Chapter 270
"Information?" Zhang Pingze glanced at the man suspiciously.

The guy in the black and white uniform was just asking tentatively, but seeing that Zhang Pingche was interested, he immediately moved over aggressively, as if you wouldn't give up if you didn't buy information.

"That's right, aren't you curious why all the mission channels are now swamped by this mysterious Kryptonian mission?" The black and white uniform directly raised an extremely tempting question.

Obviously black and white uniforms know how to sell and how to arouse the curiosity of customers.

"I think if I ask, others will find the answer." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Haha, this guest, you are joking. If our intelligence is so bad, what confidence do we have to do this business?" The black and white uniform lowered his head and smiled. revealed between the fingers.

"Then I'm curious, what kind of information is kept so secret?" Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

"Hehe, it's okay to tell you, this mission is authorized by the military." The black and white uniform said with a smile.

"Military authorization?" Zhang Pingze looked at the black and white uniform calmly.

"That's right, this kind of information is not available in the Accurate Intellectual Brain, hehe, trust our professionalism this time."

Zhang Pingze became curious: "Officially authorized by the military?"

"It's okay to tell you. Of course, it is officially authorized by the military, but it is a non-public decree. The outside world does not have any intelligence information at all. If you want to know the details, you have to spend money to buy our intelligence to ensure internal information. But You have to keep it a secret." The black and white uniform smiled proudly
But the expected words in the black and white uniform did not appear. The expressionless young man in front of him said indifferently, "Oh, thank you."

After Zhang Pingping finished speaking, he took Lei Yiyi and Lanna to the service desk.

"Hey, wait, you, don't you want to know the inside information? This task is not that simple." The black and white uniform said anxiously.

"Thanks, I don't need it." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"How can you not need it? You must know that if you don't fully prepare for this kind of mission, you will suffer a big loss when the time comes. An important piece of information can save your life."

"Okay, sir, please stay away from my boss, or I will expel you." Lanna stood in front of the black and white uniform and warned professionally.

The black-and-white uniform squeezed forward anxiously, and then was directly pushed somersault by Lanna, looking at the three of them going away with resentment.

Zhang Pingze pushed his glasses, and the smart lens was immediately connected to the personal terminal. Through the badge of major, Zhang Pingze quickly logged into the military network.

Although it is only a major rank, it still has the authority to check some military records.

In the military network, Zhang Pingping quickly searched for the record about Xuan Krypton.

After a quick browse, Zhang Pingze immediately went to the service desk, registered the hunting group, and accepted the entrusted mission from Xuan Krypton without hesitation.

After accepting the task, the detailed task information is also presented.

[According to the size and level of your hunting group, the assigned task is to guard Shenxuan City. 】

【Hunting Group: King Qin Hunting Group】

[Task level: unlimited. 】

[Task requirements: Protect Shenxuan City from threats, and assist the troops of Shenxuan City in combat when necessary. 】

[Task rewards: point rewards, distributed according to the contribution value in the mission. 】

[Task time limit: 53 days, 16 hours, 56 minutes, 5 seconds. 】

[Task score: 0]

After accepting the mission, Zhang Pingze didn't stay at all, but took Lei Yiyi and Lanna back to the residence, briefly talked about the mission, and then notified everyone in the hunting group.

"Leaving in the afternoon? In such a hurry?" Hulan Huayu asked in surprise.

"Well, it's not too late." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Hulan Huayu nodded with a smile. Anyway, she just needs to obey the orders and follow the instructions.

And the rest of the hunting group didn't have any complaints, they were already doing this kind of work, and they were used to the novel journey of Lei Yiyi and others.

Whether it was Xu Zhengyuan and Yang Qingzhi or the others, they had all stayed in Xinghai, and they had come into contact with a lot of things like this, so they didn't have any curiosity or nervousness in their hearts.

After Zhang Pingping notified Ling Xiaochen and found some things from Ling Xiaochen, he set off directly without further delay.

"Captain, are our people a little short? Let's stop recruiting some mercenaries." Yang Qingzhi suggested when he set off.

