Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 273 Mind-blowing operation

Chapter 273 Mind-blowing operation

"My God, what happened?" Xiao Meng, who stayed on Gaia, saw the sky above Shenxuan City completely covered by sand and dust through the observer, and almost threw the water glass in her hand on the ground.

Seen from a high altitude, the basin where Shenxuan City is located has been completely covered by yellow sand, and the vast and majestic Shenxuan City can no longer be seen.

Xiao Meng was a little concerned about the situation of Zhang Pingping and the others, so she immediately initiated a communication with the entire hunting group.

After a short call, Zhang Ping's steady voice immediately sounded on the communicator: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Meng breathed a sigh of relief: "Student Zhang Pingping, I saw a large-scale sandstorm covering Shenxuan City, so there is no problem there."

"No problem, the matter is still under control." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

As soon as Zhang Pingche finished speaking, there was a piercing explosion sound from the other end, Xiao Meng shivered and threw the water glass to the ground.

Zhang Pingze: "Well, something is wrong now."

Xiao Meng broke into a cold sweat, the speed of your flag taking effect is too fast.

"Okay, I'm ready to let the escort ship attack. We may need some support here. Listen to my order." Zhang Pingping's calm voice came together with fierce gunshots.

"Okay." Xiao Meng raised her spirits in an instant, kicked her short legs directly on the console, and the suspension chair immediately slid backwards.

Xiao Meng slid to the side of the ship's console, and quickly started to operate.

A virtual interface appeared on the console in an instant. Xiao Meng observed the various data with a serious face, and then said calmly: "Gaia, Fuyou [-], Fuyou [-] has turned into a semi-intelligent operating state."

"Good Commander, Fuyou No. [-] and Fuyou No. [-] are ready and have sufficient ammunition."

Xiao Meng stared at the operation interface with bright eyes, then moved her wrist and neck, as if to do something big.

On Zhang Pingche's side, he was really in big trouble.

The walls of Shenxuan City are indeed strong, but the Xuan Zong seems to have developed a new way of fighting in the long-term confrontation with humans.

One by one, the flat cockroach-like bugs moved their thick limbs and quickly walked close to the ground.

This maneuvering method of walking close to the ground was obviously evolved to adapt to the strong winds of Xuan Krypton.

The heavy fire points around Shenxuan City immediately suppressed the bugs that appeared in the field of vision, and the armor-piercing cannon with a caliber of [-] centimeters sprayed out torrents of metal almost non-stop.

The firepower of the armor-piercing machine gun was fierce. Under the large-caliber armor-piercing projectile with special structure, even the hard-shelled Xuan Zong couldn't stop it. Large swathes of yellow-brown blood splashed five or six meters high under the fire line of the machine gun.

But looking at the Xuan Zong who were torn apart one by one, everyone's face was not good-looking, and everyone stared at the sand curtain brought up by the storm outside the city wall with wide-eyed eyes.

There is a shocking pothole on the ten-meter-thick city wall of Shenxuan City, and there is green juice on it that is still corroding the city wall.

Among the large number of Zerg cannon fodder, there was a special kind of bug, the self-demolition bug.

There is almost no difference in appearance from cannon fodder worms, but there are a large number of biological bombs mixed in the self-destructive worms, and they will directly launch suicide attacks when they get close to the city wall.

The number of these self-destructive bugs is not much, but the threat level is too high, especially for the walls of Shenxuan City.

With the city wall gone, such rampant insects will directly attack the protective layer unscrupulously. When the protective layer breaks down, that is the time for Shenxuan City to perish.

The people from King Qin's hunting group and another small hunting group were in charge of guarding a firepower point at the same time, and the location of the city wall where the explosion happened just now was at a firepower point next to them.

Zhang Pingche looked calmly at the hazy scene outside, and his Pingguang eyes shone with a faint blue light.

"Brother Zhang! It's coming again!" Lei Yiyi anxiously reminded, holding a golden fire unicorn in her hand, but she couldn't help at all, because her marksmanship was so poor that she couldn't hit the effective killing part at all.

Zhang Pingze didn't respond, and the Razer sniper rifle was placed steadily on the fire window.

