Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 303 Shenghua: Mom sells batches

Chapter 303 Shenghua: Mom sells batches
When everyone saw Sheng Hua, Sheng Hua was manually assembling a small iron box.

The small box was so dark that it didn't look like anything special, but Sheng Hua was very careful in his movements, for fear of breaking any parts, and there were two small boxes on the bed beside him.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Sheng Hua raised his eyes, saw that it was Zhang Ping, and said without paying attention: "Assemble the mind disruptor."

"Mental disruptor?" Zhang Pingze asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the mind disruptor is not a weapon for attack, but for defense." Sheng Hua laughed.

"You will too?"

"Of course." Sheng Hua glanced at Zhang Pingche with a guilty conscience.

"It's indeed a mind disruptor, it's recorded in Shenghua's database." Silver Wolf poked his head out and said.

"Don't touch my database, brat! How many times have I told you!! Don't check my database without my permission!!!" Sheng Hua exploded instantly, as if eating suddenly It's like a stomach full of gunpowder.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Sheng Hua, and protected Silver Wolf behind him: "Don't worry, Silver Wolf won't have any rumors, don't worry."

Sheng Hua gave Yin Lang a bitter look, and quickly, he was almost restrained by this brat, and he couldn't hide any of his secrets from her.

Sheng Hua slapped the small black box on the last baffle, and the rough action made Xiera jump.

"My ancestor, don't break things." Sheila stretched out her two hands worriedly, trying to catch the box in Shenghua's hand, but she didn't dare to intervene to take it.

Sheng Hua snorted coldly, and threw the black box on the bed: "Okay, the things you want are done, take them away."

Zhang Pingze is very interested in mind disruptors. He is playing with one in his hand. The black box is not big, but it is about the size of a palm. It is about ten centimeters high. There is only one switch on it, and there is nothing else. something else.

"Is this thing really capable of shielding mental power?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"How do I know? I don't even know what spiritual power is." Sheng Hua said extremely irresponsibly.

Sheila burst into sweat immediately after hearing this. You are so irresponsible, which makes it very difficult for me.

Zhang Pingze looked at the black box curiously. Driven by curiosity, the spiritual world unfolded instantly, covering everything around him.

Lei Yiyi and Hu Lanhua's hairs tightened at the same time, and they looked at Zhang Pingze in panic. A feeling of being seen through from the inside came to him instantly, but Xiera and Shenghua didn't feel it.

After unfolding the spiritual world, Zhang Pingze pressed the start button, nothing changed in the black box, but Zhang Pingche suddenly felt that the spiritual world was being destroyed by a mysterious force, and the next moment he could no longer maintain the spiritual world, retreated out.

"This thing." Zhang Pingze held up the black box.

Hilla and Shenghua looked over.

"It's not bad, it should be useful, but I don't know how big the effect is?" Zhang Pingze commented.

Sheng Hua rolled his eyes, originally thought that Zhang Pingping would criticize, but he did not expect that Zhang Pingping would say hypocritical flattery.

"You seem to know what you said, the theoretical radius of action is about [-] meters." Sheng Hua snorted.

Zhang Pingze didn't explain, anyway, he has such a thing as a spiritual world, so no one would believe him if he told it.

"Hundred meters? It's not small." Zhang Pingze couldn't help sighing.

"Okay, then I'll take it first, and the galaxy points will be sent to your account later." Sheila said.

Sheng Hua nodded, and watched the mature and beautiful Xiera leave the underground workshop.

Zhang Pingze watched Hilla leave, and then said calmly: "Isn't the 19-C debugged, it should be usable now."

Sheng Hua nodded: "Yes, yes, but there is still a problem to be solved."

"What's difficult?" Before Zhang Pingze finished speaking, there was a crackling sound in the assembly room, and a red and orange robot broke through the door.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu looked warily at the three-meter-tall robot with huge mechanical arms.

The robot was suspended in the air, with a snake-like tail hanging down, slowly shaking back and forth.

The huge mechanical arm holds a huge square shield on one side, and the other wrist is equipped with various weapons and equipment.

Silver Wolf had a satisfied look on his face, as if he was facing a huge serving of fruit pudding.

The stylish shape of the 19-C robot is obviously very popular with Silver Wolf.

"Hey, hey, why is it out of control!" Sheng Hua threw himself directly on the console, but after some sharp operations, he found that 19-C was out of control at all.

At this time, under Shenghua's bewildered eyes, Yinlang walked towards 19-C with short legs.

And 19-C went up unexpectedly slowly, and the big free hand stretched out gently towards the silver wolf.

Silver Wolf sat directly on the huge palm with his back. His petite body was huddled in the arms of the 19-C robot, but he was unusually coordinated. A pair of calves in white knee socks hung out of the robot's palm. playful.

"This, this, so, hey!" Sheng Hua lay powerlessly on the console, looking at the silver wolf sitting on 19-C's hand for a moment of weakness. It was as if the kid had kidnapped him, and his heart was filled with a sense of loss.

The palm of 19-C sat up firmly and felt safe, Silver Wolf felt addicted in an instant, and began to control 19-C to fly around.

Zhang Pingping watched Silver Wolf having fun, and then turned his attention to Sheng Hua.

"Why don't you work harder and make another mental disruptor?"

Sheng Hua rolled his eyes: "You are the boss, you have already spoken, can I still refuse?"

After finishing speaking, Shenghua started to work again, sorting the parts, packing up all the parts that Shirla had brought before, and then started manual assembly, and some precision components were put into the assembly room.

Zhang Pingze sat on the side and watched Shenghua assemble.

"Shenghua is right, what is the problem you mentioned just now?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"." Sheng Hua looked at the silver wolf flying around in 19-C with a speechless face.

"Actually, it's not a big problem, but the size of 19-C is too big to get out of the safety door of the underground workshop." Sheng Hua put down the components in his hand and said with some embarrassment.

Lei Yiyi: "."

Hulan Huayu: "."

After hearing this, Silver Wolf looked at 19-C's figure hesitantly, and then looked at the half-sized door.


A scream came from Shenghua Machinery Shop.


There was an explosion sound from inside, which made all the soldiers outside tremble, and rushed in with guns.

There were bursts of black smoke from the back door of the machinery shop, and the secret door leading to the underground workshop had been blown out a big hole at this moment, and gravel was still falling from the gap.

"This way we can go out, let's reload the rabbit, let's go out for some activities." Silver Wolf called out the new name for 19-C.

Sheng Hua stared blankly at the bombed gate beyond recognition.

I have to say that Silver Wolf's artillery was good, and it happened to blow open the safety door, but it didn't damage the shop outside.

"Sheng Hua, put down the screwdriver first, you are no match for Silver Wolf."

Lei Yiyi quickly grabbed Sheng Hua who silently raised the screwdriver.

Zhang Pingping rubbed his brows, Yinlang really lacks common sense in life.

(End of this chapter)

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