Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 222 Once Friends

Chapter 222 Once Friends

In the early morning, the sun slowly climbed up to the balcony. Zhang Pingze, who was in pajamas, quickly changed his clothes, and then opened the door. Although his face was calm, his movements were very fast, as if he was racing against time.

As soon as Zhang Pingping went out, he saw Hulan Huayu who was also sneaking out of the door. The two looked at each other, and then walked toward the door in tacit understanding.

As soon as he reached the gate, a gentle voice came from behind.

"What are you two doing? I prepared a hearty breakfast for you." Lei Yiyi said with a smile, holding a spatula and wearing an apron.

"Uh, let's go to morning exercises first." Hulan Huayu said hastily.

"Let's go after dinner." Lei Yiyi said with a smile.

"I have to go to the teacher after my morning exercise." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Then you can go after dinner." Lei Yiyi held the spatula in both hands, folded it on the apron, and said with a smile.

"Hurry up." Zhang Pingping said, and then went to push the door.

Hulan Huayu also followed behind Zhang Pingping disheveledly, ready to fish out of troubled waters.


The plastic handle of the metal spatula had cracks. Although Lei Yiyi still kept a smile on his face, the smile had become extremely stiff.

"You think my cooking is not tasty?" Lei Yiyi asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's delicious, but there's really something urgent."

"Are you sure?" Lei Yiyi raised her head and smiled 'kindly'.

Zhang Pingze thought for a moment, then withdrew his hand, and Hulan Huayu returned to the dining table swiftly.

Lei Yiyi's force value is too high, and the two of them together probably won't do anything, so it's better to give up quickly to save yourself the pain of flesh and blood later.

Then, an hour later, Zhang Pingze walked into the laboratory, and Hulan Huayu went out with his back supported, and took away the fitness card of the STR club.

Lei Yiyi happily hummed a ditty, started to clear the dining table, and flipped through the Chinese cookbook thicker than Cihai. This physical book was a collector's edition, but Lei Yiyi found it in a bookstore.

Physical bookstores have not disappeared with the progress of the times and the development of technology, but are still full of vitality. No matter how technology advances, the value of physical books cannot be replaced. Physical books, which were originally popular, have gradually become favored by high social classes. thing.

The price of this thick and deadly Chinese cookbook alone is in the five figures, and it is sold in limited quantities.

Zhang Pingpin asked Qin Aiguo to buy the book when he first bought it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to buy it at all.

After buying it, Zhang Pingze regretted it. Lei Yiyi's interest in cooking was far beyond imagination, and the kitchen almost became Lei Yiyi's second home. All kinds of delicacies emerged one after another. While Yuda feasted on the delicious food, it also made the two of them suffer a lot.

Painful yet happy, although Zhang Pingping knows that overeating is unscientific, but in the face of Lei Yiyi's 'kind' eyes, he will still eat more.


When Zhang Pingping, Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu, and Xiao Meng were nervously preparing for their graduation projects, Qin Wang Biology also ushered in some strange people.

The appearance of this group of people is slovenly, the clothes on their bodies are also strange, and they have a strange smell. When this group of people enters the company, many staff who come and go can't help but take a detour.

There was a faint smell of blood on this group of people, even though their expressions were extremely frivolous, those big girls and young girls didn't dare to have any opinions.

But the one who took the lead for this group of people was none other than Qin Aiguo's personal bodyguard, Lao Yu.

"Old Yu, you bastard, what's the point of calling my brothers here in such a hurry?" The leader, a middle-aged white man with short hair dyed with a pinch of red, asked meaningfully.

The caucasian middle-aged man has a very strong body, and the thin old Yu is obviously two completely opposite bodies.

"Char, this time there is really something important for you to do." Lao Yu said with a smile. He also trusted this group of brothers who were born and died.

"What's the big deal, Old Yu?" Another dark-skinned mixed-race boy asked frivolously at the little girls in uniforms around him, whistling.

"Brothers have been floating in the sea for a month before coming back. If Lao Yu, you don't come up with anything to make the brothers happy, then don't blame the brothers for being ungrateful." Charles said very lightly, With a smile on his face too.

But these words are not quite right. Lao Yu paused and turned to look at Charle in surprise. Such words were actually spoken by his brother Charle who was born and died, which made Lao Yu a little bit unbelievable.

Lao Yu glanced at Char, the half-breed, and then the group of people who were fooling around behind him, and suddenly realized that among the former brothers, only Char, the half-breed, and himself remained.

The changes in five years are really too great. In the dark and boundless sea of ​​stars, I would actually expect that my brothers would not change at all.

The dark star sea, the disordered star sea, can cause too many changes in people.

Lao Yu was a little worried, he didn't know if it was the right choice for him to recommend Char and others to Qin Aiguo.

When Qin Aiguo wanted to organize his own interstellar hunting group, the first thing Lao Yu thought of was his brothers, but now it seems that his brothers have become less reliable.

"Don't worry, Char, do you still remember the dream you told me?" Old Yu smiled.

Char scratched his scalp with his index fingernail, and said casually: "It's been too long, I forgot."

"Didn't you say that you want to find a backer, find a root, and stop wandering aimlessly in the sea of ​​stars?" Lao Yu said happily.

Char rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "It seems to have been said before."

"This time, your dream will come true." Lao Yu said with a smile.

"Really? Then I want to see, who dares to want us, interstellar bandits." Char said with a smile.

Lao Yu didn't care about Char's attitude, but excitedly led Char and others to meet Qin Aiguo.

Qin Aiguo had already received the notice and ordered Liu Aiai to prepare the reception room.

As the door of the reception room was pushed open, a group of mercenaries who looked like prostitutes walked into the room.

Qin Aiguo stood up with a smile, then he didn't mind the strange smell on the mercenary, and extended his hand in a friendly way: "Welcome everyone, my sire Qin Aiguo."

Charle stretched out his hand and shook it with a smile, but glanced at Liu Aiai who was on the side.

Liu Ai'ai was originally a top-quality mature woman, with protruding front and back, and also dressed in intellectual professional attire. For these mercenaries who had been floating in the Xinghai for nearly a month, it was simply a fatal temptation.

Char is just looking a little rude, and some of the younger mercenaries behind him have set up small tents.

Qin Aiguo's face darkened, and then motioned for Liu Aiai to leave. The smile that was like a spring breeze at the beginning also disappeared. This group of mercenaries was too rude, and he had already considered replacing them.

"Everyone, please sit down." However, Qin Aiguo, who has been in the business world for so many years, did not turn his face directly, but raised his hand in a cold tone to signal everyone to sit down.

Lao Yu looked embarrassed and stood behind Qin Aiguo.

Char narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed: "Mr. Qin, please don't be offended. My brothers are all rough people. Besides, after floating in the star sea for so long, I hope Mr. Qin will forgive me for being rude and bring them back. After a few days of leisure, there will never be such a disrespectful situation again."

Qin Aiguo's expression softened a little, but his heart still responded. If it weren't for the lack of manpower, he might have turned his back on him long ago.

Char squinted and smiled, looked at Qin Aiguo's slightly relieved face, and then winked at the people behind him.

The half-breed immediately got up and apologized with everyone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, we were rude just now."

Qin Aiguo's face softened, he nodded and smiled and said, "It's okay, everyone can just rest in the central area for a few days, and I will reimburse all the expenses."

"Then thank you, Mr. Qin." Charle and everyone's eyes brightened, and they expressed their gratitude happily. It feels good to be surrounded by a big money.

(End of this chapter)

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