Chapter 332

"The person you sent to contact me said that kind of thing, and he didn't mean to talk about cooperation at all." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Zhi Nu got up and glanced at the young man next to him. The second-year middle school youth lowered his head aggrievedly, but there was no emotion of blame in Zhi Nu's eyes. He is not a person who likes to shirk his responsibilities. He advocated this plan, although There are reasons why the second-year middle school youth didn't have a good talk with Zhang Pingping, but in the final analysis, he insisted on fighting.

He was too confident in himself. He thought he could secure Zhang Pingping and King Qin's hunting group before deciding to act. He was also the reason for the current results.

"This is our fault, but we didn't plan to fight you to the death from the very beginning." Xire said calmly.

Zhang Pingche looked at Zhiren who was struggling to get up, was silent for a moment and then continued: "It's too late to say anything now, you have already taken action against us, in that case, we are the enemy."

"No, I don't think we are enemies." Zhire straightened up and said with a pale face.

Silver Wolf took a look at Zhang Pingche, and then the heavy armored rabbit behind him emerged from hiding, and another muzzle stretched out, pointing at the heat.

"Are you going to kill them?" Silver Wolf asked calmly, apparently even Silver Wolf didn't want to believe what he said just now.

Xire didn't look at the muzzle on his forehead, but looked at Zhang Pingze, because Zhang Pingze was obviously the real speaker.

Zhang Pingping sat silently on the sofa, as if thinking.

"How can I tell if we are enemies?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"Our Adverse Business is willing to cooperate with people like you. Adverse Business can provide you with research sites, research funds, and research resources."

"Then what do you want?"

Zhang Pingping asked calmly, there was neither emotion nor impatience on his face.

"We need you to hand over part of the results to us, based on your research results, in exchange for us to give you more resources for your research." Xire said calmly.

"Sounds tempting."

"and then?"

"I don't want to be swayed by any force, that's all, so I'm sorry." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Zhire's already calm face suddenly became extremely astonished, and then asked in disbelief: "Do you have to fight to the death with our Adverse Business? Not to mention the entire Adverse Business, even our Kunlun branch , and it’s not something your little hunting group can deal with.”

"I don't want to fight to the end with you against business, but I also don't want to work for you. It's my concession that the well water does not violate the river water."

"That's fine, as long as you hand over Shenghua and Suo"

"Listen well, you are the losers now, and losers are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Zhi Ran's face darkened, and he really didn't know what to say, but he looked at the scene in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you're good, that's good, let's leave this matter alone."

"Can we go now?" Zhizhi asked.

"No, you are prisoners of war now. If you want to redeem the prisoners of war, let your minister make a price." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"You, you are crazy, you dare to plot against us!" The second-year-old young man couldn't help it, jumped up and shouted loudly.

"You have already taken action against us and caused our losses. Can't you charge some compensation? Or do you two feel that you are not worthy of being redeemed at all?"

"What a loss! We also lost two people, and you only injured one."

"But now you are my captives, and I am not yours."


Zhire stopped the second-year middle school youth: "Alright, Commander Zhang Jian is right. Regarding the ransom, please let me contact the minister."

"of course can."

Zhang Pingze directly threw a communication terminal into hot hands.

There was no disturbance at all about the ransom demand. After Zhi Nuan raised it, the other side immediately agreed, as if they didn't pay attention to that point of the Milky Way at all.

Perhaps in their minds, the lost things will be brought back sooner or later.

After accepting the ransom of 1000 million Galaxy points, Zhang Pingze let them go without saying a word.

Anyway, he has stayed enough on Xuan Krypton, and he is not sure where he will go next. Even if Adverse Business organizes revenge, it will not be able to find the exact location. One and a half months, at least a week, even if Adverse Business has specially prepared a disciplinary team, just chasing after the buttocks, I am afraid that the pursuit will be exhausted.

This is also the reason why there are so many bandits in Interstellar. With such a characteristic, even if it is a cosmic arrest warrant issued by the military department, it is not too threatening, just like a government arrest warrant in a cold weapon society. In other cities, or escaped into the villages and deep mountains, no matter how many arrests there are, there is no way.

After collecting 1000 million Galaxy Points, Zhang Pingze didn't bother, and directly recalled everyone and returned to the starship.

If you make money, you should run away.


Without saying hello and leaving nothing behind, King Qin's hunting group set sail and left Xuan Krypton directly. Even Chris was stunned after hearing the news.

"This guy ran away without making a sound. It's really rude. He didn't even say hello." Chris hammered the table angrily, startling the diners who were eating around, and shouting Cast a strange look.

And Ni Luo and Lin Feng shook their heads helplessly. Chris didn't care about the occasion at all, and she could do whatever she wanted. She didn't know whether to call her stupid or her true temperament.

"Speaking of which, who is that Zhang Pingche? The strength of the two female bodyguards beside him is really exaggerated. They are probably A-level enhancers." Lin Feng asked suddenly.

Both Ni Luo and Chris looked at Lin Feng with strange eyes.

Grade A enhancer? Can A-level enhancers dismantle mechs?Yesterday they witnessed the scene of dismantling the mech with their own eyes.

Lei Yiyi sliced ​​the mecha in half with a knife from Amaterasu, and then directly leaned on the wound, and forcibly removed all the circuits and shields inside the mecha. The scene at that time is still impressive to this day. Deep, what kind of screws, what kind of steel plates are constantly being cut off from the mecha by knives or hands. If the mecha hadn't exploded in the end, Lei Yiyi might be able to dismantle the mecha into parts.

The Hulan Huayu side is also amazing, a huge particle sword swung, removed one arm of the mech, and then cut off a large number of firing nozzles, and chopped until it exploded.

From the western position, a full cut of more than 100 meters was made, and the scene was tsk tsk tsk.

"Those two are not the guy's bodyguards."

"What is that? It can't be a lover."

Chris: "Hehe."

"What do you mean by laughing? It can't be true." Lin Feng looked at Chris with a strange expression.

"What do you mean, it's not a bodyguard anyway."

"Oh, tsk tsk tsk, suddenly I feel a little sympathetic to that guy, can that body withstand the tossing and tossing of these two fierce men?" Nero interrupted suddenly.

Chris and Lin Feng, you changed your expression and looked at Nero.

"Hey, captain, why are you so 23333."

 PS: 2333333
(End of this chapter)

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