No less than the roar of artillery fire erupted from the muzzle of Thunder Snake, a black zerg that had just rushed out of the sand screen burst out a touch of yellow juice, and was swept away by the strong wind, its heavy body, directly Lie on the ground, legs and feet twitched, obviously died on the spot.

The powerful armor-piercing projectile directly pierced through the body of the Xuan Zerg, and then shattered the nerve center growing under it.

"The marksmanship is very good, brother." The head of the hunting group beside him couldn't help admiring.

"Ha, look at me." Lanna yelled directly, and then pulled out a small pistol.

"Haha, your delicate little pistol can't deal with bugs with rough skin and thick flesh."


There was a crisp gunshot, and a spark appeared on a stone on the ground. In the next moment, a yellow juice suddenly burst out from the lower body of a fast-moving Xuan Zongzu, and then directly plunged into the ground, dying beyond death.

That bullet, which was not too powerful, actually directly attacked the nerve center below the Xuan Zongzu.

"There is such an operation?!" The head of the hunting group was dumbfounded.

"Simple geometry." Lanna fluently turned the small pistol in her hand, and said proudly.

Under Zhang Pingping and Lanna's superb marksmanship, the Xuan Zong who rushed up here were strangled to death before they even got close to the city wall.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, another huge explosion sounded from the side.

"what's the situation!!"

Looking from the fire window, Zhang Pingping saw that the city wall below the next fire point had been blasted into a huge pothole again. The depth of the two potholes was superimposed, almost three meters deep.

And the next wave of worms rushed forward again, this time, everyone gasped. The worms seemed to have sensed the weakness of the city wall defense, and the overwhelming worms rushed towards the firepower point next to them.

The terrifying amount made everyone's scalps tingle. On the other hand, there were not many bugs attacking in other places. Obviously, the previous large-scale attack was waiting for this moment.

Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the insects that rushed up like a tide, his eyes were calm, but in the next moment, he directly made a decision.

"Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu, get ready to fight, start the tactical live broadcast."

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu were shocked at the same time, they glanced at each other, and then rushed directly to the fire window.

Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the two jumped out of the fire window directly.

"I'm going! What the hell is this!!"

Everyone in the hunting group next to them lay on the window and looked down.

The fire window is more than 20 meters high from the ground. At this distance, even if the strengthener jumps, it will fracture.

The people who rushed to the window to look down saw something even more ruinous. After jumping down, two women in battle armor just bent their knees to cushion them, and then stood up directly.

It looked extremely relaxed, but the smoke and dust rising around the two of them was not fake, and there were even footprints deeply embedded in the ground under their feet.

Lei Yiyi squinted her eyes. Although the surrounding wind and dust were heavy, the energy shield running around her body effectively isolated the wind and sand from the outside.

Just a hundred meters away to the side of the two, a large number of black-seeded insects could be seen rushing up like a tide.

A loud explosion sound came from the side. Before the self-bangers rushed under the city wall, they were pierced by armor-piercing shells, and a violent explosion occurred, directly blasting the surrounding cannon fodder to pieces.

But even so, the bug's offensive didn't stop at all, and it marched forward without fear of death.

The built-in virtual image function of Zhang Pingze's plain glasses immediately showed Lei Yiyi's vision.

"The tactical live broadcast is in good condition, start combat, and move forward at full speed in the direction of three o'clock."

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu didn't hesitate at all, their feet slammed on the ground, their bodies flew out like arrows leaving the string.

Above the storm, two dust-class starships quickly passed in mid-air.

"I can't see anything, the wind and sand are too big, and the matrix observer is also disabled, unable to penetrate the sand and dust." Xiao Meng complained.

"It's good to keep the altitude, don't drop the altitude easily, the dust is weird." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

The next moment, the tactical live broadcast also disappeared after Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu rushed into the dust.

"Is only dark communication still effective?" Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the dark sky.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu, who rushed into the dust, quickly lost their way, and the communication with Zhang Pingping was also cut off, both of them were a little flustered.

The two didn't even dare to be too far away, the visibility was too low, and it would be difficult to reunite once separated.

"Hello, Brother Zhang?" Lei Yiyi tapped on the earphones beside his ears.

