the Air Construction Party.

"Ha——now these people are really idle, and they can get involved in space nodes for any shit."

Tang Mingkong, who had just been woken up, yawned, stretched his waist, and muttered.

Datang Group is a conservative party, but from what Tang Mingkong said, she is a neutral person who doesn't care about either side.

Zhang Pingping was silent after hearing this, the speaker had no intention but the listener had intentions.

The matter of the space node is like a shadow covering the entire sky. Zhang Pingze feels that most of the things he encounters seem to be linked to the matter of the space node.

Qin Aiguo opposed the establishment of space nodes, and was later attacked.

Tang Mingkong was attacked, and from Tang Yuanyang's tone, he probably understood that it was because of the space node.

And yesterday's riot seemed to have nothing to do with the space node, but it became the strongest driving force for the direction of public opinion in the space node.

"Why are you opposed to the establishment of space nodes?" Zhang Pingze asked suddenly after being lost for a long time.

Tang Mingkong was stunned by the sudden question, turned his head to look, it seemed that there was no one else in the room: "Are you asking me?"

"." Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong calmly, his eyes seemed to care for the mentally retarded.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Tang Mingkong frowned instantly, stood up straight away, and asked Zhang Pingze.

Zhang Pingping sat on the hospital bed looking at Tang Mingkong solemnly and said, "Since you heard my question, you also know that I am asking you, why do you have to confirm with me again? Asking knowingly?"

After Tang Mingkong heard this, his anger rose slowly: "I like it, if you ask me knowingly, don't mind me!"

"You are mentally ill."

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong solemnly.

Tang Mingkong grabbed the chair directly.

"Tell me again."

Zhang Pingping examined his physical condition, then looked up at Tang Mingkong: "I take back what I just said."

Only then did Tang Mingkong put down his chair in satisfaction.

But Zhang Pingze immediately said: "You didn't ask the question knowingly. You may be intermittently deaf. I speak clearly and control the volume of my speech very well. You didn't hear clearly, so let me say it again."

click -

The back of the chair was broken, and Tang Mingkong looked up at Zhang Pingche with a kind expression on his face.

"You're looking for death! I really thought that Miss Ben knocked you out, so she didn't dare to do it because she felt ashamed of you?" Tang Mingkong clenched his fists.

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong seriously: "I advise you not to do anything."

"Huh? Why? Your injury is not serious at all, don't pretend to be pitiful to me." Tang Mingkong said disdainfully.

"I will fight back." Zhang Pingze said firmly.


Tang Mingkong really wanted to jump up and beat Zhang Pingche up, but when I heard what Zhang Pingche said, I would fight back.

Suddenly, I shivered, thinking of the fear of being dominated in the team arena.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't care about you as a patient." Tang Mingkong sat back on the chair with a little stiffness in his hands and feet, and then moved the chair back two steps.

The feeling of being pressed and rubbed on the ground, she swore that she never wanted to experience it again in her life.

"Why does your Datang Group oppose the establishment of space nodes?" Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong who had calmed down, and asked.

Tang Mingkong turned his face away slightly, not looking at Zhang Pingchee's bandaged head, and muttered: "Isn't it because after the space node is established, it will be detected by the Zerg or the alien race with evil intentions, thus increasing risk to the planet."

"Do you know the current situation on the human front?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"You know, the battle is going well. It is said that we have advanced three galaxies. The Zerg's ground combat capability is relatively strong, but our space combat capability is strong. The main fleet is all on the front line, and it is just arranged to form a complete support. system"

Tang Mingkong said something briefly, but from this explanation, it can be seen that Tang Mingkong should have worked hard in this regard.

"That's right now, the human front is one piece of iron barrel, and there are almost no flaws." Zhang Pingze concluded calmly.

"Facing the Zerg, there is absolutely no problem." Tang Mingkong smiled confidently. She has always been very accurate in estimating the battle situation.

That's right, the Zerg couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to start from other places.

 ps: A bit stuck, but after three hours of adjustments, it recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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