Chapter 325 Chaos
With the sound of the door opening, the oppressive momentum of the audience collapsed in an instant, and everyone looked at the smiling Lei Yiyi with cold sweat on their faces.

"Brother Zhang, you're here." Lei Yiyi smiled.

"Well, I just recovered. What happened just now? Lanna, you and Silver Wolf seem to have something to settle?"

"No, no, we just plan to warm up before the battle." Lanna looked at Lei Yiyi who had a gentle smile on her face, and said with a dry smile.

"Silver Wolf is checking whether the various weapon functions of the reloaded bunny are operating normally." Silver Wolf said calmly without blushing or panting.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. Everyone get on the suspension vehicle and get ready to go. We will talk about the specific things on the way."

After Zhang Pingze finished speaking, he entered the suspension car first, and then Lei Yiyi and others followed, until finally 19-C squeezed into the trunk, and all the members got on the car.

Xiao Meng's voice came from the communicator: "The energy shield has been turned off, you can go."

Blue flames spewed out from under the suspension vehicle, took off directly from the landing gear, and flew towards Xuan Krypton without any hesitation in the air.

"The opponent this time is likely to be an organization called Adverse Business. I heard from Shenghua that this organization has extremely advanced research in self-disciplined mechas. It is also not weak in other fields. Generally speaking, it is A relatively powerful organization, this contact is mainly based on temptation."

"The other party's purpose is not yet clear, so try not to kill him without finding out." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"What if the other party has a killer?" Yuan Xinying asked.

"Then don't worry about anything, just kill with all your strength, leaving no one behind."

"Okay, I understand." Yuanxin Sakura nodded.

"Isn't Shenghua's basement in Shenxuan City? Is it really okay for us to start a war in the city with such great fanfare?" Hulan Huayu asked.

"It's not us who are the main players. We just need to watch the assists." Zhang Pingping said calmly.


"I have already notified Chris and the military of Shenxuan City that there are spies invading inside. I believe that within this period of time, it is enough for the military to notice the change in the defense outside Shenghua's underground workshop."

Lan Na stared at Zhang Pingche: "It's okay? Will the military department take care of it?"

"Naturally, they will take care of it. Instead of waiting for us to do it and unscrupulously turn the city into a battlefield, it's better for them to solve it by themselves and keep the losses to a minimum. What's more, when the Shenxuan City Military Department asked Shenghua to make a mental disruptor, they gave The promise is to protect Shenghua's personal safety in Shenxuan City."

"So, are we really here to make a scene?" Lanna had a strange expression on her face.

"No, we also have our own tasks. The military department will take into account the loss of Shenxuan City, but those who are against business may not; similarly, we will take into account Shenghua's life and death, but the military department will not. Our role is to check for omissions and fill in the gaps. , find an opportunity, find Shenghua, rescue her, or get her body back."

As soon as Zhang Pingche's words came out of his mouth, the atmosphere in the suspension car became a little stagnant.

"However, don't worry, if Shenghua is still valuable to them, then she is safe. My action must also be to boil the frog in warm water, and take it slowly. I can't push too hard. When I am most sure, I will strike Conquer the enemy."


5:40 a.m. Kryptonian Standard Time
The sun was shining in the sky, and he didn't want to stand up for a long time in a drowsy state. The air in the entire Shenxuan City was still freezing cold. This time was basically the time when the whole city was sleeping late.

But in such a cold weather, soldiers with guns quickly shuttled through the streets and alleys, and many residents also quickly left their residences under the organization of the soldiers.

Chris and Nero stood on the top of the industrial building in the distance with serious faces, wearing thick winter clothes, holding optical instruments to watch the dynamics of the whole city below.

"What kind of organization is this? It can even hack the military network." Chris gritted her teeth and looked at the small shop in the distance. , where they need to come out to survive the cold.

That was the entrance of Shenghua's underground workshop. Around this underground workshop as the center at this moment, circles of soldiers were slowly gathering towards the center.

The cold air in the air could almost penetrate into the bones, and even with such a strong physique, Chris's cheeks were flushed from the cold.