"Strange, why is there no sound?" Lei Yiyi frowned.

"It should be something interfered with the communication." Hulan Huayu also said with some headaches.

"Here, what should we do?" Lei Yiyi asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should go back." Hulan Huayu was a little worried.

"Wait, did you hear the rustling sound?" Lei Yiyi suddenly reached out and stopped Hulan Huayu's words.

"Uh, I heard it, and it seems to be getting closer."

"By the way, which direction should we go?" Lei Yiyi nervously turned on his infrared vision and asked.

Turning on the infrared vision, Lei Yiyi also successfully saw the scene in the surrounding sand curtain, four huge Xuan Zong, moving their six legs rhythmically, approaching quickly, and behind the four huge bugs, there was another Only relatively small bugs that look like hounds.

"How did they find us?"

"Who knows, but it's just in time." Lei Yiyi spread his hands.

Without even thinking about it, Lei Yiyi directly pulled out the Amaterasu Saber from his lower back.


Hulan Huayu looked at Lei Yiyi who was rushing forward with a look of shock, and made a big move as soon as he came up, are you fucking kidding me?
Shouldn't it be so easy to see the boss, fight hard first, and then use the ultimate move to explode the sky?It's easy to be beaten to death by the author if you go to be the protagonist like this. How can you count the words if you play like this?
The moment Hulan Huayu complained in her heart, the wave of the knife, which was as scorching as the sun, directly cut across the four insects. It was as crisp and neat as cutting cakes, and the four insects were cut off directly.


The moment Lei Yiyi finished swinging the knife, he didn't care about the extremely hot air in front of him due to the spread of the energy blade, and directly killed the hound-shaped bug that turned around and ran away.

"Don't run, stop for me!"

Hulan Huayu looked at the sandstorm that seemed to be fading, and it seemed that the sandstorm was about to cross the border.

In the line of sight, Lei Yiyi was chasing the hound-shaped worm in circles, and the two of them spun around a huge boulder in front of them with a tacit understanding. circle.

Hulan Huayu wanted to help, but Lei Yiyi shouted: "Don't come here, I'm enough, let me outsmart it."

Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, turned around and turned around the boulder in the opposite direction, trying to block the extremely fast bug, but the bug obviously sensed Lei Yiyi's intentions, turned around and ran, and then the two returned again The original turning rhythm.

Mind blowing operation.

The corner of Hulan Huayu's mouth twitched as she looked at the person and insect circling around, and then silently contacted Zhang Pingze.

"What's the situation over there? Why are all the bugs here withdrawn? Have you found [Commander]?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly.

"I don't understand either, you can watch for yourself." Hulan Huayu opened the tactical live broadcast.

Zhang Pingze: "."

"Wait, Yiyi, run quickly, there are a lot of bugs coming up from behind." Hulan Huayu looked at the blurred and dense Zerg army ahead with a numb scalp.

"Come help me stop it." Lei Yiyi roared angrily.

Hulan Huayu directly joined forces with Lei Yiyi to round up.

The hound-shaped worm reacted equally quickly, directly crossing Hulan Huayu's blade, and then stopped circling, and ran away in the distance.

Lei Yiyi definitely couldn't let him run away like this, and went after him directly, while Hulan Huayu saw the Zerg army behind him, his scalp went numb, and they chased them together.

As the dust faded and the sun shone down, looking from the walls of Shenxuan City, on the hills in the distance, three small figures were running fast in front, and behind them was a large patch of bugs. Chasing from behind, the scene was a little strangely harmonious.

Zhang Pingping looked at the time on his personal terminal, Xuan Krypton time, five o'clock in the evening, after the sand and dust passed, the bloody sunset swayed down from the distant sky.

The feeling of running in the sky under the sunset made many mercenaries cry.

"Why are you crying?" Mercenary A.

"Don't talk about it, the wind is too strong, it hurts your eyes." Mercenary B.

 Ps: I found that I couldn't write serious routines, and I always wanted to do something, but I was in the wrong area.

  Forgive everyone, from the last book, you can see that Niaofeng is not a serious bird.

(End of this chapter)

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