Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 306 Crusade War

Chapter 306 Crusade War ([-])
"Damn it!" Chris could not help cursing when she felt the vibration of the ground in the white bear mech.

The tremors on the ground were not small, and the white bear was shaken off the ground, and the gray dust wave directly engulfed the white bear and the mecha team together.

The situation encountered by the Flying Sword Mecha on the other side was similar. The heavy tentacles were like an earthquake maker, and when it hit the ground, it shook the ground for a while.

However, although the mighty tentacle is amazing when it falls, it also has an important disadvantage, that is, after losing the acceleration of gravity, it will be much slower to lift it up again.

The figure of the white bear jumped out of the dust wave, holding the big gun in his hand, and directly plunged into the thick and tough leather of the purple tentacles.

"Try my old lady's poisonous dragon drill!" Chris roared with wild laughter.

The white bear's powerful mechanical palm directly pinched the body of the big gun, and then rotated and pierced into the tentacle's body.

The ten-meter-long gun body pierced into the tentacles until half of the gun body was submerged.

However, the depth of five meters is insignificant for a tentacle with a diameter of nearly 50 meters.

The painful purple tentacles are slowly rising, pulling the heavy body of the white bear up together.


The crazy roar sounded simultaneously with the dull explosion.

The tentacle that was raised in mid-air suddenly exploded violently. The already thick tentacle suddenly bulged into a large lump like a tumor, and the next moment the bulging part burst open, and the sky was full of purple. The flesh and blood splashed out like splashing fireworks.

The white bear was also swept away by the impact of the explosion, but in the air, the seemingly cumbersome fuselage retracted, and then stepped heavily on the ground with both feet, holding a long stick in its hand, and the gun point on its head no longer exists.

The moment the white bear hit the ground, the mecha team on the side put a suitcase on the ground.

The white bear backhand inserted the long stick into the fitting box, then pulled it out, and a brand new spear head appeared on the head of the long stick again.

In fact, the gun head of the big gun is originally a one-time consumable. The core of the gun head is a miniature nuclear reactor, which is used to provide it in normal times. The particle cutting mode of the gun head can be directly used when needed. detonated, producing a considerable internal explosion.

The internal explosion of the nuclear reaction directly blew up half of the entire tentacle, and the remaining half of the flesh and blood could no longer support it. The heavy front part of the tentacle softened from the middle.

"The electromagnetic gun has been charged, aimed, and launched!" Lek's voice came from the tactical channel.

As a senior commander on the battlefield, Lek has his own uniqueness in judging fighter planes. When the white bear launched an attack, Lek had already charged the electromagnetic gun to aim.

Blue rays of light shot out from the muzzle, and the gray electromagnetic cannonball flew across the sky in an instant, directly hitting the broken part of the tentacles.

The electromagnetic shell accelerated to the extreme penetrated the remaining half of the tentacle's flesh and blood, causing an obvious cavity effect.

The flesh and blood exploded, and the flesh and blood of the tentacles burst again. The remaining flesh and flesh could no longer hang on the heavy predecessor, and were torn off like rags.

A piece of tentacles was cut off with the cooperation of Bai Xiong and the mecha team. Such a result undoubtedly encouraged the soldiers of the mecha combat team.

However, the Flying Sword team on the other side was not so lucky. The lethality of the Flying Sword mecha was a little insufficient for this kind of giant creature. Although the magnetic sword was sharp enough, it was not good enough for a tentacle with a diameter of more than 50 meters. It's not sharp enough to see.

One of the tentacles was severed, and the owner of the tentacles was instantly angered. There were not many such tentacles. Although there were many tentacles that came out of the ground densely, they were not too thick, like Qingtian There are only a dozen tentacles like pillars.

And at this moment, a tentacle was broken, how could the owner of the tentacle not be angry.

As a result of the anger, countless small tentacles entangled the white bear and the white bear combat team one after another. These small tentacles were fast and in large numbers, obviously not easy to deal with.

Intensive gunshots sounded, and the soldiers of the White Bear combat team immediately raised their guns to meet them. Although the electromagnetic bombs were not powerful enough against the tough skin of the tentacles, they could still resist the attack of the small tentacles for the time being.

This kind of dense small tentacles annoyed Chris very much. One shot swept it out, not to mention the continuous sweeping, and it would wrap up along the gun.

For a moment, the Polar Bear team seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, feeling a little unable to move an inch.

At the same time, two heavy tentacles smashed towards the direction of the white bear, obviously wanting to take revenge and kill the enemy who chopped off his tentacles in one fell swoop.

"Squad White Bear, get out of that area." Lek's anxious voice came.

Chris controlled the white bear, brushed away the entangled tentacles, and felt extremely annoyed: "I want to leave too, but these disgusting tentacles won't let me go at all."

While speaking, Ice Bear stretched out his hand and tore off a tentacle that was entwined, and then jumped to the open space. However, before the Ice Bear mech jumped out of the encirclement, a tentacle entangled his foot, and then directly dragged Ice Bear from mid-air .

For a while, the world was spinning, and Chris's cursing echoed on the tactical channel.

And the giant tentacles in the air have fallen faster and faster.

"The white bear quickly evacuates the dangerous area!!"

"Ice Bear, evacuate!"

"Kris uses safe ejection, give up the white bear mecha!!"

A series of warning sounds hit Chris's ears continuously, and Chris was very annoyed, but through the mental link device, she saw two giant tentacles that were getting closer and closer.

The flying sword mecha is far away in the sky, even if the magnetic flying sword has a wide range of action, it can't save Chris.

Chrissy stared at the tentacles that were getting closer and closer, and most of the surrounding mech squad fled, but some were unfortunately swept away by the tentacles, and were torn to pieces by the tentacles.

"Is it going to fall today?" Chris gritted her teeth and clenched the catapult.

If the mecha is destroyed, I'm afraid she, Chris, will not be able to stand up for a long time. In the mecha training system, the value of a mecha is not weaker than that of an excellent mecha master.

The matching degree between Ice Bear and Chris is 90.00%, which is a very high matching degree. If she changes to another mecha, Chris doesn't know if she can find another mecha that matches her so well.

Chris gritted her teeth, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes unknowingly, this sense of humiliation made her unbearable.

"Kriss quickly eject!"

"Kriss quickly eject!!"

"Put the end of your gun into the ground and detonate."

A sudden signal jam cuts into the tactical channel.

(End of this chapter)

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