Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 330 The Spirit

Chapter 330 The Spirit
"Okay, everything is over, the warrior brought Zhang Pingche here."

"Yes." The samurai looked at Zhang Pingche in his hand, and then directly called for the hover car, and took Zhang Pingche onto the hover car.

The levitation car drove away, leaving only the Razer sniper rifle on the roof, which became colder and colder in the cold temperature.

And at the same time.
Yuan Xinying took the knife slightly out of breath, then calmly looked ahead, and asked the shadow that had lost its disguise: "What's the matter, you gave up?"

Shadow supported his body with a knife, propped up his scarred body, and suddenly laughed.

Shadow is the weakest one in the group, and the only thing that is powerful is the means of hiding. Usually, even a person who is stronger than Shadow will fall into Shadow's hands, because no one has ever been able to crack his concealment technique. High-tech optical camouflage clothing, coupled with impeccable skills, makes the shadow's concealment technique perfect.

But now that he actually met Yuan Xinying, a person with terrible intuition, the biggest reliance was gone, the shadow was naturally not Yuan Xinying's opponent, otherwise, even three Yuanxin Sakura might not necessarily be the shadow's opponent.

"What are you laughing at?" Yuanxin Ying protected Shenghua, frowned and looked at the shadow, which seemed to go crazy after being hit.

"Your captain has been captured by us. If you don't want him to have an accident, you should honestly stop resisting." Shadow straightened up and said darkly.

"Hmph, inferior."

Yuan Xinying didn't believe the shadow's nonsense, how could a person like Zhang Pingze be caught so easily.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask." Shadow sneered.

Yuan Xinying felt that the shadow in front of her eyes might have lost her mind and went crazy. She actually used this kind of trick to deceive children, and it was nothing more than trying to deceive herself to show her flaws.

"Don't believe me? Afraid of my sneak attack? Heh, I can back away." Shadow held a long knife and stepped back to give a safe distance.

Seeing the performance of the shadow, Yuan Xinying frowned, slightly tapped the blue personal terminal on the wrist with her fingers, this personal terminal was given to her by Zhang Pingping after joining the hunting group, and the contacts in it also There were only a few people, and it was a complete farewell to the past.

Yuan Xinying quickly initiated a communication with Zhang Pingze, but no one answered the communication for a long time, and Yuan Xinying's face became more and more serious. Just when the request was about to time out, there was a beep, and the communication was connected.

Yuanxin Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Captain, you."

"Your captain is in my hands now, you better lay down your weapons and stop resisting." The warrior's deep voice came from the communicator.

Yuan Xinying's eyes suddenly showed shock, she never thought that Zhang Pingze was really caught.

"You guys just want to mislead me." Yuanxin Sakura experienced the initial shock and quickly calmed down.

"Your captain is by my side now, but he has passed out now, there is no need for us to use that method." The samurai said disdainfully.

"let me see."

The samurai directly showed Zhang Pingche lying in handcuffs in a corner.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you." Shadow looked at Yuanxin Sakura's face, and suddenly felt extremely relieved.

Shadow has always considered himself a strong person, so he has always remained cold and aloof. Until today, the shell of Yuanxin Sakura was ruthlessly torn apart. The hatred for Yuanxin Sakura in his heart has reached a terrible level. , Shadow will definitely use the cruelest means to kill this beautiful girl. The feeling of being shattered into an illusory dream is really too painful.

Yuanxin Sakura's eyes flickered, then took a deep breath, and said calmly to the communicator: "What does his life and death have to do with me?"

Shadow froze for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Yuanxin Sakura to say such a thing.

"Our goal is only Shenghua. If you step aside wisely, we can guarantee that Zhang Pingping will be fine." Shadow gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, Sheng Hua's life and death is not my business at all, I'm just following orders." Yuan Xinying said with a cold face.

"Then what exactly do you mean?"

"As long as no one asks me to cancel the mission, I will continue the mission." Yuanxin Sakura looked at the shadow calmly.

"Don't you care about the life and death of your captain?"

"I said, I'm just following orders and since I haven't received a rescission order, I'm not going to stop."

Shadow: "Are you crazy? Do you not want your captain to live?"

Yuanxin Sakura didn't mean to back down in the slightest.

"Samurai, wake up that bastard, tell him to let this woman go away." Shadow shouted hysterically.

The samurai frowned, then figured it out, and went directly to wake Zhang Pingche up.

Under the stimulation of the drug, Zhang Pingping faintly woke up from the darkness, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the meticulous and serious face of the warrior.

"Tell her, let her evacuate, don't hinder our actions, or I will be rude to you." The samurai pointed to Yuanxin Sakura on the communication screen.

Zhang Pingping looked around, and then asked calmly: "Where is this, where are we going?"

"You have so much to say, do as I say." The samurai said calmly.

"Where are you taking me? Find your conductor? What's your conductor's name?" Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

The samurai punched Zhang Pingche's lower abdomen, and said seriously: "You have too many questions, you will know these questions later, now do as I say."

The samurai's punch almost spit out the bitterness of Zhang Pingzheng's blow. He crouched in a corner, his hands locked behind his back and unable to move.

"Answer me, and I'll do as you say, or you just tell me, are you people who are against business? We shouldn't have any grudges, right? Why did you arrest me?" Although Zhang Pingze was a little pale, he still asked persistently.

"You're really annoying, don't force me." The warrior frowned, his tone a bit colder.

It's not that the samurai has never seen a noisy person, but he has never been so angry as he is now, but this boy doesn't show a trace of fear at all, and his mouth doesn't seem to change at all because of his fist.

"I said, as long as you tell me where your commander is now, I will do what you say. It's just a matter of one sentence. Anyway, I can't do anything now. I'm just curious."

"you shut up!"

"Tell me where you are commanding, and I will do what you say, obey your orders, and shut up as you wish."


"Why is it impossible? All my communication equipment has been confiscated by you. Even if you say it, it is only to satisfy my curiosity, and what you get is my absolute obedience."

"It's a matter of principle."

"Don't talk about principles, you turn off the communicator, who will know if you say it? I just want to know where your commander is? I can't find it. I admit that I lost, so I'm curious where is he?"

"Isn't it on Xuan Krypton, or in the outer space of Xuan Krypton? No, it's impossible to control the battlefield so precisely. He must be in Shenxuan City, right?"

Under Zhang Pingche's continuous questioning, the warrior's eyes gradually became confused.

Zhang Pingche hunched over, struggled to stand up slowly, and then asked calmly, "Tell me, tell me, where is your commander now?"

(End of this chapter)

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