Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 336 Colorful Summer Battle

Chapter 336 Colorful Summer Battle ([-])

"Welcome to the beautiful Seal Star, I wish you a good time." The sweet-looking welcome lady was at the exit of the space elevator, smiling sweetly at the tourists who came down from the space elevator.

"All tourists who come to Seal Star, please go to the tourist terminal in Golden Plaza and enter your desired itinerary, and the staff of Seal Star will arrange the itinerary for you."

The huge golden square is like a super stadium, the zenith is covered by a transparent glass dome, the sunlight can easily penetrate, and the square is not affected by wind and rain.

In the center of the Golden Square is a huge statue of the Golden Seal King. The water column of the fountain shoots up from the top of the Seal King's raised head. After being illuminated by lights from a special angle, a layer of hazy rainbow spans the entire Golden Square. .

"Wow, it's so big here!" Lanna exclaimed, raising her head.

"There are a lot of people." Silver Wolf said with a little straw hat he just bought on his head, with his arms around his chest, rather depressed.

"Let's make a travel itinerary first." Lei Yiyi said in a good mood.

Everyone came to a terminal, looked at the various options on the terminal, and everyone gathered around curiously.

"Colorful summer beach, golden seal sunbathing area, style food city, night rainbow viewing roof, water world stadium, there are so many projects."

"The tour fee for each location is [-] Galaxy Points for five days. My God, it's really not cheap. To visit all of them, one person actually costs [-] Galaxy Points." Lei Yiyi said in shock.

With [-] galaxy points, ordinary people can't earn it even if they work without eating or drinking for a year.

"The [-] Galaxy Points include the tour fee and accommodation fee of all venues, excluding the meal fee?" Lei Yiyi continued to look down with a sad face.

Although Lei Yiyi is considered to have a small fortune now, but she was born in a poor family, and she is very frugal in consumption. Seeing such expensive consumption, she can't help but regret her waywardness.

The hunting group consisted of 20 people, which was not a small sum of money. Lei Yiyi took a careful look at Zhang Pingping, for fear that Zhang Pingping would dislike her as a prodigal.

The members of the hunting group were also a little embarrassed when they saw the high travel expenses. They thought it would not cost much to go on vacation at public expense, but they didn't expect that the seal star would charge such an expensive fee.

It seems that everyone who travels to Seal Star has to bleed a lot of money in order to travel.

Just when everyone was hesitating, Zhang Pingze stepped forward and set the route. One of the five tourist attractions was not bad, and all of them were set in the process. Then he entered the number of people and completed the payment directly.

"Since I'm taking everyone out for vacation, don't worry about how much it costs." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

20 people, 100 million Galaxy points, just throwing it out like this, even if the members of the group knew that Zhang Pingping was rich, they couldn't help being a little shocked.

After all, this was just a dispensable vacation trip. Not only did Zhang Pingze bring all of them, but he also paid a huge amount of travel expenses without hesitation, which made them not know how to deal with themselves.

Especially Yang Qingzhi and others were even more embarrassing. When they were wandering in the Star Sea before, how could they have seen such a generous boss? Zhang Pingping is so generous to spend money to invite everyone to travel.

At this moment, Yang Qingzhi can only say that he really made the right choice at the beginning, and it's great to be able to follow Zhang Pingping, the captain of the ship.

Looking at the string of dizzying zeros, Lei Yiyi also felt dizzy, this can hardly be called a prodigal.

Zhang Pingping asked everyone to go forward to enter their identities one by one, and then Lei Yiyi dawdled to Zhang Pingping's side.

"Zhang, Brother Zhang, I, I didn't expect it to be so expensive."

Lei Yiyi stood beside Zhang Pingche with some self-reproach, pinching the hem of the dress with her fingers, and lowered her head cautiously.

"It's okay, it's good to let everyone relax a little bit. Our hunting group will rely on everyone's hard work in the future." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Lei Yiyi still blames herself a little, Zhang Pingping always treats her like this, even if he does something wrong, he won't blame her, this kind of feeling makes people feel even more uneasy.

After everyone finished recording their identities, everyone went to the station on foot. There are no foreign vehicles on Seal Star. All the suspension vehicles are arranged by Seal Star Travel Company. As long as you need them, these suspension vehicles are ready for tourists.

"The first stop is Colorful Summer Beach. We should take the passenger suspension vehicle to Summer Beach."

Everyone walked to the corresponding tourist distribution center, and the professional tour guide came forward immediately and began to organize the team.

There are 20 people in a group, and the people of King Qin just formed a group by themselves.

During the journey, they were all the regular introductions of the tour guide, and everyone was drowsy after listening to them. Only Zhang Pingze listened to the tour guide's explanation in a serious manner.

After the tour guide took everyone off the suspension car, everyone also saw this so-called colorful summer beach. The endless dazzling white sandy beach with a touch of yellow appeared in front of them, and the green windbreak belt formed by palm trees and coconut trees , also rolling with the sea breeze, the whole beach is full of summer feeling, and there are various beach sports and leisure and vacation equipment on the beach.

The hot weather, coupled with the cool sea breeze, makes everyone feel relaxed. On the beach, beauties of all skin colors in swimsuits show off their beautiful bodies on the beach, and they have a healthy body. Men of stature are also showing their sportsmanship, or breaking through the waves, or sweating on the court.

This is a grand event that is swaying freely. At night, there are fireworks shows, beach singing and dancing, and bonfire parties.

After the lady tour guide led the people to the accommodation area, she didn't continue to lead the people to run around.

"If you tourists have anything else you need, please feel free to ask. I will always be here to answer your questions within these five days."

"Okay, thank you." Lei Yiyi thanked.

The tour guide smiled, then turned around and left.

In the resort, everyone has a single room with all the facilities in the room.

After Zhang Pingping entered the room, he began to tidy up the room and check all the messy things.

But during this time, Lei Yiyi gathered everyone in a conference room that could be used freely.

"Okay, everyone won't forget our mission of coming to vacation this time." Lei Yiyi said seriously.

"Of course I won't forget, isn't it just for the captain to play along and relax?" Yang Qingzhi laughed.

"That's right, so the first phase of the battle is officially starting now, and everyone has three hours to prepare." Lei Yiyi said seriously.

"it is good."

"What's the first thing to do?" Lanna looked at the crowd blankly, apparently without a clue. "

"Go buy a swimsuit." Lei Yiyi said seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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