Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 290 Let's Take It When You See It

Chapter 290 Let's Take It When You See It

"What are you chasing? Our mission has been completed." Nero stopped Chris, who wanted to pursue him.

"But we didn't earn anything from this mission." Chris said with some resentment.

Nero shook his head: "You are greedy. You know the situation of the worm nest. When we meet the king worm, do you think the three of us can kill the king worm in the swarm?"

Chris snorted and didn't say anything, but she also knew that Nero was right. Since the thief was able to subdue the king worm, he must have some skills.

Chris looked around with resentment, and then set her eyes on Thunderstorm and Tang Mingkong: "You guys came late, did you see any suspicious forces coming?"

Just as Thunderstorm was about to say something, Tang Mingkong coughed lightly: "Sorry, we don't know, we just came to rescue on an emergency mission."

Thunderstorm glanced at Tang Mingkong, and then said nothing.

Zhang Pingzheng is obviously the thief who got there first, but there are two choices before Thunderstorm at this moment, one is to help Zhang Pingping cover, and the other is to tell what he knows.

Now, Thunderstorm clearly chose the former.

Can enter the Kunlun Star Military Academy, the biggest credit is Zhang Pingze, Thunderstorm is very grateful to Zhang Pingze, so naturally chose to remain silent at this time.

Silence is the least psychological burden for Thunderstorm, and after listening to Tang Mingkong's words, Chris did not continue to ask, but said unhappily: "It's good luck for them, it's best not to let me know who it is."

"Gao Yu! Where are the others?" Lin Feng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"We were besieged by a large number of bugs, and the entire ground collection site fell. We took the elevator to avoid the bottom of the tiankeng. Others didn't follow for some reason, so they were left on the ground. Later, the communication failed. Now I I don't know where they are." Gao Yu said in a deep voice.

Speaking of this, Gao Yu set his sights on the members of the Tang family, and the tall mecha turned to face the members of the Tang family, bringing an indescribable sense of oppression.

Tang Mingkong raised his eyebrows: "They seem to have broken out to the west. I don't know if they succeeded. Many rescue troops have gone to the west."

"In any case, he is also an elite of the Kunlun Star Military Academy. He is not so easy to die. Gao Yu will contact you again." Nero said calmly.


After collecting the information on the scene, Ni Luo led a large force from another mine, preparing to evacuate, and soon everyone saw the place where Lei Ze and the hunting group of the King of Qin exchanged fire.

The hard mine wall is covered with ravines tens of centimeters deep. These ravines were destroyed by the high-voltage current released by Lei Ze, and the various shrapnel and craters on the ground highlight the previous battles. degree of intensity.

The large yellow and white bloodstains on the ground also attracted everyone's attention. Immediately there were professional logistics soldiers in the mech strategic team to collect the bloodstains on the ground and seal them up so that they could go back for testing.

With this amount of bleeding, if it is really a king worm, I am afraid that the king worm will either die or be disabled.

It can also be seen from this aspect that the opponent's strength is so strong that hunting the king worm is not as simple as talking about it.

"A group with such a strong strength should not be unknown. After we go back, let the intelligence department investigate it carefully." Nero said, squinting at everyone in the Tang family.

There are not many hunting groups that have the ability to independently hunt king worms, but the Tang family's Datang hunting group is one of them.

Nero is very suspicious now, Tang Mingkong came here, it was simply a thief shouting to catch the thief.

If Tang Mingkong knew what Nero was thinking, he would probably laugh angrily. They came to the rescue with good intentions, but somehow they were going to take the blame?The fire couldn't spread at all.

But at this moment, the Qin King's hunting group, who were the masterminds of the incident, flew out of the tiankeng in a hover car.

Hu Er looked inexplicably at Zhang Pingping and the others who came down from the car, and asked warily, "Mr. Zhang, where is my young lady?"

Zhang Pingping glanced at Hu Er: "The communication has been restored, you can ask yourself."

Hu Er was stunned for a moment, and immediately sent a communication request to Hu Yi.

