Chapter 279
The plants and water resources of Xuan Krypton are poor, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. At night, the outside world seems to have entered the cold winter, so at night, even the Zerg is unwilling to come out for activities. Although the Zerg is not a cold-blooded animal, but the body Functions are much more affected by temperature than humans.

After the low temperature, the functional level of the Zerg began to decline in all aspects, the movements became sluggish, and the strength became weak. In short, even the Zerg was unwilling to move at night on Krypton.

Through the thick alloy protective plate of the armored hover vehicle, one can also feel the cold air from the outside seeping in.

Fortunately, the air-conditioning system of the armored hover vehicle was still working diligently, and the air was filled with a touch of warmth, but the slightest bit of cold air could still be felt near the steel plate.

Although it was night, the inside of the armored suspension vehicle was full of excitement, and everyone quickly sorted out their equipment.

"It's 4 o'clock in the morning, and we will arrive at Beiluo Tiankeng in half an hour. Please start to assemble and get ready." Captain Ronnie's voice was steady and full of magnetism.

Nero belongs to the commanding mecha master with a special personality. Even when his mood fluctuates well, he can still think calmly and conduct real-time command and control on the battlefield. This is incomparable to Chris, who belongs to The frenzied mecha masters rely on the commander to command the battlefield.

There was not a single voice in the cabin, only the sound of equipment rubbing against cloth.

The same is true in other cabins, which is also the gap between soldiers and mercenaries.

Thunderstorm was wearing a thick military uniform, leaning on a chair, holding his gun, the standard electromagnetic armor-piercing rifle M14 in his hand.

Thunderstorm has never touched this kind of armor-piercing rifle. It is said that it is a standard weapon specially made to kill Zerg. It has excellent armor-piercing performance. Accurate marksmanship hits the vital point to cause effective killing.

Feng Yuming on the side also arranged his equipment and leaned on the chair, but his legs kept shaking up and down, as if he was stepping on an old-fashioned sewing machine.

Thunderstorm glanced at Feng Yuming, smiled and shook his head.

Sure enough, he was nervous, and he was equally nervous.

The thunderstorm spread the palms, and the rough tactical gloves were also a little damp, and the palms were sweating a lot.

From a student to a soldier, even after countless drills, it is inevitable to be nervous. This is not a virtual game, this is a real battlefield.

Half an hour passed quickly in a quiet atmosphere, the outer protective plate of the armored hover vehicle was lowered, and the soldiers also saw the scene outside the window.

A huge dark tiankeng stretched across the center of the vast land. At a glance, it looked like a dry lake, but it was deeper than the riverbed of the lake.

A large number of elevator structures and protective walls surrounded the entire tiankeng, which is the only proof that there have been humans here, but at this moment, there is no one on the sentry tower, and the huge mine car has no driver. It is as cold and lifeless as a model existing on a sand table.

Seeing such a scene, everyone felt nothing but cold in their hearts.

Compared with the tiankeng, the huge armored hover vehicle is like a stone under a towering tree.

The unique geographical structure of this mysterious Kryptonian is presented in front of everyone without any cover.

"We are about to arrive at the landing pad of the Beiluo collection site, and the detection dogs are dispatched." Nero's voice was calm and reassuring.

After the voice fell, a hover vehicle lowered directly, and then the rear hatch opened.

Rows of neat mechanical dogs are divided into two layers. Standing in the back cabin, the red pupils emit a faint red light.

Both Thunderstorm and Feng Yuming saw the rows of mechanical dogs, and couldn't help but smile wryly. The last time they saw this thing was on a floating island in the Pacific Ocean. They didn't expect the military to move so fast, and it was immediately used in actual combat. among.

One by one mechanical dogs jumped out of the cabin, and then spread to the surroundings regularly.

A total of one hundred mechanical dogs spread out in a fan shape.

And the hover car stopped at the outer wall of the Beiluo collection site.

Each mechanical dog is controlled by one person alone, and the signal transmission path is the dark space signal, which is the safest and safest signal transmission method at present.

"No danger was found within 500 meters."

The suspension vehicle that Lei Tian and Feng Yuming were on also began to land quickly, and stopped smoothly on the landing pad of the collection site.

