Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 238 Ruthless

Chapter 238 Ruthless
"Fire the enemy, open fire!" The guards of the Demon Shrine gathered very quickly. Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu had just passed through two corridors when they met the guards who came to intercept them.

The guards were holding electromagnetic rifles with great lethality in their hands. Even the two with individual shields did not dare to be exposed to the firepower at will.

"Yiyi! Let's go up, our target is not them!" Hulan Huayu shouted directly to Lei Yiyi through the communication equipment of the outer armor.

Lei Yiyi glanced at the guards rushing through the goggles of the outer armor, then bent his knees slightly, and the strength of his legs exploded instantly, his whole body was like a shell fired from a chamber, he leaped up into the air, and flew over The three-story building stretches across the front.

The guards who had just arrived were stunned by the sight in front of them. Two guys in strange armors were just in front of their eyes, and they were ejected like fireworks, flying more than ten meters away. The tall small building went straight to the direction of the demon god's tower.

"My God, is that a human being! Is it my eyesight?" A guard raised his head and exclaimed in shock, yet to react from the shock just now.

"Stop talking nonsense, report to the people behind and stop those two monsters." The captain of the guard shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay." The panicked guard was just about to report when a muffled gunshot rang out.

Bright blood sprays exploded directly from his protective helmet. Under the huge kinetic energy of the bullet, the guards flew into the air, turned around, and fell to the ground without a sound.

"There are still enemies, everyone seek cover! Turn on infrared vision!" The captain of the guard immediately turned pale.

Before the guards could find cover, dense gunshots rang out from every corner. Most of the guards were destroyed almost instantly, and the rest of them ran behind the wall and behind the messy bunkers, and began to fight back indiscriminately.

The captain of the guard hid behind the wall, immediately reported back what happened on the front line, and called for support.

Zhang Pingze, who was wearing the exoskeleton armor, jumped directly to the roof more than three meters high, and then brought the Razer sniper rifle, which was more than two meters long, to his eyes. With the strong support of the exoskeleton, he directly squatted and lifted it. Raised a heavy sniper rifle.

The infrared sight has firmly locked the captain of the guard hiding behind the wall.

Zhang Pingche pulled the trigger calmly, ignoring the whistling sound of stray bullets passing by around him, as if he was not worried that the stray bullets around him would fall on him.

A huge roar erupted from the muzzle of the gun, and the huge recoil made Zhang Pingche's body slide back uncontrollably. You must know that Zhang Pingche is now in the state of exoskeleton armor added to his body.

However, the huge recoil also brought terrifying destructive power. The walls of special materials exploded instantly under the bombardment of special bullets.

A huge gap appeared on the wall in an instant, and the captain of the guard hiding behind the wall was also blown away by the huge impact force, but it was only blown away. The building materials of the demon shrine are extremely special, and their protection ability is better than that of ordinary armor. The suspension vehicle must be strong, and a single shot can blast a gap, which is already the limit of Razer's sniper rifle.

Zhang Pingze switched firearms in an instant, grabbed an electromagnetic pistol in his hand, took aim in an instant, and pulled the trigger.

The electromagnetic bullet directly sank into the guard captain's neck, and a blood flower exploded.

When the other guards saw the death of the captain of the guard, they were all frightened. What kind of strange force was the opponent? Not to mention the two superman-like monsters before, and now even the guards hiding behind the wall The captain was instantly killed by the terrifying weapon.

The emotion of fear is contagious. When the first guard couldn't bear the suffering and turned to run away, the others finally couldn't hold on anymore, and directly gave up their duties and turned to retreat.

When Charles saw the retreating guards, his rich battlefield experience instantly made him react, and he directly waved and commanded: "Keep a distance and pursue."

The members of the hunting group immediately began to move, followed the fleeing guards, pursued and expanded the results of the battle.

Zhang Pingping followed the hunting group with his backpack on his back. At the same time, through monitoring, he immediately captured the actions of the two Lei Yiyi who were performing the beheading operation.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu encountered a small group of guards head-on. This time the terrain was not as good as last time. There was no bunker in the air. If the two of them took off rashly and tried their tricks again, they might be covered by fire.

At the critical moment, Hulan Huayu still played a role, and his keen thinking immediately realized the current situation.

"Yiyi, go separately, attack left and right together, prepare flash bombs." Hulan Huayu said quickly.

Lei Yiyi nodded, and rushed in the opposite direction with Hulan Huayu.

Once the battle started, the hot-blooded Lei Yiyi didn't know what he was doing at all, he just followed the command and his own feeling.

Seeing Hulan Huayu's command, Zhang Pingze nodded reassuringly, then took out a miniature bomb from his backpack and stuck it on the wall at hand.

