Chapter 316
Lei Yiyi actually raised the height twice in the air. This kind of operation may exist in the game, but in reality, everyone knows how difficult it is to do so.

But Lei Yiyi did just that.

Raising her stature and dodging the giant Solomon's punch, Lei Yiyi landed lightly on Solomon's arm directly.

Solomon's thick arms are like a wide and straight road, not to mention a floating car can stop, maybe this is the legendary horse standing on his shoulders.

Lei Yiyi is in the state of Martial God at the moment, and the quality of her whole body has been greatly improved. The moment she stepped on Solomon's arm, she rushed out, completely ignoring the inertia of her body, and disappeared in place like a teleportation.

Shocked, Solomon retracted his arm directly, shaking Lei Yiyi in vain, but before he could shake his arm, Lei Yiyi had already appeared in the position of Solomon's arm, and the two long knives in his hand were facing Solomon's arm. tied down.

Lei Yiyi stabbed the knife extremely fast, and all the strength in his body followed the blade downward.

Although the strength is great, Solomon's hard skin still caused a huge obstacle, like a knife pierced into the rubber, the blade is moving forward with difficulty, if it is not for Lei Yiyi's strength enough, I am afraid that these two knives will not be able to pierce at all. go in.

The long knife didn't penetrate half of the blade, while the short knife pierced all of it.

Lei Yiyi exerted force under his feet, and pulled back abruptly, pulling Solomon's tough rubber-like skin out of a bloody mouth, and the blue-black blood flowed out slowly. Obviously, such an attack was not suitable for Solomon. What the heck, even Lei Yiyi could see that the skin he had cut was healing rapidly.

Lei Yiyi's eyes flashed, and she directly smashed the reagent given to her by Zhang Pingping into the wound.

The test tube was shattered, but Lei Yiyi felt in a trance for a moment, but she didn't think too much, she drew her knife and retreated.

"Yiyi!" Hulan Huayu's voice came, Lei Yiyi suddenly turned his head and saw Hulan Huayu surrounded by giants.

Although the giant couldn't threaten Hulan Huayu, it obviously blocked Hulan Huayu's progress, and Hulan Huayu didn't dare to jump up like Lei Yiyi to be a target, so he had to call Lei Yiyi, and then desperately used the reagent tube in his hand Throw it out.

Lei Yiyi didn't think much at all, and jumped out with all her might, catching the reagent tube in the air. Although she deviated from the trajectory, Lei Yiyi didn't think about it at all. With a loud bang, her body turned directly in the air, rushing to Solomon's other arm.

Although Solomon swung his arms very fast, Lei Yiyi's movements were obviously faster. He stomped in the air, and the sound of air explosions was endless. Lei Yiyi approached Solomon's other arm jump by jump, as if flying in the air. The arm then repeated the same trick, completing the steps of cutting the skin and injecting the medicine in just one second.

After finishing all this, Lei Yiyi stood on Solomon's arm, exhaled heavily, white mist spewed out from Lei Yiyi's mouth, and the next moment, Lei Yiyi disappeared in place, stomping in the air, away from the Solomon.

Lei Yiyi seems to be addicted to the flying method he discovered.

But before Lei Yiyi jumped far, his body suddenly felt weak, and his legs felt even more burning pain.

Lei Yiyi screamed, and fell directly from the sky, and below were the giants watching eagerly.

Hulan Huayu swept away the enemies in front of her, and rushed towards the direction where Lei Yiyi fell, but someone arrived first, before Lei Yiyi landed, she hugged Lei Yiyi.

Zhang Pingping calmly controlled the individual aircraft and raised the altitude: "Yiyi, you are too playful, don't you know that you can't last too long in the state of Valkyrie?"

Lei Yiyi was hugged by Zhang Pingping, her whole body felt sore, she moaned, and said weakly: "I didn't feel like I couldn't hold on before."

"Relying on explosive power, you think it's easy to walk through the air?" Zhang Pingping said calmly, his eyes were not on Lei Yiyi but on the giant Solomon in the distance.

Lei Yiyi lay in Zhang Pingchee's arms as a matter of course. Although separated by the outer armor, Zhang Pingchee's embrace was still so reassuring. Thinking of this, Lei Yiyi's face showed a faint blush.

"You should be able to move now, get up and equip the aircraft yourself." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Eh." Lei Yiyi froze, raised her head to look at Zhang Pingche's chin, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "Is there anything, Brother Zhang, I still can't use all the strength to go all over my body."

"Huh? Let's rest for a while." Zhang Pingze said uncertainly.

Regarding Lei Yiyi's physical condition, he couldn't say for sure. Although he had detailed data on Lei Yiyi's body, he didn't know how much power it would take to step through the air, so he couldn't be sure of Lei Yiyi's fatigue.

After comforting Lei Yiyi, Zhang Pingping looked at Solomon's arms, the part that was scratched by Lei Yiyi had healed, as for the effect of the potion, it did not appear.

Zhang Pingche frowned: "Is it invalid?"

The two tubes of reagents are not poisons. In fact, poisons may not have much effect on Solomon. The two tubes of reagents are actually the stock solution of devouring genes.

Since the phagocytosis gene is named as the phagocytosis gene, it means that it has the ability to swallow life. The most primitive phagocytosis gene causes irreversible destructive power to the life body, imitating the original biological cells, and then swallowing the original cells, deceiving all immune functions , until the entire living body dies, the body's self-defense function will not be activated, which can be said to be a silent death.

And the speed of this expansion is extremely astonishing.

But now at least 30 seconds have passed, why is there nothing?Could it be that Solomon could resist this erosion?

So far, Zhang Pingze hasn't found a creature that can't be killed by devouring the gene stock solution, but it doesn't mean that a starry sky beast like Solomon can't resist it.

But soon, Solomon, who was entangled with Zorro and Feijian, suddenly had a problem, and the movements of his two flexible arms became slower and slower, and then they hung down and couldn't move.

Solomon's one-eyed eyes were full of shock, and he immediately and decisively controlled the giant tentacles to tear off his two arms shoulder-to-shoulder, which made everyone's heart skip a beat.

And Ni Luo and the others instantly realized that it was the effect of the two potions that Lei Yiyi had thrown just now.

"What the hell, let this monster cut off its arms?" Nero's heart skipped a beat.

"Self-amputation of both arms? It seems to be effective." Zhang Pingze took out a tube of phagocytic gene stock solution in his hand again.

Solomon naturally paid more attention to Zhang Pingche's movements. Seeing that Zhang Pingche took out the familiar test tube in his hand, he roared directly, controlled the giant tentacles to roll towards Zhang Pingche, and killed Zhang Pingche with all his strength.

"Solomon!" The spiritual sound transmission that Zhang Pingche had just learned resounded in Solomon's spiritual world instantly.

"Human, go to hell." Solomon growled.

"It seems that your grandson's art of war has not yet been fully understood." Zhang Pingping said calmly through voice transmission.


"Reload the bunny! Attack!"

 ps: No more pumping expansion supplies for mmp, there is no divine grace, true inflammation, and some only Shanbuki ducks.

(End of this chapter)

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