Chapter 235
"I'm impatient to live. The young master said that the woman wants to live, but he didn't say that other people want to live." The leading gunman directly pushed away the person in front of him, and then pointed at Yuanxin Jianjie and pulled the button. trigger.

But the moment the shooter raised his gun, Yuan Xin Jianming also moved, and when he moved, it was like thunder.

Under the sun, the shimmering light of the knife is like a silver rainbow!

Yuan Xinying's eyes widened. She had never seen this kind of speed before. This is no longer the speed of a human being. Maybe only that monster Lei Yiyi could do it, but now it appeared on Yuan Xin Jianming's body.

The green brick pavement of the long alley exploded in an instant, and the splashed gravel hit the wall of the long alley, leaving white bruises.

This is just the power of the simple source of the heart and the foothold of the ground.

And Yuanxin Ying clearly knew that Yuanxin Concise was only strengthened at B level, why did it suddenly burst out with such powerful strength and speed?

At the moment of thinking, the gunmen also fired.

Yuan Xin's concise speed is indeed very fast, relying on the gunmen's vision, it is no longer easy to capture, but the gunmen he faces are not ordinary goods, but professional gunmen who have undergone special training, and the eyes can't catch them. As far as covering shooting is concerned, no matter how concise and fast Yuanxin is, it is only one person.

There is a limit to a person's speed, and the knife light in the sky along with the blood mist paints a tragic color in the sun.

Yuan Xin Jianming's eyes couldn't catch his movements anymore, everything in front of him was blurred, only the target he locked on was clearly imprinted in his eyes.

A sharp blade slashed across the throat of a gunman without a sound. Yuanxin stepped on the ground quickly with a few feet. The gunman passed by.

The blue brick ground exploded instantly as if it had been bombarded by shells, and then the silver knife light lit up again.

The light of the knife in the long alley is like the scythe of death, harvesting one life after another.

Sakura stared blankly in front of her eyes, her eyes couldn't keep up with the flickering sword light like starlight, and her ears were filled with the sound of her feet hitting the ground.

"Sakura, how much you can learn depends on your ability." Yuan Xin's concise and light words fell into Yuan Xin Ying's ears.

Yuan Xinying was startled suddenly, and woke up from the shock. With her strong six senses, she immediately felt that under Yuan Xin's simple and powerful sword, life was withering.

The messy knife light and the deafening explosion sound intertwined. Yuanxin Sakura couldn't see any moves and skills at all. Yuanxin Jianjie's speed and power at this moment have exceeded the scope of human beings. Like Lei Yiyi, Yuan Xin Ying couldn't understand, couldn't see through.

The gunshots gradually became less and less, and the long alley had turned into a Shura field.

"I can go faster!" Yuan Xin's concise roar resounded throughout the long alley, and the long knife sliced ​​across the chest of a gunman.

However, when the shooter's chest was sliced ​​open, the momentum of Yuan Xin's concise forward charge could no longer be taken back. The whole person threw himself awkwardly and fell hard. The whole person seemed to have no bones, lying on the ground. It rolled over a distance of more than ten meters before stopping.

And the gunman who just fell was the last enemy.

Killing thirteen professional gunmen by one person with a knife is truly astonishing.

Yuan Xinying looked at Yuan Xin Jianming who had fallen to the ground, rushed over in panic, helped Yuan Xin Jianming up who was covered in blood, and then directly called for an ambulance.

"Master, don't scare me, how are you?" Yuan Xinying never felt that Yuan Xin's simplicity was so important to herself.

Looking at Yuan Xin's simple and miserable appearance, everything from the past slowly came to mind, from the beginning of practicing swordsmanship, day and night, never-ending teaching, when he was picky eater, merciless punishment, and never leaving him when practicing swordsmanship Accompaniment, everything, although it is not beautiful, but it is unforgettable.

Yuan Xin Jianming's whole body is full of blood, and the blood lines are like traces of rain blown by a strong wind, all facing the same direction, which shows the speed of Yuan Xin Jianming's speed just now.

"Sakura, do you understand?" Yuan Xin asked weakly.

"Understood, I understand, master, don't talk, the ambulance will come in a while, and you will be fine." Yuan Xinying's small face could no longer maintain the indifference, but she was like a helpless child , Stretched out his plain hand to hold down Yuan Xin's concise and non-stop bleeding wound.

After all, Yuanxin Jianming is a human being and not a god. Facing guns, he still couldn’t dodge completely. He was shot three times. The huge wound was accompanied by a lot of blood loss. I don’t know how he survived until he killed all the enemies before he fell down. of.

"It's good if you understand it, it's good if you understand it, you take my personal terminal away, there is a set of magical exercises on it, if you can learn it, you can practice the moves I just taught you." Yuan Xin Jian Jie's mental state is not bad, and he speaks clearly.