The energy supply network of the entire Demon Shrine adopts a multi-point parallel mode, and blowing up one energy supply point cannot cut off the strategic ion shield of the Demon God Tower at all. Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu are responsible for cutting in, and their main goal is to , cut off the ion shield energy supply network of the demon god tower.

Hulanhuayu took out a button-sized flash bomb from the bottom of her battle skirt, held it in the palm of her hand, and at the same time pulled out the long knife on her back. Hulanhuayu's Gale Armor is different from Scarlet in that the weapon behind her is not a short knife, but a It is a long knife that can be folded. Once unfolded, the length of the sword is more than two meters, and it looks huge.

The two arced in two directions to outflank the forward guard squad.

Lei Yiyi directly pulled out the spare thermal cutting knife on his back, and did not use the nuclear resonance knife and Amaterasu knife.

The dense flow of bullets followed the footsteps of the two, directly forming a dense line of fire, but the speed of turning the muzzle of the eccentric gun could not even catch up with the fast moving speed of the two.

Although they couldn't catch up with the speed of the two, the guards didn't have any fear, because the two men actually held cold weapons in their hands, which gave the guards with guns courage.

The two turned around in an arc, and began to rush straight at the guards. Their movement in a straight line made their actions dangerous.

When the guards saw that the opportunity had come, they grinned grinningly and moved their guns to aim at the two of them.

But before they pulled the trigger, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu, who were running, instantly threw out the flash bombs in their hands.

The dazzling light instantly became the main color in front of him.

"Flash bomb? Huh, funny." The goggles on the guards' eyes turned into sunglasses when the strong light stimulated them.

But when the flash bomb was thrown, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu threw another knuckle-sized detonator again.

The high-voltage lightning burst instantly, and the dense current almost instantly enveloped a space of the guards.

Everyone was paralyzed, their hands and feet were limp, and some even dropped their guns to the ground.

In the short period of time when the paralysis took effect, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu had already rushed to the guards.

Hulan Huayu closed her eyes, swung her saber, and swiped without hesitation.

On the other hand, Lei Yiyi was expressionless, the laser claws popped out of the left arm armor, and the right hand grabbed the thermal energy cutting knife, and directly rushed into the crowd.

The two-meter-long saber enveloped several guards. Along with the feeling from the saber, Hulan Huayu suddenly felt his feet go limp. The feeling of cutting made one's scalp tingle, especially when Hulan Huayu thought of , all the people who were cut through were living human beings, and that terrible sense of guilt and disgust rushed straight into my heart.

After slashing, Hulan Huayu didn't dare to open her eyes anymore, she stood there dragging the bloody saber, trembling all over her body.

On the other hand, Lei Yiyi didn't have any psychological burden at all. The thermal cutting knives and laser claws criss-crossed each other, and blood flowed everywhere they passed.

After a while, there was no more sound around, Hulan Huayu's body was a little weak, and then she opened her eyes in fear.

Lei Yiyi, who was covered in blood, was walking towards her, lightly shaking off the blood on the thermal cutter, and wearing crimson armor, was covered with brighter blood.

"Huayu, what are you doing? Let's go." Lei Yiyi's calm and excited voice came.

"I, oh, Yiyi, did I kill someone?" Hulan Huayu asked uncertainly, looking at her blood-stained sword.

"Uh, Huayu, what's the matter with you?" Lei Yiyi asked with concern seeing Hulan Huayu's complexion
"No, it's okay, let's move on." Hulan Huayu didn't dare to look at the corpses all over the ground, hurriedly controlled the sword to fold, and then left the Shura field in a hurry.

Lei Yiyi also hurriedly followed, although she didn't know what happened to Hulan Huayu, but completing the task is the most important thing now.

After solving two waves of guards one after another, the two people who climbed over the wall finally came to the tower of the demon god.

The Demon God Tower used to have a dense and terrifying firepower defense network, but now, most of it has been paralyzed by the invasion of Milu Ji. There are only three guard teams guarding all directions of the Demon God Tower, defending the village of the Murata family every step of the way. The tallest privy building.

"There are too many people. If the two of us break through, the risk is too great."

"Yiyi, Huayu, please stop for a moment, the ion shield of the Demon God's Tower has not been removed, and now you can't get in." Zhang Pingze's voice came in a timely manner.

"it is good."

Here, Zhang Pingze rushed into a small courtyard with the hunting group, and quickly set up a bomb.

At this time, a young man with flimsy feet rushed out of the room in disheveled clothes: "Who are you! How dare you act wildly at my Murata's house, guards! Guards!"

Zhang Pingping looked at the young man calmly, then raised the electromagnetic gun, and pulled the trigger without saying a word.

With the sound of a gunshot, both Charle and the half-breed couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Zhang Pingche with some fear, and the two retreated for the first time in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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