Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 224 Salted Fish Lei Yiyi

Chapter 224 Salted Fish Lei Yiyi

"Char, are we really going to join the King of Qin?" the half-blood asked in a low voice, taking advantage of the time when he and Char came out to smoke.

Charles washed his face, smelled of alcohol, but his eyes were so clear, his arms with thick soft hair stretched out under the faucet and rinsed several times, he raised his head with a smile: "What's the matter, don't you want to?"

The mixed-race man held the high-end cigarette he just got from Lao Yu in his hand, took a puff, and a faint fragrance rushed into his lungs.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that after drifting for so long, I feel a little uncomfortable when I suddenly want to settle down."

The corner of Charl's mouth twitched, and a smile appeared on his somewhat bumpy face: "Are you really planning to calm down?"

The half-race was stunned for a moment, his dark face turned to the mirror of the sink, looked at his weather-stained face, and then looked at Char: "What's wrong?"

Char's words sounded like a joke, but as a brother who had been together for more than ten years, the mixed race obviously heard that there seemed to be something in Char's words.

"Actually, I've had enough of that kind of life." Charl laughed.

"Then what do you mean?" The half-race looked at Char in a daze.

"Once and for all." Charle licked his lips, the red tongue was in stark contrast to the somewhat pale lips.

There was a look of shock on the half-breed boy's face. He didn't expect Char to have such an idea.

However, this thought moved the mixed-race child a little.


Time is passing by very quickly in the intense study and life, and the construction progress of the space node is also steadily increasing.

The space node of the solar system is located between the earth and the moon, at the midpoint of the gravitational intersection of the earth and the moon. This position was calculated 30 years ago, but the space station has not been established yet.

All aspects of preparations for the space station have been prepared for many years. Once the Earth side makes a decision, the project can start immediately, and the construction speed is terrifying.

In half a month, the assembly of the space station has come to an end.

On a quiet night, looking up at the starry sky, a bright star that has never appeared in the sky is shining brightly, even compared with the bright crescent moon, it is not too much.

That is the light of the space station, indicating that the construction of the space station has entered the stage of final testing.

The space node test lasts at least half a month.

Although the calculation shows that the stability of the space node is already very high, it still needs to be tested in kind.

After the test is over, the space node will be officially put into use, greatly shortening the distance between the earth and the galaxies.

At the same time, with the establishment of the space station, the super galaxy dark network will also be put into use simultaneously, and the earth will establish contact with other large galaxies outside the Milky Way.

After Zhang Pingping finished watching the night sky, he turned his head and returned to the room from the balcony.

Lei Yiyi tossed about the cooking all night, and was already tired and went back to her room to sleep. Hulan Huayu was still lying in the training cabin, digesting the strengthening that had just been completed.

Zhang Pingze didn't have much time, and the strengthening process of Hulan Huayu was greatly accelerated. During the day, Hulan Huayu went to follow the instructor to learn casting, and returned to soak in the training cabin at night to speed up the strengthening process.

Now that Hulan Huayu has completed most of her body strengthening, the next thing she needs is to adapt to her body.

After Zhang Pingping checked Hulan Huayu's training cabin, he also turned around and went to rest.

All the things that should be dealt with have been dealt with. Tomorrow, I will naturally go to meet with the members of the hunting group. After all, he is the leader of the hunting group.

It should be said that this hunting group was prepared by Qin Aiguo for Zhang Pingping.

The next morning.

Hulan Huayu rubbed her sleepy eyes, got up from the bed, grabbed the quilt on her body, and immediately felt a different touch from the sensitive skin on her body.

"?" Hulan Huayu grabbed the quilt and lifted it up to see that she was actually wearing the big pajamas of a cartoon bear, and silently touched the cloth on her lower body, this time she even put on her underwear.

Hulan Huayu blushed instantly: "Really, why are you getting more and more proficient?"

In the past, Zhang Pingche would take them out of the training cabin, throw them naked on the bed, cover them with a quilt, and then retire. She gradually got used to it, anyway, it's good not to think about it.

