Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 341 Yuanxin Sakura!strengthen

Chapter 341 Yuanxin Sakura!strengthen
The good times are always short. The five days at the colorful summer beach passed quickly. There are still many rides, and the itinerary is over before they have time to participate, but everyone does not feel regretful.

The next stop is the Golden Seal Sunbathing Area.

Everyone followed the tour guide to tour the entire undersea tunnel of the seal star, and then watched the narcissism show of the wild golden seal king, ate a seafood feast, and raised the young golden seals with their own hands.

Zhang Pingping also successfully bought a cub of the Golden Seal King, but according to the size of the staff, the Golden Seal King cannot be kept alive in other places, and can only survive in Seal Star.

But Zhang Pingze said that it doesn't matter, he didn't plan to raise him anyway.

But before leaving, the cub of the golden seal king was secretly taken away by the silver wolf and released.

After learning about the situation, Zhang Pingche shook his head helplessly, but he didn't blame the silver wolf for anything, so he just let it go. In the end, Zhang Pingche was just curious about the strange habits of this creature.

But what made Zhang Pingche feel very helpless was that Silver Wolf bought a large number of plush dolls of golden seals as compensation for Zhang Pingze. I packed it in my suitcase and said it was for him to keep it.

The silver wolf happily hugged the naive golden seal doll, and got on the classic suspension car heading to the next classic. Looking at the happy look of the silver wolf, Zhang Pingping felt that the money was not in vain.

The travel time is always short, but the relatively relaxed travel arrangements make everyone not feel tired. Instead, they walk and play along the way, which is very relaxing and freehand. Perhaps only such a relaxed and freehand travel arrangement is more popular.

Sometimes life is so simple, there will not be so many idle people and things, and a good journey requires good fun.

Yang Qingzhi and others also restrained their behavior during this period, and did not cause any trouble to Zhang Pingze.

Soon the 20-day travel itinerary came to an end, and the tour guide brought everyone back to the Golden Square.

Everyone's faces became darker and more relaxed.

"The vacation is over, how do you feel?"

Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

"It's amazing!" Lanna said excitedly.

"It's okay, I always feel like I'm getting fat." Hulan Huayu said worriedly.

Everyone smiled knowingly, under such conditions, it would be strange not to eat fat.

"Since the vacation is over, everyone should calm down as soon as possible. There are more difficult tasks waiting for us." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Fleet Captain, you can rest assured, we will never let you down."

"There will be many opportunities like this in the future. Let's continue to work hard. Now, let's return to the starship and prepare to return to Kunlun Star." Zhang Pingping said calmly.


When everyone appeared in front of Zhang Pingchee again, they were all in combat uniforms, and their aura was even higher. After relaxing, they worked again, full of energy in their hearts. In addition to the helplessness of life, there is a love for the mysterious star sea in his bones.

After returning to the Gaia starship, everyone felt as if they had returned home. They all had a sense of spiritual relaxation, and a sense of belonging to the starship arose in their hearts.

This place is their home.

Xiao Meng also returned to her command room, and quickly started to set the voyage and adjust the performance of various equipment.

"Target Kunlun Star, go to the space transition point." Xiao Meng set the course to herself.

The huge hull of the Gaia starship slowly took off from the parking lot of the space station, then turned the hull, and went straight to the space break point.

"Starship No. GY14Z1206, prepare for the space warp, please open the negative resistance membrane and enter the homogeneous state."

"The negative resistance membrane is opened, and the homogenization is completed."

"Jump preparation, 10, 9"

In the next moment, the impact of the space warp slowly dissipated, and the Gaia starship was slowly revealing its hull from a huge space gate.

"This is the Kunlun Starfield, the z-2 space station, 170 million kilometers away from the central planet Kunlun Star. Now the Kunlun Starfield cosmic time is [-]:[-] pm. Please submit your identity information as soon as possible to protect your legal rights. Finally, I wish you Have a nice trip."

