Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 253 Fork in the Road

Chapter 253 Fork in the Road
As soon as Zhang Pingze finished speaking, the mixed-race child under the infrared surveillance suddenly rushed out of the bunker.

Under the control of the silver wolf, the robots who rushed over raised the electromagnetic guns in their hands one after another, and pulled the trigger.

Although Silver Wolf's information was transmitted quickly, the robot was not a professional combat robot after all, and there was a momentary delay in the whole action of raising the gun and shooting.

In a short moment, the half-breed who rushed out pulled the trigger first.

The sound of howling shots, like torrential rain, almost became an indistinguishable piece.

The mixed-race man moved his feet and fired with his left and right hands at the same time. The rate of fire of the electromagnetic rifle was far less exaggerated than it sounds now, but the just-right supplementary gun of the electromagnetic pistol formed a non-stop firepower coverage.

The electromagnetic rifle fired horizontally, but the pistol covered the blind area of ​​the fire, and a dense firepower network had been formed in the entire corridor.

The half-breeds are dual-purpose, rationally using the advantages of the two firearms to form this terrible firepower coverage. The firepower of one person is comparable to the salvo of a small team.

The cleaning robots in the front row fell down in pieces, bursting out dazzling electric sparks, but the cleaning robots in the back row were blocked by the wreckage in the front row, unable to shoot effectively. The entire robot sea strategy was completely defeated in front of the narrow corridor.

The bullets of the firearm under the frantic strafing ran out in an instant, and the half-breed raised his elbow, and the other electromagnetic rifle on his back turned in front of him in an instant, and the half-breed raised his hand to hold it, and began a precise point kill.

Watching this magnificent performance, the mercenaries immediately became more confident. With such a strong teammate, there is nothing to be afraid of. A half-breed man is equivalent to an army.

It is easy to say the shot just now, but it is not so simple to do. Not everyone can do it.

After losing half of its members, the cleaning robot brigade retreated quickly, as if fleeing.

"That's all." The half-blood stood up and smiled proudly.

"Brother Half-Blood really deserves to be a top student at the Holy Thunder Military Academy. With Brother Half-Blood leading us, we will definitely win." Yang Qingzhi said excitedly.

"That's right, half-blood brother, is this gun fighting?"

"This is just a layer of gun fighting, haha." The half-blood said proudly.

Hearing the words of the mixed race, all the mercenaries felt a little more confident, and some of them had already begun to flirt with the bodies of those top-quality girls. Thinking of that charming figure, their bodies became hot.

When the half-breed was proud, Charl on the side said with a smile: "Let's go quickly, after passing this corridor, we will reach the weapon room. When the time comes, find a way to open the weapon room, and the entire starship will be under our control." bingo."

"Okay, half-blood brother, I'll be with you." Yang Qingzhi walked directly from Char to the half-blood. After seeing it, several mercenaries also moved silently.

Seeing it in his eyes, Charl didn't have any expression on his face, just urging everyone to leave quickly.

In the command room
"Brother Zhang, let's go out and deal with these hateful guys." Lei Yiyi said eagerly, wearing a crimson armor.

With the battle armor on, Lei Yiyi's already inflated confidence inflated even more, and he didn't take those dozen or so mercenaries seriously.

"No need." Zhang Ping said calmly.

Silver Wolf sat on a high stool next to Zhang Pingchee, with two short white legs dangling, and said to himself in bewilderment: "The comparison of combat effectiveness is obviously wrong. My soldiers, the comprehensive combat effectiveness is obviously strong Why did the mercenary fail?
Hulan Huayu looked at the video in the surveillance, and said, "That Yang Qingzhi should belong to you, Zhang Pingping."

Zhang Pingche hummed softly as an answer.

In the conversation with Yang Qingzhi, Yang Qingzhi had already stated his position.

Now Zhang Pingche is just giving Yang Qingzhi and others a chance to prove himself, as long as he can prove his usefulness and position, Zhang Pingche will consider accepting him.

This cannot be blamed on Zhang Pingzheng being too cautious. More than half of the entire hunting group has already rebelled. Zhang Pingze is not sure about anyone's position, so this is Zhang Pingze's last chance to prove himself to those people. If not, then Zhang Pingze didn't mind either, turning the entire fleet into an empty shell fleet.

Among the stars, the most terrifying thing is betrayal. In the vast sea of ​​stars, there is no such thing as regret.

Hulan Huayu looked at Lei Yiyi who was running around in a hurry, and then asked worriedly: "Can Yuanxin Ying handle it by herself?"

"No one is more suitable than her. What's more, it's not just Yang Qingzhi and others who need to prove their worth." Zhang Pingping replied calmly.

Trust Yuanshin Sakura from the beginning?how is this possible?Even if the other party is a beautiful girl with a tragic life experience, but that is just a bonus item. In Zhang Pingze's heart, she is incomparable with Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu, and even said that she is not as good as Xiao Meng and just now. The "resurrected" silver wolf is important.

Going out to create fear, such a dangerous thing, of course, is to send unimportant people to take risks first.Zhang Pingche thought for granted.

Lei Yiyi was more concerned about Yuan Xinying's safety, it was too dangerous to face this group of desperadoes by herself, even though Yuan Xinying was wearing a bracelet that could deploy the ion shield.

The mercenaries jumped over the robot wreckage all over the floor, and then went straight to the weapons room.

"Take the road on the left ahead, the road over there is shorter." Yang Qingzhi said looking at the branch road ahead.

"Okay." The half-breed nodded without hesitation.

After all, Yang Qingzhi's just-right praise before made the mixed-race man a little closer to him.

Char's eyes flickered, his footsteps slowed down, and he landed in the middle of the team after a while. He always felt that Yang Qingzhi was too active today.

"Oli, take your brother to be careful, if something goes wrong, follow me immediately." Charle said in a low voice.

With an excited face, Ollie looked at Char puzzledly: "Boss, aren't we going to the weapon room soon?"

"If you still want to fuck that chick with fox eyes, just listen to me." Charl said angrily.

"Yes, yes, boss." Ollie nodded.

Charle looked at Yang Qingzhi in front of him with a cold light in his eyes, rubbed the pistol in his hand, and hesitated whether he should kill this uncertain factor with one shot.

But in the end, Char still didn't shoot, but silently watched the half-breed lead Yang Qingzhi and others rush to the front.

At the end of the corridor is a five-way intersection, leading to different directions, and it is also the intersection with the most complicated road conditions in the entire starship, although it is closer to the weapon room.

When they arrived at this intersection, Char felt a little regretful. If he had known the road conditions here, he should have taken another long road, at least to a safe point. Unfortunately, they stayed on the starship for too short a time, and the terrain was still unfamiliar.

"Everyone be careful." Charl reminded from behind.

But the mercenaries who were about to reach the end didn't care about Char's reminder at all.

Just as everyone was scrambling to rush over, a sudden change occurred. The dim light in the corridor suddenly disappeared completely, leaving only the faint emergency light in the corner emitting a miserable green light.

 Ps: A fork in the road represents a divergence.

(End of this chapter)

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