Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 192 Brain Residue Fan [Supplement 4]

Chapter 192 Brain Residue Fan [Supplement 4]

Although Tang Mingkong lost to Sakura, everyone in the Fusang team felt extremely aggrieved in the end.

They are also a little confused, why don't they feel excited and happy after winning?

"Sakura, why are you thanking him?" Sada said angrily.

Sakura glanced at Sada: "Is there any problem? What he said is correct, this is a warning, shouldn't I be grateful?"

Sada choked, and his face became extremely ugly. Although what Sakura said was correct, but her innate national pride could not allow others to criticize them.

"I don't think we Fusang people can be preached at will by Huaxia people." With a cold snort, Satian turned and left.

Sakura looked at Sada who left in a huff, and frowned, but she didn't say anything. Her personality is not strong. Apart from her fanatical pursuit of kendo, she is very peaceful in life and dealing with others, and she is unwilling to communicate with others. Arguing, and unwilling to change other people's minds.

"Captain?" The members of the Fusang team on the side looked at the samurai in the shape of a prodigal son.

"Sakura, you are a little disappointing this time, that man, although he said it lightly, but he is only powerful in his mouth, what he says and what he does are completely different things, why do you want to put down your dignity to thank him? "

Sakura's bright fox eyes glanced at everyone, and the disdain and disappointment in everyone's eyes were all reflected in those clear black pupils. Although they hid it well, the emotion hidden under the skin was not clear. It is no longer possible to hide in front of Sakura, who has a keen sense.

Sakura shook her head, she was just expressing her truest thoughts, what Zhang Pingping said was not wrong, she had never experienced life-and-death swordsmanship, no matter how gorgeous and skillful she was, what was the use, all kinds of things might happen in actual combat All kinds of situations, those are not what can be shown in ordinary kendo sparring.

The cultural inheritance of Fusang District has been completely preserved, but it has followed the old path of Huaxia District long ago. All cultures have deviated from their original intentions. In order to pursue gorgeous sword skills, kendo ignores the real combat. However, people in Fusang District are also addicted to their own traditional culture, and their national self-esteem is extremely inflated, and they cannot tolerate any corrections.

Sakura didn't say anything, she turned and left silently, holding her dagger.

Seeing Sakura leaving silently, everyone in the Fusang District looked a little ugly. Sakura left so silently, obviously not even interested in defending, so what is their behavior?
"It's just a sword attendant from an outdated family, but he's so proud." The Fusang team member beside him said angrily.

"Mr. Your Court, you are wrong. Sakura is not a sword attendant, but a sword slave of the Yuanxin family. If it wasn't for her talent in the way of swordsmanship, and being valued by the head of the Yuanxin family, I am afraid that she would have been favored by the young master of the Yuanxin family." Play." Another team member echoed.

"Enough! Sakura is a member of our team, is this how you slander your teammates behind your back?" The prodigal warrior shouted angrily.

After being scolded by the captain, everyone who was still a little bit angry at first shut their mouths, stood up straight, and then bowed their heads in admitting their mistake.

Masaichi Murata, dressed as a prodigal son, has an ugly face. It is true that Yuanxin Sakura is a sword slave, but in this era, sword slaves are not so inferior at all. They are all ordinary citizens. Yuanxin Sakura is like a member of the Yuanxin family. It's like a maid who was raised since childhood, but this servant is dedicated to accompanying the children of the family to practice kendo.

After Genshin Sakura joined the Fuso District team, Murata Masaichi was attracted by Genshin Sakura's appearance and character, and was planning to go to Genshin's house in person after the game, replace Genshin Sakura, and then take it into his own family In the future, she will be her own woman.

Because of this, when Murata Masaichi heard the team members slander Yuanshin Sakura, his face was extremely ugly, and he directly scolded.

"Captain, do you want to replace Yuanxin Sakura from Yuanxin's house?" A team member smiled knowingly.

Murata Masaichi is the young master of the Murata family, and he is also a favored young master, so it is not too simple to exchange a sword slave.

After all, the Yuanxin family, as the members of the Fusang District said before, is a past family. It has already declined, and it is almost impossible to maintain the existence of the family. At this time, the village is in full swing. Sword slave, it's not just a matter of talking.

Murata Masaichi was distracted by the team members, so he smiled without paying attention: "Mr. Toyama is right, I have exactly that intention."

