Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 189 The Fusang Team with Strange Painting Style [Supplement 1]

Chapter 189 The Fusang Team with Strange Painting Style [Supplement 1]

Regarding Lei Yiyi's salty fish attitude, Zhang Pingping was also very helpless.

"The location of the Youth Fighting Conference is in the Pacific Independence Unit." Zhang Pingze said speechlessly.

The Pacific independent body, the concentration of all cutting-edge technologies on the earth, is also the only city in the sky on the earth.

The huge city in the sky suspended above the Pacific Ocean has the most advanced anti-gravity system of the entire human alliance. There are floating islands in the sky specially built for the fighting conference. Every fighting conference is held in the sky of the independent Pacific Ocean. island carried out.

So Zhang Pingze is very speechless towards Lei Yiyi, the venue is not changed every session, but a fixed location, you don't know where it is?

Lei Yiyi also felt a little embarrassed, her eyes turned aside, not daring to look at Zhang Pingchen.

After the chat, Gao Feng directly greeted everyone and got on the suspension car.

After getting on the suspension vehicle, the suspension vehicle took off directly and flew outside the central area.

"Let's go to the Pacific Ocean in a suspension car?" Tang Mingkong sat on the seat, crossed his legs, and asked with displeasure.

It’s not that it can’t be done, but it makes people feel a little nonsense. The suspension car is a daily means of transportation, but they are going to participate in global competitions. Isn’t it too low to go like this?

Gao Feng smiled mysteriously: "Of course not, this trip will be very interesting, just wait and see."

Seeing the slightly skeptical expressions around him, Gao Feng didn't explain, but started to spread the common sense of the game to everyone. Gao Gao was more responsible than Chris for this, but it was estimated that Chris didn't even know the common sense of the game, so Don't expect her to spread the word to the players.

The Pacific Independent Body is an independent large region on the earth, and it is also the most special one. The main members of Sky City are students and researchers. Apart from this, there are no other personnel. All People are either students or staff in the research room.

This is an academy city, but it seems that there are no superpowers. Although there is a research room for the study of supernatural powers, I have never heard of any superpowers.

Students are geniuses drawn from all over the world. After being cultivated, they will join the scientific research plan of Sky City, and then promote the progress and development of human scientific research.

In the history of human alien expansion, Academy City, the city in the sky, has countless achievements and legends.

But because it is not open to the outside world, others have no way of knowing its true appearance.

Such a legendary city, from Gao Feng's mouth, immediately made everyone yearn for it, and it was a worthwhile trip to visit this academy city.

After the hover car left the urban area of ​​the Central District, it began to rise in a straight line. After a short while, it rushed directly above the sea of ​​clouds, directly entered the stratosphere, and began to fly steadily.

Gao Feng looked out the window of the hover car and smiled, the starship that came to pick us up has arrived.

"Starship?!" Everyone screamed, and they all gathered at the window and looked out the window.

In the unobstructed sky, a huge steel behemoth was flying steadily ahead, and the light blue thread-like jets were emitting a faint blue tail light.

The shape of the starship is somewhat flat, it looks like a monkfish made of steel, but it is not as ugly as the monkfish, but full of an indescribable mechanical beauty.

Moreover, with the rapid approach of the hovering vehicle, this huge starship is completely displayed in the eyes of everyone. This is a truly colossal monster with a huge hull. At first glance, there is almost a feeling of endlessness. .

A suspension car that can take more than 30 people is like a bigger ant in front of the starship.

After the hover car approached, Gao Feng immediately passed the identity verification, controlled the hover car, and approached the receiving compartment at the rear of the starship.

"This is a python-class multi-functional starship, and it is probably the largest python-class starship on Earth at present, Neptune." Gao Feng said excitedly. Although it was not the first time he had seen Neptune, every time Once you see it, you will feel the shock from your heart.

Zhang Pingping looked out the window at Neptune, which almost covered the sky and the sun, and his eyes flickered. Only the Python-class starship is so huge, so what about the more advanced Dragon-class starship?And the flagship of the five major fleets, what about the Dragon King-class starship?
The boundless interstellar space made Zhang Pingze look forward to it even more.

"Python level? What level?" Lei Yiyi pressed his face against the window and asked curiously.

Zhang Pingche shook his head helplessly, Lei Yiyi was born in the third district, and usually would not accept such information at all, it is normal for him to be ignorant.

"The ratings of starships are somewhat different from the normal ratings. They are not rated in ABCD. Starting from the smallest flea-type starships, they are divided into dust-level, insect-level, python-level, dragon-level, dragon-king-level, python-level The Starship-class starship is already a very large starship, even in the interstellar battlefield, it is still at the flagship level." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

During the time of speaking, the hover car has docked and entered the receiving cabin. This receiving cabin originally existed as a port of call for small dust-level starships, but it is a bit overkill to park the hover car.

The hatch was closed, and the front hatch of the receiving compartment opened, revealing the long armament passage inside.

The suspension vehicle continued to move forward, and then stopped at the special parking space in the armament passage.

The moment the car door was opened, everyone hurried out of the suspension vehicle and looked at the huge armament passage like a super-large stadium. One of the three armament channels of the ship shows how big the python-class starship really is.

After everyone got out of the car, another civilian-like staff in white uniforms walked over.

"You guys are from Huaxia District, right?" the white coat asked with a smile while holding the tablet in his hand.

This white coat is not from China, with blond hair, blue eyes and delicate features, he seems to be a "little fresh meat" produced in the Russian Emperor District, the idol region.

As the common languages ​​of the Human Federation, Chinese and English must be learned, so as a staff member of the python-class starship, this handsome blond guy can also speak Chinese fluently.

