Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 207 The Battle Begins

Chapter 207 The Battle Begins

"Convey, once things on the floating island are out of control, Neptune is allowed to use the Star Destroyer Cannon, and the King Zerg must not be allowed to leave. It is their honor to sacrifice for mankind." The old general with snow-white temples said calmly and indifferently. Said.

"Yes! General!"

The young man who had lost control of the mechanical dog in the computer room couldn't help shivering when he heard this, but he didn't dare to raise any criticism. The other party was a former iron-blooded general who had made outstanding contributions to the expansion of mankind. If it weren't for his advanced age, he wouldn't return to Earth to provide for the elderly, but providing for the aged does not mean that the old general's influence has weakened.

Although the tactics are radical, judging from previous battles, the old general's decision is always correct.

The people on the floating island don't know their own lives, and they are completely in their own hands.

And Ye Lian didn't know, no matter whether she had hostages or not, it was absolutely impossible for her to leave here today.

The global real-time positioning of the entire floating city has been transmitted to Zhang Pingze's hands.

The entire battlefield was divided into three torrents, and the circumvention team of the mechanical dog was quickly bypassing Kunpeng, and then went straight to the landing place of the previous explosive-piercing and rotating-piercing bombs.

But Kunpeng retracted his wings slightly, and quickly moved his six legs to chase the participating teams not far ahead.

The aerial mecha combat team surrounded Kunpeng in a semicircle, but they didn't dare to get too close. Just after approaching just now, Kunpeng suddenly shook his head, and his flexible neck directly crushed a hovering vehicle in the air.

"Boss, conventional weapons seem to be ineffective." On the huge armored hover vehicle, a soldier sat in the control room, enlarged the image of Kunpeng, looked at Kunpeng's undamaged back armor, and reported.

Chris crossed her arms, her face was a little serious, and her eyebrows were a little hostile: "Activate the white bear, I want to fight."

Lieke looked at the fast-moving Kunpeng, and then shook his head resolutely: "I won't let you die, this bug is definitely rated above B level, and it can even be said to be A level. Not an opponent."

"So what? If you're not an opponent, you're going to be like a turtle?" Chris said angrily.

Lek gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, I won't agree."

"You are just a tactical commander, and I am the supreme commander of the combat team!" Chris pushed Leke who was blocking the way.

"Chris! You can try it. If I don't agree, who dares to let you go!" Lieke roared hysterically.

Chris turned her head to look at Lek, her sexy red lips slightly parted, and said with a sneer, "Lek, are you going to disobey the orders of your superiors?"

Lek gritted his teeth and said, "Chris and we are equal! You don't have the right to decide the actions of the combat team alone!"

"Will you let it go!" The violent emotion in Chris's eyes began to spread, and it was obvious that the nerves had begun to enter a state of excitement.

"I won't let the White Bear team be defeated by you." Lek's attitude was also very tough, "The higher-ups will definitely make arrangements, instead of trying to be a hero like you."

"QNM's bullshit arrangement, I'll ask you if you want to let it go or not!" Chrissy pulled out the electromagnetic pistol from her waist, and pressed it against Lek's forehead, the violence on her face seemed to pull the trigger at any time .

Seeing the violent emotion on Chris's face, Lek smiled and said, "You lunatic, you have the ability to shoot."

Chris flipped the safety lock straight away, and the surrounding soldiers were sweating coldly when they saw the two top commanders making a fuss, and they didn't dare to breathe. will intensify the conflict.

"That's why I hate you high-ranking mecha masters. You have never ignored command and discipline, but you still have to confess you like an uncle. It's just nonsense! People like you are not worthy of being called soldiers!" K sneered.

"You're looking for death!" Chris's anger became heavier after hearing this.

According to psychological evaluation standards, almost half of mecha masters are neuropathy, but the nervous control system needs this kind of strong thinking fluctuations, so these lunatics have become sweets and potatoes. On the battlefield, when they encounter powerful The enemy is not scary, but the scary thing is that the mecha master is crazy and doesn't obey the command.

Strong emotional fluctuations, even if the command is terminated remotely, will be forcibly covered up.

But even with all kinds of disadvantages, the advantages of the tactical mecha are enough to make up for these disadvantages.

Just when Chris went crazy, a big badge appeared on the tactical command screen of the suspension vehicle.

"Boss, someone hacked into our channel! Do you need to clean it?"

Lek turned his head, looked at the command screen, and then his pupils shrank: "Stop, let go of the restriction, and allow the passage."

Lek is no stranger to this badge. He had seen it once when he was in the breeding area of ​​Galaxy High School, but Lek couldn't understand why a school's intelligent mastermind had such high authority.

"The communication has been connected, but the situation at the scene seems to be a bit chaotic, student Zhang Pingze." Milu Ji's voice echoed in the suspension car.

"What chaos? The situation is urgent. Chris, please cooperate with me. I need the help of the white bear." Zhang Pingze's voice came out.

Lek glanced at Chris, then squinted his eyes: "No, we have to wait for the order from the military department. If the military department doesn't order me, I won't let the white bear go anyway."

"That's it, wait a minute!" Zhang Pingzheng said calmly, and then disappeared.

Chris suddenly became angry: "Lek, do you really think I dare not shoot you?"

Lek looked at Chris without fear.

