Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 194 Zhang Pingze's brain chapter 【Supplement 6】

Chapter 194 Zhang Pingze's Brain Circuit [Supplement 6]

"The binding is in progress. The binding of Huaxia team leader Lei Yiyi has been successful. The unmanned suspension vehicle No. 01 is at your service." The mechanically synthesized voice came out gently.

Lei Yiyi took a step back and left the iris authenticator.

"Okay, let's go in." Lei Yiyi smiled.

Lei Yiyi directly opened the car door and looked back at the Huaxia team.

"Hey? Where's Brother Zhang?" Lei Yiyi poked his head around and asked.

"Over there." Hulan Huayu pouted.

Everyone in the Huaxia team also raised their foreheads with speechless faces. Zhang Pingping was negotiating with the staff.

"Can you give me this fragment?" Zhang Pingze pointed to the low-light chip card in the staff's hand.

staff member:"."

The micro-light chip is the map fragment software, the software specially designed for the competition, and it is also the initial map fragment of each team. In theory, only with this initial map fragment can the next task continue.

Lei Yiyi had already collected their fragments just now, but Zhang Pingche actually had the idea of ​​other teams' maps.

Isn't this a way out?This kind of shameless behavior made everyone in the Huaxia team feel ashamed, but this is indeed a solution. If it is really won over, wouldn't the other teams be unable to complete the task?

"If you don't speak, then I'll take it." Zhang Pingping looked at the staff calmly, but what he said was in a rascal tone.

Staff: Shameless, have you ever cared about my feelings?

Zhang Pingze looked at the staff who were still silent, then directly reached for the chip on the table and inserted it into his personal terminal.

The staff looked at Zhang Pingche's actions with a speechless face, but they didn't stop him. After all, there seemed to be no regulations in the regulations on how to deal with this situation.

Zhang Pingze looked at the extra map software in his personal terminal, nodded, and then turned his eyes to the other side.

I just want to call someone to come over and continue to collect, trying to get all the map fragments in my hands, so that the team behind will have no map fragments to collect.

However, before Zhang Pingche could shout, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and the troops from the brigade came down directly.

Zhang Pingze hesitated for a while, then stopped, and returned to the Huaxia team, looking at the other low-light chips placed on the display stand with unsatisfactory expression.

"Okay, don't look at Brother Zhang, hurry up and get in the car, we don't have the lead anymore." Lei Yiyi said sweatingly.

If Zhang Pingze's temperament really followed, I'm afraid the Huaxia team would be besieged and beaten, and the fragments of his map were taken away without a sound, which would be regarded as a serious offense.

Fortunately, there are still two teams trapped in the elevator, otherwise, I am afraid that just because of this incident, there will be bloodshed before the game starts.

After Zhang Pingping got into the car, he found that everyone looked at him strangely.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Pingze said calmly: "Just now you took away all the map fragments with me, maybe we can win even if we lie down."

There was a wry smile on Hulan Huayuwa's face: "We don't know if we win by lying down or not. I think if we do that, most of us will be sent to the hospital lying down."

Zhang Pingze: "...Run after grabbing, they can't get on the suspension car, and they can't catch up with us."

Everyone looked at Zhang Pingche speechlessly, and it turned out that this guy's brain circuit was different from us normal people.

Zhang Pingche shook his head helplessly, feeling sorry for the lost chance of victory.

As soon as the Huaxia team's suspension vehicle left the receiving warehouse, the team behind followed the Huaxia team's suspension vehicle and left the starship.

The starship is in a suspended mooring state. Only the anti-gravity turbine is running slowly in the entire starship, and the entire starship hovers synchronously with the rotation of the earth.

The hovering car broke through the clouds and fell directly to the boundless Pacific Ocean below. The azure ocean exudes a sapphire-like clear light, and seagulls are circling and flying over some scattered small islands.

The speed of the suspension car descended very fast, and everyone sitting in their seats felt a very serious sense of weightlessness. After all, there was no anti-gravity equipment on the suspension car.

After the slight nausea, the uninhabited island shrouded in thin sea fog has appeared in the eyes.

The geographical structure of this small island is somewhat special. Even on a sunny day, there will eventually be a thin layer of sea fog covering the sky above the small island.

Zhang Pingze looked at the dotted islands on the sea, and there were slight fluctuations in his calm eyes.

The uninvited island with lush vegetation is welcoming an unexpected visitor at this moment. The sea mango grows gratifyingly. Under the strong wind pressure of the suspension vehicle, the leaves tremble violently, and the trunk bends to one side.

The hover car landed on the strange rocky beach of the uninhabited island, barely lowering its landing gear.

Everyone in the Huaxia team got out of the car one by one. After everyone left the hover car, the hover car automatically started, then took off and disappeared into the sea fog.

"My God, this island is completely different from what I imagined." Feng Yuming exclaimed.

On this strange rocky beach, there are jagged eroded rocks everywhere. The yellow-brown rocks are washed by the waves and become uneven, with ravines and ravines. Moreover, there is a layer of slippery seaweed on the rocks washed by the sea. are difficult.

"What kind of uninhabited island do you think of? Beach? Blue sky? Gentle breeze?" Zhang Pingping looked at everyone calmly.

When everyone saw the appearance of the uninhabited island, they all showed a clear sense of gap. Could it be that the island should be more of the kind with golden yellow sandy beaches, breezy sea breeze, bright sunshine, and lovely shells of various colors on the beach?

"Shouldn't it be like that?" Feng Yuming said depressedly.

"There are also such islands, but most of the beaches that have not been artificially treated are basically what they are now. There are not no beaches, but there are basically fine shells everywhere. If you want to run barefoot on the beach freely, I'm afraid I'll be stabbed with blood on my feet." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"No way, are those beautiful beach pictures on the Internet fake?" Tang Mingkong asked suspiciously.

"There are tens of thousands of islands in the world, and there are only a few that can become scenic spots." Zhang Pingping said calmly, and then jumped directly from one rock to another strange rock.

After everyone heard it, they couldn't say anything to refute it. There is nothing wrong with this statement. Let alone islands, it is the same with people. Innate is very important, but acquired sculpting is even more important.

After the Huaxia team landed, the following teams also landed on the strange rock beach one after another. After landing, their faces all became very exciting. The sinister impression of the strange rock beach refreshed their cognition.

The Huaxia team stood at the top of the strange rock beach and looked at the people who were still struggling on the strange rock beach.

After leaving the rocky beach, the terrain behind was much flatter, but the dense forest became a very serious obstacle.

"How should we find other fragments?" Lei Yiyi pushed aside the wet branches beside him with some headaches.

"I don't know." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

At this time, if there is a knife in hand, it will be much more convenient to move forward, but the knife is left on the suspension vehicle, and when it lands on the uninhabited island, the game has already started, like a knife Naturally, his weapons are not allowed to be carried on his body.

"It's such a big island, and we're looking around like this, when will it end?" Feng Yuming was speechless for a while after being hit by the brushed branches.

"There will definitely be a reminder." Zhang Pingping said calmly, and then pushed aside the bushes in front of him, his body froze suddenly.

Lei Yiyi, who was following behind, directly bumped his head against Zhang Pingche's back, clutching his nose and staggering two steps back.

"Well, Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you." Lei Yiyi asked pitifully, holding his nose.

 ps: Is anyone still watching? The Fighting Contest section will resolve Zhang Pingping's last ties on Earth, and then officially start transitioning to the interstellar chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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