The bald young man smiled, and then teased: "Although Yuanxin Sakura is beautiful, as a sword slave, I'm afraid I can't get Murata Patriarch to agree."

"I didn't say I wanted to marry her." Murata Masaichi smiled indifferently. All the people present were people with identities, and he didn't have any scruples about speaking. The only two people with special identities had already left. The people in their circle don't know who else.

"Tsk, since Murata-kun is interested, then we will not get involved. After all, the status and status of the Murata family is not comparable to those of us small families. Yuanxin Sakura is sensitive to the six senses, and she is definitely a stunner on the bed. I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy it." Toyama smiled with narrowed eyes.

Masaichi Murata smiled triumphantly: "That's not necessarily the case. In the final analysis, he is just a domestic slave, isn't he, hahaha."

Everyone laughed heartily.

At the door of the gravity room, the shadow of a cherry blossom drifted past.

The Neptune Python-class starship, the armament channel, and the suspension vehicles entered from the receiving port one after another.

There are more and more teams gathered on Neptune. The Huaxia team also saw teams from other regions except the Pacific Independence. After they all greeted each other, each team formed its own small group. In the circle, talking and laughing, occasionally one or two people from different regions would chat for a while, and there was no unnecessary contact with each other.

At this time, everyone was very cautious. After all, if it was revealed prematurely that they had a close relationship with a certain team, then those two closely related teams were likely to be targeted by many other scattered teams.

Many teams were tightly huddled together, but the situation in Fusang District seemed to be a bit special. The pretty girl with short hair and fox eyes with a cold face was sitting outside the team in Fusang District, looking a bit maverick.

Many people from other regions have come to say hello to this girl with a delicate face and bright eyes, but the response they got was a simple and polite "good luck meeting".

This girl is not cold, but gentle and calm, which makes people feel oppressed. Under those bright fox eyes, it seems that any thoughts will be seen through.

Lei Yiyi propped her head on one hand, and turned her head to look at the gentle and cold Yuan Xinying from time to time. Obviously, she was very curious about this girl. Those delicate wrists had a strength far beyond her own physical fitness, otherwise she would never be able to wield them. It's almost like a divine skill, with three flashes of zero.

Moreover, Lei Yiyi always has a feeling that this girl with a cold face seems to be like her, but there is actually a blazing flame hidden in her heart. This kind of intimacy of finding the same kind makes Lei Yiyi always pay attention to her.

"Yiyi, what are you always looking at?" Hulan Huayu waved her hand in front of Lei Yiyi's eyes.

"No, it's nothing." Lei Yiyi blushed, it seemed that it was not polite to always look at other girls.

Hulan Huayu naturally didn't believe Lei Yiyi's nonsense, a sly smile appeared on the doll's face: "Are you looking at people's clothes, or people?"

"Of course it's a person, no, no, no, it's clothes, eh? No, I didn't look at it." Lei Yiyi's face flushed, and she said in a panic and incoherently.

Hulan Huayu smiled with crooked eyebrows, her baby face was so cute that one couldn't help but reach out and rub it.

Lei Yiyi immediately knew that Hulan Huayu was cheating on her again, so he stretched out his hand, held Hulan Huayu's face and rubbed it hard.

Just when everyone was playing around, the lifting door opened directly, and another team walked in, led by the handsome blond guy at the beginning, and the white coat of the handsome blond guy was written "Servant of Goddess Lei Yiyi" "A few words made Lei Yiyi feel embarrassed.

But what happened to the staff member holding a tablet who followed the handsome blond guy?

"Hi, everyone. I'm the captain of the Pacific team, Anlu. It's a pleasure to meet you all. It's great to be able to compete with you." smile.

Everyone in the Pacific team couldn't help but hold their foreheads, and looked at their captain with shameless faces.

Then the handsome blond guy turned around, pointed to the signature on his back, turned his head and said with a smile: "I am a loyal and die-hard fan of the goddess Lei Yiyi. Goddesses will be punished even if they are far away!"

All the other teams in the hall stared at the captain of the Pacific team with stunned faces.

Zhang Pingping slowly raised his head, and then muttered calmly: "Dream starts, it seems that the game is stable."

 ps: There is an update today, the thesis defense is about to happen, and there are many things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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