"Yes, hello, I'm Gao Feng, the instructor of Huaxia District." Gao Feng shook hands with the handsome blond guy with a smile.

The handsome blond guy nodded: "Everyone, please take out your ID cards and put them in your hands. They will be scanned immediately."

Everyone took out their ID cards as promised, and the handsome blond guy clicked on the tablet a few times, then nodded: "Okay, the identity verification is complete, and the ID cards can be taken back."

"Okay, then please take us to the living area." Gao Feng smiled.

The handsome blond guy nodded, put the tablet into his wide pocket, and waved his hands: "Okay, but Mr. Instructor, please wait a moment."

Just when Gao Feng was puzzled, the handsome blond guy wiped the sweat from his palms on his sleeves, took out an oil-based pen, and ran up to the bewildered Lei Yiyi with a smile on his face : "Goddess Lei Yiyi, can you sign me?"

Everyone: "."

Lei Yiyi said that she was also a little confused, what is the situation, it's fine if there are little fans in China who ask her for an autograph, this handsome blond guy, you have to autograph anyway.

But Lei Yiyi still took the pen, and the corner of his mouth twitched and asked: "Where should I write, what do you want me to write?"

The handsome blond boy had a crazy smile on his face, and turned around directly: "Just write on my back, my lord goddess, just write, servant of goddess Lei Yiyi, that's fine."

"Hold the grass." Feng Yuming immediately covered his eyes when he heard it, feeling embarrassed.

Lei Yiyi was even more embarrassed, and turned to look at Zhang Pingche.

Zhang Pingping spread his hands, saying that it's none of my business, wouldn't it be good to have multiple servants?
As soon as Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth, she took a pen and began to draw on the white coat, anyway, it was all a white coat, just imagine this white coat as Zhang Pingping, so there is no psychological burden, hehe.

Lei Yiyi yelled to herself, and then finished writing with a face full of intoxication, and she still had something to say in her heart after writing.

But yy is yy after all, this white coat is not Zhang Pingze's at all.

Somewhat discouraged, Lei Yiyi handed the pen to the handsome blond guy, and then followed Zhang Pingchee, looking at Zhang Pingchee's silver-white team uniform, his face was full of resentment.

The handsome blond guy who got his autograph was close to hugging his clothes and kissing him. He led everyone to the living area excitedly.

Starships are usually divided into three floors, the command center on the first floor, the living area on the second floor, and the combat preparation area on the third floor. As a python-class starship, the living area provides the life and entertainment for the entire starship thousand people. The scale is naturally not small, and In the boring interstellar travel, various entertainment facilities are very much needed to relieve the boring.

No, as soon as they entered the living area, they sent away the enthusiastic blond handsome guy, and when they saw the scene of the living area, everyone clicked their tongues.

That group of guys in traditional samurai uniforms holding samurai swords and playing cards, why is their painting style so weird?

"One three." The bearded young man dressed as a warrior with prodigal hair threw out the virtual card in his hand.

"I'm sorry."

"I can't afford one or three, can you play?" Fusang warriors with different shapes on the side couldn't help interjecting.

"Look at the card and don't talk about the real gentleman, Sada Jun had better not interrupt." The prodigal warrior who played the card narrowed his eyes and smiled, "A four."

"I'm sorry."

"A five."

"...I'm sorry."

Lei Yiyi stared at the group of Japanese samurai fighting the landlord together, his expression became extremely strange.

"Pfft—" Feng Yuming, who had endured so much pain, burst out laughing,

Feng Yuming's laughter directly caught the attention of the warriors who were playing cards. After seeing everyone and their team uniforms, the warriors who were playing cards put down the cards in their hands and looked at the Huaxia team.

"Huaxia team?" A samurai holding a samurai sword raised his head and asked in a questioning tone.

"Sada Jun, apart from the Huaxia team, there is no other team with yellow skin and black eyes like us." The prodigal warrior sitting on the seat shook his head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Everyone in Fusang District stood up, bowed collectively, and greeted calmly.

Gao Feng froze for a moment, and immediately didn't know how to respond. Fusang District is a fairly old-fashioned district. Even after experiencing the changes of the interstellar era, most of the traditional culture has been preserved.

The problem is that when people bow and salute, how should they respond?Shake hands in the past?nonsense.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Qi Fengdong.

Qi Fengdong was taken aback by Zhang Pingping, then suddenly, he took a step forward and saluted with fists in his hands: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Everyone in the Huaxia team suddenly realized, that's right, we still have a boxing ceremony.

After everyone in the Huaxia team finished saluting one by one, the faces of the warriors in Fusang District obviously improved a lot.

But just when everyone in the Huaxia team thought it was over, a clear and crisp voice came.

"People from Huaxia District? It's a good time to come. Do any of you know swords?"

The voice came from the corner, and everyone turned their eyes to see a woman with short ear-length hair and a delicate face wearing a cherry blossom maiden costume sitting in the corner, holding a slightly shorter samurai sword in her hand. Full of arrogance.

Lei Yiyi glanced at the woman, and her eyes lit up, not because of the beautiful appearance of the woman, but because of her cherry blossom maiden costume, which was so beautiful.

And it's not a witch costume in the traditional sense, but some kind of magical modification. The sleeves on the forearm have wide sleeves, and the hem is slit wide, making it easier to move, and the bottom end of the hem only hangs down to the At the knees, straight and slender legs are exposed. Looking in from the overlapping thighs, it seems that they are about to touch the absolute realm.

"Okay, what a bold dress." Lei Yiyi's cheeks were flushed, but her eyes couldn't hide the color of love.

 ps: So salty, so lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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