Coming out of this space again, Xiao Meng was also slightly moved. When he came to Kunlun Star from the earth, he came out of the z-2 space. This time he came here again, but with a different mentality.

After wandering outside for so long, when I came here, I suddenly felt homesick.

Xiao Meng turned around and found that Lei Yiyi and the others were also in a daze, as if they were thinking about something.

Only Zhang Pingze's eyes were calm, without any change, and he said calmly: "Go back to Kunlun Star as quickly as possible, Sakura, come with me."

Yuan Xin Ying was stunned for a moment, then nodded, with a slightly confused look in her fox eyes, although Zhang Pingping had already notified her, but at the critical moment, she was still a little hesitant.

If the experiment is successful, then everything is easy to talk about, but if it fails, wouldn't it mean that Lei Yiyi will never be seen again.

When she was in Seal Star, Yuanxin Sakura began to express her emotions violently towards Lei Yiyi, and this was one of the reasons.

If the experiment fails and dies, before expressing his feelings to Lei Yiyi, it will be a bit of a loss.

Anyway, I kissed and made money.

Yuan Xinying bit her lip, turned her head and followed Zhang Pingze's footsteps.

Lei Yiyi watched the two leave, and suddenly shouted: "Sakura!"

Yuanxin Sakura turned her head to look at Lei Yiyi.

"come on."

"Yeah!" Yuanxin Sakura nodded heavily.

In the cold laboratory, various instruments began to operate under the control of Zhang Pingze, while Yuanxin Ying looked around curiously. It was the first time she entered Zhang Pingze's laboratory. For this neat and excessive experiment Everything in the room is curious.

"The injection I'm going to give you is different from theirs. This is the first human experiment. Are you really ready?" Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

"The first human experiment?"

"Well, other experiments are basically carried out on mice, but after calculations, the success rate of applying it to humans is as high as 80.00%." ​​Zhang Pingze said calmly.

80.00%, this is already a very high success rate, you must know that even if Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu are physically matched, the success rate does not exceed 40.00%.

The mixed-breed phagocytic gene has achieved the ultimate in stability. If it hadn't been for a coincidence to meet Silver Wolf and Solomon, I am afraid that this new type of hybrid phagocytic gene would not have been born at all.

"That is to say, I still have a 20.00% chance of dying?" Yuanxin Sakura asked calmly.

"Yes." Zhang Pingze nodded.

"Well, I'm ready, at least there's an [-]% chance of winning, isn't it?"

Yuanxin Sakura nodded.

"Okay, take off your clothes."

"What?" Yuan Xinying suspected that she had heard wrong.

"I said strip off, everything, nothing left."

"Here, here, you don't need to take off your clothes even if you take the strengthening fluid, why do you have to take off your clothes." Yuanxin Yingrao is mentally strong, and she is a little stuttering at the moment.

"Every change in your body must not be missed, unless you want to make the experiment more difficult, otherwise just do as I said."

"Yi, Yichan, maybe she did the same thing." Yuanxin Sakura asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"This! Alright." Yuanxin Sakura gritted her teeth, then turned around directly, stretched out her hand and untied the belt around her waist, and began to undress in front of Zhang Pingche.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Yuanxin Sakura's bright back, and then turned his attention to the hybrid gene on his desk. The hybrid gene was a strange crystal, not a solution in the usual sense.

"Perhaps such a hybrid gene can no longer be called phagocytosis, perhaps it should be given a new name." (Black line crossed out, you can't see it, you can't see it)

"This will be something that changes the times, let's call it the Honkai Gene." (Black line crossed out, you can't see it, you can't see it)

 ps: This book is a semi-fandom work of Honkai. The original model of the characters is Honkai characters, but it is not a fanfic in the true sense. I will not divide the specific classification. You can see that this book is hung in the martial arts area , you know how confused Niaofeng is.

(End of this chapter)

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