On the other hand, Zhang Pingze took advantage of the time to start working, commanding the hunting group and moving the incubators one by one.

Soon the incubators were installed on the three suspension vehicles, and Zhang Pingping also greeted Hu Er, and then directly pulled the hunting group members onto the suspension vehicles and left.

After Hu Er got Hu Yi's reply, he didn't doubt him, and let Zhang Pingping and others leave first.

The hunting group on the return journey was full of fanatical atmosphere.

"Hahaha, I really made a fortune this time. The corpse of the A-level king worm really got a big deal this time." Yang Qingzhi laughed enthusiastically.

"It's not a mistake, but the captain said that if this Lei Ze is in a complete state, I am afraid that we will be the corpses now, but to be honest, the A-level life is powerful, and the dense grid , Now I think about the numbness of my scalp, but fortunately it is in the mine." A member of Yang Qingzhi's team said excitedly.

Yang Qingzhi was reminded by this group member, and he felt a little scared. If the electric arc of that level really hit him, he might not even have a chance to be rescued.

Although it is very profitable to follow Zhang Pingping, the risk is too great. In the previous battles, Yang Qingzhi still had some confidence in his heart, but following Zhang Pingping, he has no confidence at all. The Zerg actually died in their hands. Yang Qingzhi didn't know whether to be excited or afraid of this roller coaster feeling.

When Yang Qingzhi was feeling uneasy, Zhang Pingze's voice suddenly came from the communicator.

"Five hover vehicles are following behind, probably the enemy, everyone get ready."

In the sea of ​​stars, there is never a shortage of looters.

In the sea of ​​stars, the legal system is weak, and most of the goods transported are extremely expensive, which has spawned a large number of teams that rely on plundering for a living, just like Yang Qingzhi's previous mercenary group. To put it bluntly, it is a robbery gang.

As long as there is interest, the looters will come around like sharks smelling fishy.

Although Xuan Krypton is a planet controlled by humans, the only place where there is obvious legal system is Shenxuan City. Outside Shenxuan City, it is still an unregulated area. If something happens outside the city, no one will manage.

As soon as Zhang Pingzheng's voice fell, the five hover vehicles behind immediately accelerated to catch up, forming an encirclement circle directly, surrounding the three hover vehicles of the King Qin's hunting group.

Then the suspension vehicle blocking the road ahead began to slow down, forcing the suspension vehicle of King Qin's hunting group to slow down.

"Friend, stop, we have no malicious intentions, just like discussing a business with you." A frivolous voice came from the public channel.

Zhang Pingche looked expressionlessly at the suspension car blocking the road ahead, and calmly responded, "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Hehe, friend, there is an old saying that is good, don't toast or eat fine wine."

"Didn't you turn on the observer before you robbed the road?" Zhang Pingze said something inexplicable.

"Huh?" In a suspension car behind, the white man sitting first had a puzzled expression on his face.

This white man is the head of the hunting group who talked to Tang Mingkong and Zhang Pingping and others at the collection site before. He looks very kind-hearted. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed that he actually A ruthless person who robs business.

The white man turned on the viewer suspiciously, and soon all the situation in a radius of thousands of miles was fed back to the viewer.

In the next moment, cold sweat slipped from the forehead of the white man.

In the observer, two dust-class starships swaggered slowly above them, always maintaining the same speed as them.

The lethality of the two combat-type starships is simply not what their small hunting group can bear, let alone the other party has three hover vehicles carrying combat personnel, a main battle starship is enough They have been wiped out several times. This is a gap in combat power that is not comparable at all.

"Uh, this brother, that"

The caucasian uncle was sweating on his brow, stuttering and wondering what reason he could find to be sloppy and resolve the conflict in front of him.

A flash of light.

"Beer, drink, mineral water~peanut melon seed eight-treasure porridge~do you need anything? If not, we'll disturb our friends, so we'll go first." The white man yelled with all his strength.

 ps: I may try two updates next month, please supervise and urge all book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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