The hatch opened, and Thunderstorm and Feng Yuming quickly followed the suspension vehicle that the large troops left. The range of 500 meters was enough for the troops and the suspension vehicle to deal with various emergencies.

The sky outside was still a little dark and icy cold, but the thunderstorm didn't feel the coldness, the blood flowed quickly throughout the body, dispelling the faint cold air.

In the empty mining field, all the facilities were quietly placed in place. An ore truck seemed to have not had time to park in the prescribed position, and it just parked crookedly in the middle of the apron.

After getting off the car, the trainees quickly spread out and searched every corner of the dock.

The soldiers of the mecha strategy team quickly left the dock and rushed to the ground control center.

"No threat was found, Zerg footprints were found, and there were traces of Zerg activity."

"There is a large blood stain in the corner of the northeast wall."

"The control center has taken full control and no threats have been detected."

"The collection field has sufficient power, but it cannot operate normally, and is looking for troubleshooting."

A piece of information came back continuously. Nero stood in the captain's car, watching the summary of the information, without any expression fluctuations on his tough face like a knife.

Chris and another instructor named Lin Feng stood behind Nile, followed by the elite students of the Kunlun Star Military Academy standing neatly behind. smile.

"It seems that the ground is relatively safe, and the traces of Zerg activities are relatively light. There should be no large-scale Zerg activities." Nero said calmly.

Everyone didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but felt chills down their spines. There was no Zerg activity, so where did the staff go?So many people evaporated out of thin air?

Nero: "The mysterious spot-like traces on the ground should be the footprints of some kind of creature. The footprints extend into the tiankeng. The preliminary judgment should be the alien beast in the sky. The specific level is uncertain. We need to go down to the tiankeng to confirm and eliminate the threat. You are responsible for the defensive response on the ground."

Nero spoke very calmly, as if he didn't take the mysterious star beast to heart. After all, he is a senior mecha master with a ranking on the B-level leaderboard. No problem, not to mention that there are two mech masters to assist.

The purpose of dispatching such a powerful force is to eliminate threats, not to investigate.

"Okay, let's go out, don't slack off, directly drive the trial mecha, and get ready for battle. We will be out in a short time." Ronnie said calmly.

"Yes!" Gao Yu and the others immediately stood at attention and saluted with their palms on their chests.

Gao Yu and other elite students of the Kunlun Star Military Academy all have the right to pilot the trial mecha. Although the performance of the trial mecha is not as good as that of the special warfare type, it is still a mecha with unlimited potential.

There used to be the best student, driving the trial mecha reached the official B-level rating, and his combat power squeezed into the top [-] of the B-level mech master rankings. This outstanding student is also the current A-level ten kings. One, ranked fourth, title, Duanchuan.

After a group of elite students left, Ni Luo looked at Chris and Lin Feng.

"Let's all get ready, I'm afraid it will be a tough battle, all switch the dark space signal channels, don't care about the energy consumption, the most important thing is to maintain communication." Nero said calmly.

Lin Feng: "OK, no problem."

Chris: "Okay."

After the two also went to prepare, Nero turned his head and looked at the special photos, frowning slightly. He seemed to have seen this kind of footprints before.

Human beings have come into contact with alien beasts and Zerg since they set foot in the sea of ​​stars. There are many records about these two races. Although there are records, it is too embarrassing to remember the characteristics of each alien beast .

So even if Nero has some impressions, he can't remember exactly what kind of alien beast this footprint is.

But what is certain is that this starry sky beast is not a powerful A-level creature.

After all, Nero knew the characteristics of all known A-level creatures. This was a matter of life, and Nero would not make a mistake.

Since there was no danger, there was nothing to worry about. Nero turned off the projection, and went directly to the mech cabin.

Half an hour later, at 05:30 in the morning, the sun spread from the sky to the whole land, and the ground temperature began to rise.

Three suspension vehicles took off directly and flew to the depths of the dark sinkhole

Zhang Pingping came out of the laboratory of Sheng Hua, the store manager of Yu Jie, and yawned
(As the male protagonist, it seems that he hasn't appeared on stage for a long time, so he pulled it out to make up the number.)
(End of this chapter)

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