Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 327 Gale Wind

Chapter 327 Gale Wind
But Lei Yiyi, who had been prepared for a long time, could even slash bullets with a knife, let alone an attack of this level.

Lei Yiyi immediately cut his hand, and instead of retreating, he walked directly between the legs of the mecha. The Tang Dao slashed on the thick leg armor of the mecha, leaving a deep scratch.

Lei Yiyi frowned, the feeling of cutting was not good, it seems that the armor of this mech is surprisingly hard, it is difficult to cause any damage just by holding her own knife.

Stepping on Lei Yiyi's figure, she flew up to a height of five meters, jumped onto the mecha's shoulder, and stabbed the red eyes on the mecha's head with the Tang knife in his hand.

click -

There was a crisp cracking sound, and the special material of Tang Dao slightly pierced into the one-eye of the mecha, but it didn't go deep, but was blocked, no matter how strong Lei Yiyi was, he still remained motionless.

The iron fist of the mecha also quickly hit the top of the head. Lei Yiyi grabbed the knife with one hand, and his whole body hung in front of the mecha's head. Then his long legs erupted with terrifying explosive force, and kicked the mecha's one eye. .

The huge explosive force erupted instantly, Lei Yiyi directly pulled out the jammed blade, and flew forward, while the mecha was kicked by the huge force, the center of gravity of the body was out of balance, and it staggered back several times Step, and then fell directly on his back to the ground.

Relying on the huge interaction force, Lei Yiyi directly rushed to the wall of the opposite building. Lei Yiyi turned around in the air, stepped on the vertical wall with both feet, and then exerted force again. The whole person was like a cannonball, shot from the wall It was ejected, and the target pointed directly at the mecha lying on the ground.

The battle between Lei Yiyi and this heavy mecha fell into a stalemate for a while. Lei Yiyi's attack was not enough for the mecha, but the speed of the mecha was not at the same level as Lei Yiyi. Can't touch.

But Brother Bit got rid of Lei Yiyi's entanglement smoothly.

"My lord, I've already got rid of that Lei Yiyi, what should I do next?" Walter looked at the street behind where the clanging sounds kept coming from, with lingering fear.

"You continue to break out, and I will arrange another mecha to assist you." A gentle voice came from the other end of the communicator.

"Okay, Mr. Hot." Walter responded.

Walter looked at his brother next to him, only to find that Blake had taken off the hostage's cloak on his back, and was stroking the face of the person on his back, having a great time.

"Okay, Blake, put the cloak on."

"Brother, can I take this home?" Blake asked with a grin.

"Yes, as long as you are obedient, you can take it home." Walter said with a smile.

After a while, the instruction route was also transmitted to Bit Brothers' personal terminal.


"Commander, the second team is completely wiped out! When we arrived, there was no one alive!" The captain of the fourth team reported in a slightly trembling voice.

"What! What's going on? Didn't the second team rescue the hostages and prepare to evacuate?" Chris asked.

"We found the body of the hostage at the corner of the building, and the neck was twisted by someone." The captain of the fourth team reported.

"Bastard, let the third team and the fifth team, you three teams conduct a carpet search, and find that bastard for me." Chris growled.


Chris put down the communicator, and before she could catch her breath, the communicator on the other side rang.

Nero reached out to connect: "What's the matter?"

"Commander Nero, two people broke out from the west side with one person on their backs, and we found them. Now we are exchanging fire, asking for support." The captain of the Shenxuan City Guard Army who was in charge of defense roared.

"Two people? Aren't you more than 100 people here?" Nero frowned.

"The opponent has heavy weapons, we can't hold it anymore."

Chris immediately aimed the optical instrument at the defense line on the west side, took a breath, and saw a tall mecha lying in front of the defense line, and the body of the mecha was densely covered with rows of cannons. There is no money in the muzzle, and various shells are tilted outward.

"What is the background of the other party, how can there be such an advanced mecha?" Chris gritted her teeth.

"I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm afraid I know who our opponent is." Nero said coldly.

"Who? To use such a heavy weapon so recklessly, even the underground world would not have such financial resources and strength."

Nero shook his head with a wry smile: "The underground world? Compared with that organization, the underground world is like the gap between a baby and an adult. They are not at the same level at all."

"Such an exaggeration? Doesn't the military department care about the existence of such a force?"

Nero: "Manage it? The military department should also be able to manage it. That organization has a pivotal position in the Human Development Association, but it is still an unofficial organization."

Chris gritted her teeth: "Then we can't let them act like this."

"Some things are not as simple as you think. Even the S-level scientists who joined the Human Development Association at the beginning could only die with hatred under the suppression of this force. This shows the dominance of this organization." Nero shook his head. road.

"S-level. Are these people crazy? Don't they know how important an S-level scientist is to the entire human race?" Chris felt that her values ​​had been refreshed.

"There is no way to do this. Don't think the Human Development Association is too noble. In the final analysis, it is just a place where power is concentrated, and any actions in it are related to interests." Nero shook his head.

Chris bit her lip: "Captain Nero, I request to fight, and that mech must not be allowed to wreak havoc in the city."

"No, the order has already made it very clear. The focus of the battle is to reduce the losses in the city. If you join with the white bear, it will only intensify the battle and cause even greater losses."

"What should I do?"

"Let the defenders withdraw."


"Ordinary troops can't deal with mechas, so they can't let the soldiers die." Nero stood on the edge of the roof, his winter clothes fluttering slightly with the cold wind.

The sun that was about to rise seemed to be covered by an idle cloud, and the light between the sky and the earth became darker.


"Do you want to retreat?" Zhang Pingze lay on the roof, looking calmly at the western defense line.

"Huayu, go and deal with that mech, it's time to close the net."


"Sakura, you didn't lose your target, did you?"


"Let's do it, follow the original plan."

The cabin door of the suspended vehicle parked at the corner of the street was slowly opened, and the orange-white outer armor was revealed from the shadows, followed by a huge particle combat knife. Stretched, he dragged his saber out of the cabin of the suspension vehicle, and the armor propeller behind him entered the enlightened state.

"Equipment and weapons are running stably, with high winds, ready to fight." The voice of Weiduanzhinao came from Hulanhuayu's ear.

Hulan Huayu nodded, her calf bent slightly, the moment the propeller on her back was turned on, the whole person rushed out instantly, although not as powerful as Lei Yiyi's instant slash, but soon Hulan Huayu's speed increased to close, With a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and the speed is still rising, the strong physical fitness endows Hulan Huayu with a stronger endurance.

"The speed is [-] kilometers per hour, the air resistance has increased significantly, and the wind pressure equipment is turned on!"

A layer of sharp ion wind pressure appeared in front of Hulan Huayu, and most of the resistance that had been hindering her acceleration disappeared in an instant. In an instant, the speed of the whole person soared again, and the surrounding scene retreated rapidly, and the wind gradually rolled up behind her. The dust accumulated on the streets was swept up by the wind, forming a storm like an earth dragon.

"The speed is 500 kilometers per hour, and the front is [-] meters. It is about to contact the target. Prepare for a physical collision. The outer armor protection mode is activated."

"I bought one from Karma, what is that?"

Walter and Black, huddled in the corner, were about to find an opportunity to escape, but saw a figure flashing past in front of their eyes, rushing towards the Nishang fire mech that was showing off its might.

In a luxury hotel

"Sure enough, it's very interesting. It seems that this arrangement was not in vain. Zhang Pingping, I am looking forward to becoming a colleague with you." The smiling young man observed the battlefield on both sides and smiled.

 ps: one knife flow, 233333
(End of this chapter)

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