But now, Zhang Pingche has improved by himself. After taking her out of the training cabin, he still bathes her and changes her clothes?Every time I think of this, Hulan Huayu wants to find a piece of tofu to crash her to death. Your business is improving too fast.

Hulan Huayu sighed, got up from the bed blushing, then opened the door and went out to wash up.

"Are you up? Put on the clothes I just bought for you. Today we're going to meet the members of the hunting group." Zhang Pingping calmly looked at Hulan Huayu, who was wearing cartoon pajamas and had a flushed face.

I have to say that Hulan Huayu's proud figure was slightly covered up by wearing a large boyfriend-style pajamas, which brought out the cuteness of her baby face. The hem of the pajamas just covered the cute cartoon breasts, revealing two With round and fair long legs, the whole person looks lazy and cute, much better than usual in other clothes.

Zhang Pingping looked at Hulan Huayu, his eyes flickered slightly, obviously his heart was not as calm as the surface, facing the cute and seductive Hulan Huayu, as long as he was a normal man, he might not be indifferent.

"What clothes?" Hulan Huayu's face was flushed, and she didn't dare to look directly at Zhang Pingche, because she felt a little bloody when she thought that her pajamas were all changed by Zhang Pingche.

"It's just an ordinary team uniform." Zhang Pingping replied calmly.

"Uh, okay." Hulan Huayu picked up a set of orange-red clothes from the sofa.

The clothes look a bit like military uniforms, but they are not military uniforms. The upper body is a short military-style jacket, the inner layer is a thick and warm white knitted sweater, and the lower body is a very slim light trousers. Blue army trousers.

Hulan Huayu looked at it, and felt that the suit seemed to be in line with her aesthetics, so she went to change happily.

Just when Hulan Huayu was closing the door and changing clothes, Lei Yiyi's room door opened. Lei Yiyi, who was in pink pajamas, drooped her head and walked to the bathroom with sleepy eyes, completely ignoring Zhang Pingche who was sitting in the living room.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi who seemed to be sleepwalking, and his eyes twitched. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe that Lei Yiyi, who was alive and kicking, would have such a salty side.

Walking to the bathroom, Lei Yiyi opened the door with a click.

A short scream came out, Hulan Huayu hugged the clothes to her chest, and looked at Lei Yiyi with a dazed expression. When she saw that it was Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu also heaved a sigh of relief, she thought it was Lei Yiyi. Zhang Pingze broke in suddenly.

Lei Yiyi rubbed her sleepy eyes: "Huh? Huayu, you're up, give me a little room, I'll wash my face."

Speaking of which, Lei Yiyi wobbled and closed the door, then passed by Hulan Huayu with a dazed face, as if playing in slow motion, he turned on the faucet weakly, and began to wash his face slowly.

Hulan Huayu hugged her clothes, and began to change clothes with a flushed face. Recently, Lei Yiyi has been getting more and more salty. Except when cooking, she is full of energy. In other cases, she looks half-dead.

Waiting for Lei Yiyi to be half dead, she shook her head and walked out of the bathroom. Hulan Huayu also changed her clothes and walked out of the bathroom with a flushed face.

A light-colored military uniform was fitted on Hulan Huayu's body very decently, of course it was just decent, without the stunning style of her boyfriend's style pajamas before, it seemed a bit ordinary instead.

But Zhang Pingche also wanted this feeling, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu were both beauties, but the people he was going to meet next were a group of interstellar mercenaries who didn't follow the rules, naturally the more low-key the better.

"Yiyi?!" Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi who was about to go back to her room to sleep with a headache.

Lei Yiyi turned her head with disheveled hair: "Huh? Let me sleep for a while. If there is anything else, just let Hulan Huayu do it."

Hulan Huayu: "." Yiyi, how could you become so salty?
Zhang Pingze: "." Could it be a side effect of the phagocytic gene?He is unscientific.

(End of this chapter)

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