Chrissy tilted the muzzle of the gun, and pulled the trigger directly against the side of Lek's head. A blue electric arc erupted, and Lek felt as if his ear had been stabbed hard by a needle, while the whistling electromagnetic bullet, It directly hit the metal cabin of the hover car, bouncing back and forth in the hover car with huge kinetic energy.

This move scared all the soldiers back. Chris is really a lunatic, if she shoots in such a small space, it is very likely that a small person will collapse to death.

"Boss, boss, a letter from the general, let us obey Zhang Pingche's command!" At this moment, the messenger immediately shouted.

"Huh?" Lek frowned while turning around to confirm the source of the information, then nodded, "I see."

Then Zhang Pingze's voice came next: "It's all right now, the white bear will attack immediately."

Chris shook her head and went straight into the mech cabin at the back: "I'll settle the score with you later."

Lek turned around with a wry smile and started directing.

"The first team of mechanical dogs has arrived at the warhead drop point and started to search for the warhead on the ground. The expected return time is 5 minutes." Elk Ji quickly reported.

Zhang Pingping was panting and running, while the suspension car of the Huaxia team in front of him had already started, quickly lifted into the air, and approached Kunpeng's position at a fast speed.

"Lei Yiyi is in position." Lei Yiyi's voice came calmly.

On the floating car, Lei Yiyi held the knife box in her hand and opened the car door. Under the strong wind, she still stood firmly in front of the door, looking at the Kunpeng who was like a hill not far away.

Most of the second team of mechanical dogs died at Kunpeng's feet.

The flexibility of Kunpeng's head and neck is amazing, and it can handle attacks from various angles, and the tail like a poisonous snake behind it also has a lethality that cannot be underestimated.

Kunpeng didn't need to observe the enemy's situation with his eyes at all, as long as he had Ye Lian's command, and Ye Lian's unique and powerful spiritual field was enough to detect all approaching enemies.

Such a combination seems to be impeccable.

"The first part of the battle begins."

The levitation car rushed towards Kunpeng quickly, Kunpeng's reaction speed was so fast, and the moment his flexible neck shook, it was like a poisonous snake attacking, biting fiercely at the levitation car that was coming straight.

"Sakura!" Lei Yiyi stood at the car door and shouted nervously.

Yuanxin Sakura's face returned to her usual calm, but she didn't control the hover car to dodge for a long time.

"Sakura!!!" Lei Yiyi saw that huge mouth full of sharp teeth and stinking biting towards her, and the hairs all over her body stood up almost instantly.

The breath of death rushed over.

"Trust my intuition." Genshin Sakura's light words came.

As a professional nerve knife player, Yuan Xinying has absolute trust in her intuition, and also believes that her intuition is the most correct choice.

Just after the bloody giant mouth almost obscured the line of sight, Yuanxin Sakura instantly moved the joystick, and the hover car reversed 360 degrees in the air and moved out sideways. The metal body rubbed against the beetle on Kunpeng's neck. Layers of electric sparks shook the car body violently.

The moment Kunpeng passed by, the gap between the carapaces on Kunpeng's neck widened, and the entire neck protruded forward for a distance of nearly ten meters. If such a sudden extension operation had been dodged according to the original plan just now, it would definitely It fell directly into the worm's mouth.

Yuan Xinying's intuition was terrifyingly accurate, Lei Yiyi glanced at Yuan Xinying, then grabbed the door frame of the car and jumped onto Kunpeng's neck.

With the huge speed difference, Lei Yiyi almost rolled out, his body couldn't adapt to the huge speed difference at all.

Lei Yiyi, who was carrying a suitcase with one hand, grabbed the raised part of Kunpeng's beetle with the other hand, and his whole body seemed to be straightened, hanging directly on Kunpeng's neck, but he also successfully buffered the impact.

The hover car escaped unharmed and directly pulled away from Kunpeng.

Lei Yiyi stabilized his body and started running directly along Kunpeng's neck to his back armor. The first step was to restrict Ye Lian's movements so that Ye Lian had no time to direct Kunpeng.

Lei Yiyi's speed was so fast, the distance of a mere [-] meters passed in an instant, and Lei Yiyi had already seen Ye Lian hidden behind the back armor.

Fingers touched the knife box, and the metal knife box bounced open, and a silver Tang knife lay quietly under the clamp of the safety lock.

A portion of the thermal cutting knife popped out of the knife box, revealing the position of the knife handle.

Lei Yiyi held the handle of the knife, and while running, drew the knife with his backhand, dashed forward with a knife, and slashed at Ye Lian who was hiding behind the insect armor bunker, the scorching flames permeated the edge of the knife, and the first knife activated the thermal cutting mode One knife with all your strength.

The black shadow seemed to cover the sun, Lei Yiyi's eyes moved up slightly, a thick tail covered with fine scales, fell straight towards her, it was obvious that Ye Lian had already sensed her approach, and Ready to surprise her.

Lei Yiyi held a silver knife box in one hand, and a long knife filled with flaming blades in the other. Looking up at the thick long tail in the air, there are three people hugging each other. There is a trace of excitement in the calm eyes. This kind of battle is more interesting. up.

 Ps: Thank you for the 1000 rewards for the mark of the wind, thank you for the 500 rewards for book friends, thank you for the 1314 rewards for my love as high as 100, and thank you for the 100 rewards for the big eyes on the moon,
(End of this chapter)

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