"It's already close to a hundred meters away, why is there still no movement inside?" Nero frowned.

"As long as this distance is a vigilant person, I'm afraid it's not right long ago."

The two observed for a while, then turned on the communicator: "Lin Feng, did you find anything over there?"

"No, the other party hasn't moved at all. Will there be any other exits in this underground workshop?" Lin Feng's voice came.

"According to Shila's dictation, there should be no other exits inside." Chris frowned.

"But the relationship between Xierla and Shenghua is not very good. If Shenghua concealed something, wouldn't it be?"

"It's okay, there is still a blockade outside anyway, even if they go through other exits, they will not be able to pass the second blockade."

While Chris was talking with Lin Feng, Nero discovered a little bit of the situation: "Why is there some chaos in the first team, what's the situation?"

Nero immediately called the first team: "First team? First team?"

But at the moment of the call, a battle broke out in the first team. A soldier in military uniform shot out instantly, killing all 15 members of the first team in three seconds.

"Damn it, they have escaped in disguise, all teams, surround the first team."

After the order was issued, all the teams surrounded the first team.

[-]st team kill location
The soldier in military uniform with tactical goggles looked at the corpses all over the ground, spit the betel nut crumbs in his mouth on the ground, dragged a pale woman beside him, and said to himself: "I said it a long time ago, Bit Brother, those two idiots can only mess things up, and labor and management have to clean their asses."

After finishing speaking, the soldier slowly dragged the woman into the rain shelter of the building next to her, and successfully disappeared under the human surveillance in the sky.

When the fastest second team arrived, they only saw a shivering woman huddled in a corner.

"It's all right, don't be afraid, where did the person who hijacked you go?" A soldier stepped forward to comfort him.

"I, I don't know, I don't know."

After checking the appearance, the captain of the second team immediately reported: "Report to the major, the woman who was kidnapped is not Miss Shenghua."


When the team leader reported, the woman who had just been lifted up in a corner, had a strange expression on her face.


"Shenghua's underground workshop doesn't have a back door at all." Zhang Pingping put the Razer sniper rifle on a tall building, looked at the three people below who were rushing out of the gate of Shenghua's underground workshop, and said to himself road.

The dark-skinned guy was carrying a person on his back, and the white-skinned guy was also carrying a person on his back. The two walked forward side by side, using the person on their back as a shield.

"It's interesting." Although Zhang Pingche was not sure who was on the two people's backs, he still loaded the bullets.

In the high-end restaurant in Shenxuan City, in a room with floor-to-ceiling windows facing the direction of Dongcheng, two young people sat at a small wooden table on the balcony drinking hot morning tea and coffee, overlooking the distant smoke. Moving in the direction of the east city.

"That Shenghua, is it so important? Even the ghost-faced shadow warriors were sent out."

The young man in bear cartoon pajamas was fiddling with the portable computer in his hand, typing in various commands quickly, but he still had time to talk to the smiling young man with black hair sitting opposite him.

"Sheng Hua holds the top-secret information of the headquarters, and this part of the information is not available in our Kunlun branch. The branch director means to get it at all costs. Of course, the Eye of Solomon is also important, so I plan to solve it in one go. .”

"It takes so much effort for Shenghua alone, so you still have to take a shot to deal with that Zhang Pingchee and his two monsters."

"This is what's interesting. This Zhang Pingche actually borrowed the power of the military, but it's just considered interesting. I've expected this kind of situation." The smiling young man looked out the window with a smile.

Shenghua Underground Workshop in the East City of Shenxuan City.
Sheng Hua fell on the bed and seemed to have passed out. The unconscious Sheng Hua was picked up by one hand, and then covered with a transparent cloak. The whole person seemed to disappear into the air.

And at the same time on the streets of Dongcheng.
The Bit brothers, who were running, stopped, because in front of them stood a person, a beautiful girl in red outer armor holding a straight sword.

"I'm sorry, you two, this way is blocked." Lei Yiyi tilted her head.

 ps: It took an hour for the computer to be repaired, and I was almost scared to pee, thinking that it would be interrupted today.Ask, ask, ask for recommendations.


(End of this chapter)

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