Chapter 276
After drinking and eating, everyone in King Qin's hunting group went directly to the arranged room to rest.

When the four of Yang Qingzhi went to the room, they also felt extremely lucky. They were able to sleep in a hotel when they came out on a mission. This kind of generous treatment was simply beyond imagination.

The tense battle in the afternoon also made everyone a little tired, and they entered a state of rest early.

In Bai Yinhe's senior suite, Zhang Pingze stood on the balcony, calmly looking at the starry sky.

Krypton has no satellites, so naturally there is no moon, and there are only stars in the sky.

Above the dark night sky, a meteor dragged its tail leisurely across the night sky.

Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the shooting star passing by, but in his calm eyes, there was a stormy sea of ​​unrest.

If you don't experience the interstellar battlefield, you will never know the cruelty of the interstellar battlefield. It's like today's small-scale contact war. With the huge number of bugs, the personal strength of Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu is extremely weak.

Although the [Commander] was successfully assassinated in the end, it was also the result of various coincidences. If the [Commander] had been careful not to approach at the beginning, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu might not even have the shadow of the [Commander] can not see.

The more you see, the more you can feel your own insignificance.

Zhang Pingping's long-cherished wish is to rely on the Valkyrie to make some achievements to prove his father's philosophy, but now it seems that the Valkyrie's performance is far from as good as expected.

This plunged Zhang Pingping into deep self-doubt, but there was no one around who could discuss this matter with him.

Zhang Pingze suppressed these things in his heart, unable to judge whether what he did was right or wrong.

"Brother Zhang still not asleep?" Lei Yiyi asked, wearing pajamas with a dog pattern on it, rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep later." Zhang Ping said calmly.

"Well, Brother Zhang, what's on your mind, tell me." Lei Yiyi rubbed her eyes and walked to Zhang Pingchee's side and stood side by side with Zhang Pingchee on the balcony, watching the night scene outside.

"It's nothing, Yiyi, how is your Xingong practice?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"Huh? Ask, ask about heart skills. I practiced it, but I didn't get any response." Lei Yiyi said rather awkwardly.

Zhang Pingze: "Hurry up and learn the art of asking the heart, your potential is far beyond that."

Lei Yiyi stuck out her tongue: "Okay, I will work hard."

"It's not to work hard, but to learn. You are my only hope now." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Lei Yiyi was stunned: "The only one? Brother Zhang, why am I the only hope?"

Zhang Pingze: "After you have completed the questioning heart skill, I want to see how far you can improve your strength. This is very important to me."

After hearing this, Lei Yiyi nodded seriously: "Okay."

This feeling of being placed high by Zhang Pingzhe made Lei Yiyi very happy. Although there was pressure, it also proved her importance, didn't she?

Lei Yiyi looked up at the starry sky, at the shooting stars above the night, lost his mind slightly, turned his head to look at Zhang Pingzhe's side face, with a blush on his face: "Brother Zhang, the shooting stars are so beautiful."

"If it falls on top of your head, you won't feel beautiful." Zhang Ping said calmly.

"Huh?" Lei Yiyi looked confused, Brother Zhang, your brain circuit is really abnormal.

"Although the probability is relatively low, but judging from the size of the meteor, it should not burn out before it hits the ground. Maybe it will turn into a meteorite and fall somewhere." Zhang Pingze calmly looked at the meteor in the sky.

"But at least it's beautiful now?" Lei Yiyi vainly tried to correct Zhang Pingze's thinking circuit.

"After landing, there may be a dust storm on the ground. Judging from the geographical structure of Krypton, all the craters should be craters. Krypton should be a planet that is prone to meteor impacts."

"Uh, speaking of which, why is Krypton so vulnerable to meteorite impacts?" Lei Yiyi was distracted by Zhang Pingping, and directly followed.

"The adjacent non-Chief galaxy has many gravel belts. Every year, a large number of meteors from the non-Chief galaxy fall on Krypton. Of course, most of them burn into dust when they enter the atmosphere."

"Moreover, the most important krypton gold on Xuan Krypton is the product of the burning of meteorites in the non-chief galaxy."

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche with the expression of looking at the boss (worship the boss.jpg)

"Then what is the use of kryptonite?"

Zhang Pingze: "To make energy weapons, krypton gold has good compatibility. It is the best choice for making energy weapons, just like the Amaterasu knife that comes with the crimson armor, which contains krypton gold."

"Uh, is this the only function?"

Zhang Pingze: "Of course, in the unofficial statement, it is said that krypton gold has the effect of transshipment, but after scientific verification, it does not!"

Lei Yiyi was immediately aroused, and listened carefully to Zhang Pingze talking about some knowledge that she had never paid attention to before.


"The following is a news report. At [-]:[-] in the morning, a meteorite fell near the Xiluo Tiankeng, [-] kilometers away from Shenxuan City.

In the reception center of the Shenxuan City Military Department, a student from the Kunlun Star Military Academy wearing a green imitation military uniform casually glanced at the news notice hanging in an obvious place.

After a long journey, the students of the Kunlun Star Military Academy finally arrived at Xuan Krypton.

"Brother Lei, I heard that a small Zerg invasion broke out outside Shenxuan City yesterday, but unfortunately we missed it." The two students were whispering to each other.

"There will be opportunities in the future. Our task this time is not to defend the city." The student named Lei Ge said calmly.

"Hey, I didn't expect being a student at Kunlun Star Military Academy to be so exciting."

"Don't be too happy, bugs are not so easy to deal with."

"Okay, you two stop talking, the instructor is here." A young man with squinting and smiling reminded in a soft voice.

"Yes, Senior Gao Yu." The two immediately stood at attention.

Even the student called Lei Ge, who seemed a little arrogant, had a convincing expression on his face. Obviously, this squinting young man held a high status in their hearts.

"By the way, senior Gao Yu, for this mission, we will hug your thigh." The student with a playful smile on the side laughed.

The squinting young man shook his head: "I'm not the main character this time. Kunlun Star's instructor team is dispatched, so I don't have a chance to perform."

"Hey? The instructor team is dispatched?"

"Yes, this operation is not only for training, but more importantly, it is to assist the military to complete the task of occupying the mine veins. This time, the school has mobilized three mecha master instructors and three integrated mecha strategic teams. We followed suit That's all."

Gao Yu narrowed his eyes and said with a little envy.

"Who are the three mech master instructors? Does senior Gao Yu know?"

Gao Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You will know soon."

As Gao Yu's voice fell, a group of soldiers in black uniforms walked through the gate of the hall.

The eyes of more than 100 people in the audience instantly focused on the soldier who entered the door.

"Uh, that's Instructor Kris?!" The student with a hippie smile was shocked, "Uh, I read that right, right?"

"This interstellar world is really small, to be able to meet instructor Chris here." Thunderstorm sighed and whispered.

"Isn't that right? Isn't instructor Chris working in Galaxy High School? Why did she come here? Doesn't she look alike?" Feng Yuming looked surprised.

While talking, Chris was already standing on the platform with two other instructors, looking down at the slightly agitated students below.

"Hello, rookies, put away your sneaky eyes, instructor, I'm a famous girl." Chris reached out and brushed the long wavy hair on her shoulders, and smiled charmingly.

The other two instructors suddenly looked embarrassed,
Well, it really is her, she is still mentally retarded as always.

(End of this chapter)

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