Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 227 Looking at you, 1 has been looking at you

Chapter 227 Looking at You, Always Watching You

The owner of the boiled water bar still hasn't changed much. The riots that spread to the first district obviously didn't have much impact on this humble small bar. The bearded owner is still wiping the wine glasses one by one every day , concentrating on mixing each wine.

This quaint little shop, although a transfer notice has been posted, has not affected the business of the shop, regular customers will still come here, order a glass of wine, sit at their respective seats, and slowly taste the wine .

The small shop is ordinary and warm, and no one wants to mention that the small shop is about to be sold.

At the door of the store, Char, who was wearing a casual sportswear, looked curiously at this ordinary tavern, and wondered why Zhang Pingze invited him here.

Charl was not made to wait too long, and Zhang Pingping arrived on time, not one minute late or one minute early.

"Let's go, go in and talk." Zhang Pingping nodded to Char, and opened the door of the tavern directly and familiarly.

The bearded boss looked at Zhang Pingze who entered the door, and smiled: "Here you are? What do you want?"

Charles glanced at the boss, the boss is so familiar, it is obvious that Zhang Pingze is also a frequent visitor here.

But why did this young man come to such a dilapidated and shabby tavern?
"What would you like to drink?" Zhang Pingze turned around and asked.

Charles glanced at the wine list, then smiled and said, "You have arranged it with the leader."

Zhang Pingping nodded: "Two cups and three visits to the thatched cottage."

The bearded boss was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile: "Okay, but this is not considered three visits."

Zhang Pingchee nodded, turned his head coldly, and went to the exclusive seat at the farthest corner.

Charles sat down with Zhang Pingping, then looked at the surrounding environment, feeling a little headache, this young master really doesn't understand anything?What I want to discuss with him is a big matter, and I choose such a public place.

"Isn't it inappropriate for the leader to discuss things here?" Char said as tactfully as possible, after all, Zhang Pingping is the leader now.

Char can never say, are you stupid.

Zhang Pingze calmly opened the drawer and tapped the inside of the drawer.

The red indicator light at the corner of the table was on, and Charl was taken aback: "Sound shielding?"

Zhang Pingchee nodded: "Now we can talk, it takes 5 minutes for the wine to be served, and you have 5 minutes to speak."

The corner of Char's mouth twitched, although Zhang Pingze felt that Zhang Pingze was too pretentious, but he had to speak out quickly.

"Captain, do you know the rules in Xinghai?" Charles asked, wanting to regain the initiative.

Zhang Pingze: "."

Zhang Pingze looked at Char calmly, without saying anything, as time passed by, Char felt a little uneasy on his face, and replied by himself: "The new hunting group wants to hunt in the star field." , must be well managed, the relationship with the old hunting group, after all, the number of star fields that can carry out hunting activities is limited, most of them are blocked by the military, and only a few sporadic star fields can be used for hunting."

"There are less meat and more wolves, so the relationship between the hunting groups is not good. If you want to gain a foothold in the hunting star field, you must establish a relationship. It is best to rely on a large and old-fashioned hunting group. Become a piece of fat and be slaughtered."

Char's speech was very fast, and he was obviously affected by Zhang Pingche's silent delay method. He no longer wanted to regain the initiative of any topic, and 5 minutes was not long.

Who knows what this unreliable leader is going to do in 5 minutes.

"So?" Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

"We need to prepare some things to manage the relationship." Charl said persuasively.

"Oh, what do you think should be prepared?" Zhang Pingze asked casually, his eyelids drooping slightly, with a silent expression.

Hearing Zhang Pingche's question, Charlton thought it was a joke, and immediately smiled: "Naturally, it is a scarce thing in the star sea. The things that the hunting group care about most are nothing more than strengthening potions, cultivating potions, medical potions, galaxy points, and weapons. There are only a few types of equipment."

"How many Galaxy points do you need to make a relationship?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly.

Char was taken aback, but regarding this, he had already thought up an argument: "Large hunting groups are not short of those Galaxy Points. If you want to rely on Galaxy Points, it may not be easy, but it is not impossible, 500 million Galaxy points are enough for a large hunting group to accept us, this account is not cost-effective, on the contrary, it is better to use resources for management."


"In this regard, we have a huge advantage. King Qin Biology's g92 culture fluid and quick-acting healing agent are all sought-after products in the star sea. It is much easier to manage them with strategic materials such as medicine." Charles said earnestly. Observing Zhang Pingze's expression carefully, he said.

Zhang Pingze was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Good job, I will arrange it, what reward do you want?"

Char shook his head with a smile and said: "I was originally a wild mercenary with no status and no status. It is my greatest luck to be picked up by Mr. Qin and become a member of the hunting group. I just hope that the hunting group can be in If I develop well in Xinghai, I can follow suit, and I don’t need to live in fear.”

What Char said was very sincere, Zhang Pingzhen nodded, and looked at Char calmly: "Don't worry, as long as you abide by the hunting group's regulations, I will never treat you badly."

Char nodded with a smile.

While talking, the bearded boss also came over with two glasses of three-color wine, put them on the table, and said with a smile: "Use it slowly."

Zhang Pingze nodded his thanks, and then motioned Char to taste it.

Char hesitated for a moment, but seeing that Zhang Pingche had already started tasting wine, he gritted his teeth and tasted some.

This taste made Char's eyes light up, and he began to taste it seriously.

Feeling the warmth in his body, Char thought to himself: "No wonder Zhang Pingze comes here to drink. This wine is really good, and it seems to have a nourishing effect."

The time is spent in pleasant wine tasting.

Charles didn't mention it again, his own proposal, he believed that Zhang Pingche would definitely do what he said.

After Chaer drank the three-color wine, he left under Zhang Pingche's arrangement, leaving Zhang Pingche to sip slowly by himself.

When Zhang Pingze finally drank the wine in the glass, he walked to the front desk silently.

"In half a month, I'm leaving, and I'm afraid I won't be able to drink in the future." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

The bearded bartender paused as he wiped the wine glass, then nodded with a smile: "I'm leaving too."

"Okay." Zhang Pingping nodded, turned and left without hesitation.

"Wait." Just as Zhang Pingzhen turned around, the bearded bartender sighed helplessly.

Zhang Pingze turned around as he said, and looked at the bearded bartender seriously.

"Sometimes fate is such a thing, I really can't explain it." The bearded man said helplessly.

Zhang Pingping still looked at the bearded man calmly, did not urge anything, just looked at the tavern owner calmly.

"Okay, don't look at me anymore, I've decided, I'll give you the "Mind Asking Technique", leave a communication number, and send it back to you." The bearded man was stared at by Zhang Ping, speechless for a while.

The original good atmosphere was ruined by Zhang Pingze's serious face, you said you were not angry.

(End of this chapter)

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