It was also the first time Yang Qingzhi saw that such a small hunting group had a bug-level supply ship that could carry more than a hundred people, but only brought a dozen people.

"No need." Zhang Pingze walked ahead carrying the suitcase, and said calmly.

Yang Qingzhi shook his head helplessly, but that's good too. Fewer people are easier to command, and mobility is much better than more people. At that time, the casualty rate can also be kept at a low level.

From Zhang Pingche's point of view, there is actually no need for so many people. All his tactics revolve around the Valkyrie. As long as Lei Yiyi and Hulanhuayu are supplied, that's enough.

After all, it is not easy to effectively kill threats such as Zerg with the current common electromagnetic weapons.

Instead of spending a lot of manpower and material resources to kill the threat, it is better to give up the manpower to ensure the fighting power of the Valkyrie.

This time the task is not difficult, and the value is not small, it is a good opportunity to train troops, so Zhang Pingze set off in such a hurry.

Passed the security check, and finally returned to the Gaia starship again.

With short legs, Xiao Meng happily opened the door of the ship, then jumped in, rushed into the command room excitedly, and began to conduct routine inspections.

"Welcome back, Captain." Gaia Zhinao said calmly and steadily.

Zhang Pingping carried a suitcase and walked in with a blank expression on his face. Everyone in the hunting group behind him also followed and entered the Gaia starship.

After Zhang Pingze put the suitcase in the laboratory, he walked out, called all the team members, started a meeting, and began to assign tasks.

At the beginning of the meeting, it was quite normal, and it was a regular opening, but when Zhang Pingche was preaching and the battle was deployed, most of them looked at Zhang Pingche with a confused face.

"We only need to be in charge of the logistics?" Yang Qingzhi looked at Zhang Pingping in a daze.

"That's not logistics, but combat supplies." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Isn't that just logistics? And I'm going to join Yichan's team." Yuanxin Sakura rolled her eyes and said calmly.

"No, the third team's supplementary support is very important, you must be in the third team." Zhang Pingzhen flatly refused.

"Raise your hand! Silver Wolf is also in Lei Yiyi's team." Silver Wolf who was listening on the side raised his hand.

"You are not allowed to leave the starship."

"No, Silver Wolf can help. Silver Wolf is very strong." Silver Wolf raised his little hand and said calmly.

"You are not allowed to leave the starship."

"No, Silver Wolf can hack into any system and can help intercept the latest information."

"You are not allowed to leave the starship."

"Captain Salted Fish, die!"

"Do you want to be spanked?"

"I'd better eat fruit pudding on the starship." Silver Wolf said.

Hulan Huayu shook her head helplessly, and said amusedly, "Yiyi is really popular."

It's impossible to say that you don't have a little bit of jealousy in your heart. Who doesn't want to be noticed, but if the object of jealousy is Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu can still accept it. After all, Lei Yiyi's cooking skills are excellent!
Combat deployment is deployment after all, and if you want to implement it perfectly at that time, you need to adjust it.


Kunlun Star Military Academy

The black coach in military uniform stood on the high platform, looked at the neat heads below, and said in a fluent Chinese language with a loud voice: "Rookies, I just got the information from the military department, and you will get a test to test what you have learned. This time, it’s not a joke exercise, but a real battlefield, rookies, let me ask you, are you afraid?”

"Don't be afraid!!!"

Deafening and orderly shouts came, and the black instructor nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm very glad that you have the courage to say these two words, but what I want to say is that you are all idiots! Do you think that the interstellar battlefield can be won by just relying on blood? Can you win honor by fearing death? Let me tell you, these are all nonsense! Save your own life, and you will be the last winner with a smile. There is no victory for the dead!"

The black instructor roared with spit flying all over the place.

"Do you understand, rookies!!"


"Well, I have them all, go back and tidy them up, and gather in the square in half an hour."


"Miss, the guards have been summoned and can leave at any time."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" A pair of long legs was taken directly from the desk.

 ps: cultivating immortals

(End of this chapter)

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