None of the wounds were fatal, but the body's functions began to fail rapidly, especially the heart. In this state, the heartbeat that should have been speeding up became slower and slower.

"I call this move, Cherry Blossom Crazy Bloom, and this sword move is also related to you. If I hadn't met you and that expert in Huaxia District, I am afraid that this sword move would not have appeared. "Yuanxin's concise voice is getting weaker and weaker.

"Master, stop talking, you must hold on." Yuan Xinying's tears slowly slipped from the edge of her long and narrow fox eyes, and her small face had a look of pain as if the sky had fallen.

"I'm afraid I can't hold it anymore, Sakura, I still have a lot of things I want to tell you." Yuanxin Jianjian frowned in pain, his heartbeat became weaker and weaker, and the strength gained in exchange for his overdraft potential also made his life go the end.

"Master!" Yuanxin Ying knelt on the ground, holding Yuanxin Jianming, tears dripped from her cheeks, her black and soft short ear-length hair was stained with blood, and it became disheveled, looking pitiful and desolate.

Just when Yuanxin Sakura was about to despair, a steady voice reached her ears.

"I have something to say, let's talk about it later." Zhang Pingping walked to Yuan Xin Ying's side unhurriedly, then flicked his wrist, took out a needle of medicine, and directly plunged it into Yuan Xin's concise heart.

Yuanxin Sakura looked at the young man who seemed to have no emotion on his face with tearful eyes, choked up and couldn't speak.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Yuan Xinying who was almost emotionally broken, then knelt on the ground with one knee, and slowly put the syringe in his hand into the storage layer of the personal terminal.

Yuan Xin Jianming, who was already out of breath, suddenly widened his eyes, and sat up in one breath, his eyes were red, and his originally silent heart beat crazily again.

"Master! Master, you are alive! Master! Sakura is so worried!" Seeing Yuanxin Jianming sitting up, Yuanxin Sakura felt as if she had just stepped from hell to heaven.

"Come back to life? No, the injection just now was my special stimulant. Now it is a way to squeeze out the last bit of your master's life potential. When the effect of the medicine wears off, no matter what medical means, I am afraid it will not be able to completely save you. Live your master."

Zhang Pingping calmly took out another medicine from the storage box, checked the needle, and said casually.

"What do you mean?" Yuanxin Sakura asked brokenly.

"Originally there was still salvation, but now there is no salvation, it's as simple as that." Zhang Pingche said truthfully.

"You bastard, what the hell did you do! I'll kill you!" Yuan Xinying screamed, and was about to reach out and draw the knife.

"Sakura! Stop it! Why are you still so restless at such an age?" Yuanxin Jianming's face turned bloody under the stimulation of the gene-swallowing excitement factor.

"Tsk, the high blood loss and overdrawn life potential can still be stimulated back. The effect of this exciting factor is much stronger than I thought." Zhang Pingze muttered calmly, as if he didn't care about the simple life and death of the source heart.

"You bastard!"

Zhang Pingze ignored Yuanxin Ying, and then stuck another needle in Yuanxin's concise heart.

The blue liquid gradually disappeared into the mini-syringe, and Yuanxin's concise complexion got a little better.

A shot of g96 concentrated essence temporarily balances the overdraft potential of Yuanxin Jianjian, allowing Yuanxin Jianjian to jump for a while longer.

"Sakura, what is the most important thing about being a swordsman!" Yuanxin Jianming looked at Yuanxin Sakura who was burning with anger and shouted angrily.

"Calm down! It's Master!" Yuan Xinying replied subconsciously.

"No, but, although I don't know this person, his actions are definitely not harmful to me. Why did you lose your ability to think impulsively?" Yuanxin Jianming roared angrily at this moment.

Zhang Pingping nodded: "That's right, what you said before, your master still has a few minutes of rescue time at most, and the probability of successful rescue is less than [-]%. For low-probability events, I have always followed the principle that, Do not rely on."

"That's better than not having a chance to save now!"

"I didn't say that there is no way to save him now. I just said that there is no way to fully save him." Zhang Pingze analyzed seriously.

"Then hurry up and save my master." Yuanxin Ying said angrily.

"Not now, wait for a while, don't you guys still have a lot to say, let's chat to relieve boredom." Zhang Pingping looked at Yuanxinying calmly.

"You!!!" Yuanxin Ying almost strangled Zhang Pingze's heart now.

Go to your sister's chat to relieve boredom!

 ps: Thank you [Book Friends 20170102002247033] for the 100 tip, thank you [Boy Damn] for the 500 tip, and thank you [Tao Palace Nine Stars Breaking Army] for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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