Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 347 Self-destruct Robot

Chapter 347 Self-destruct Robot

When Zhang Pingze was trying to use mental shock to attack the people on the suspension vehicle, he suddenly found that his attack had failed.

"That helmet!" Zhang Pingche was surprised to find that his mental shock was completely blocked by the helmets on the heads of those combatants.

At this time, Zhang Pingze suddenly remembered that Shenghua's mental disruptor seemed to be made based on the top-secret information of Adverse Business.

Since Shenghua can make it, then Adverse Business can definitely be made, and it will only be more perfect than what Shenghua made.

Zhang Pingze leaned against the wall and felt the trembling of the whole room, his eyes had some other colors.

This kind of situation was at least not expected by Zhang Pingze. He never thought that the Adversary Chamber of Commerce was really crazy enough to tear apart his face with the military on Kunlun Star. He originally thought that even if the Adverse Chamber of Commerce took measures, it would be some hidden tricks. Think of such a crazy action.

In the spiritual world, a large number of hovercars lifted into the air and faintly surrounded the hotel. There are actually so many people working against the business, and a small half of the hovercars that were blocked in the air before were actually arranged by them.

After a rough calculation, there are thirteen suspension vehicles that can be directly observed, and each suspension vehicle has a large number of armed personnel. With such a configuration, it is enough to attack and kill the security minister of Kunlun Star.

But to Zhang Pingping's relief, the people at the military headquarters seemed to have realized that four or five hover vehicles lifted into the air and exchanged fire with the armed men against Shang.

However, these four or five suspension vehicles can't make any waves when facing the large army against the merchants, and those suppressed by heavy weapons dare not approach them at all, and only dare to stay far away.

The entire Taixu City was stirred up into a miasma by this wave of melee, the traffic congestion became even more chaotic, and accidents continued.

The sound of the machine gun seemed to be getting weaker gradually. Zhang Pingping hugged Lei Yiyi, helped Lei Yi to stop the bleeding, and then took out a small tube of red reagent from the card slot of the personal terminal.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Pingze still put away the red reagent and injected Lei Yiyi with a shot of g96 concentrated medical agent.

The red one is the excitatory factor secreted by the phagocytosis gene. Once Lei Yiyi is injected, Lei Yiyi will enter a hyperactive state. Although the battle can be resolved in a short time, it is not good for Lei Yiyi's body or a prolonged battle.

Looking at the unconscious Lei Yiyi, Zhang Pingping put Lei Yiyi by the wall, and then slowly stood up.

The gunfire outside had stopped. Zhang Pingze looked around and found that the hover car was actually approaching the window, as if he was going to let someone down.

Zhang Pingze exchanged glances with Lanna, and Lanna directly pulled out two electromagnetic pistols from her waist, and slid them to Zhang Pingze from the ground.

Zhang Pingping gestured: "Cover me, I'll go take a look."

Lanna nodded.

Zhang Pingping leaned directly against the wall, rolled out with two pistols in his hand, and moved to Zhang Shaoxin and the others under the cover of some broken furniture.

Seeing the three of Zhang Shaoxin, Zhang Pingping breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no one was killed. Among the three, only Zhang Shaoxin had his legs scratched by shrapnel, and he was still holding the incubator of the Eye of Solomon in his hand.

"It's alright."

"It's okay, these lunatics really dare to do anything. I have notified the Kunlun Star Army, and they will come to rescue us soon." Zhang Shaoxin gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

A soldier on the side directly took out a mini needle and gave Zhang Shaoxin a shot.

Zhang Pingping glanced at it, and knew that it was the g94 concentrated medicine specially supplied by King Qin Biology to the military. Unexpectedly, even the Kunlun Star military had already used it.

Soon, the blood on Zhang Shaoxin's leg gradually stopped, and his condition improved a lot.

"This thing is really easy to use." Zhang Shaoxin looked at his legs in admiration.

"Is there a gun?"


"Protect yourself well, I will try my best to take you out."

"No problem, don't underestimate us, just tell us what you need us to do."

Zhang Pingping glanced at Zhang Shaoxin, then put his index finger on his lips, and said in a low voice: "Stop talking, it seems that someone has come down."

Turning around and looking through the broken glass on the ground, Zhang Pingche observed for a while, but he didn't find the enemy, but something did come down.

Five round balls?No, a robot, a detection robot?

Five small robots with round heads and six mechanical legs were thrown from the hover vehicle.

Each of these little robots has an imprint of infinity printed on the brain case, which is a flat 8.
Zhang Pingze had also seen this mark on the two self-destructing Titan mechs on Xuan Krypton.

This mark is obviously the mark of adverse quotient.

Zhang Pingze looked at the five robots that were moving towards him with some vigilance.

Just when Zhang Pingze was hesitating, Lanna suddenly jumped out.

"Huh? What the hell, let's see if Miss Ben blows you up."

Zhang Pingze: "."

After saying this, Lanna shot directly, and the howling electromagnetic bullets precisely hit the heads of these simple-looking robots.

But what was disappointing was that the round head actually deflected the bullet and had excellent bulletproof performance.

"Hey, it's pretty hard."

Lanna let out a cry of surprise, the ones in her hands turned quickly like butterflies wearing flowers, and the two electromagnetic guns were thrown up, and Lanna pulled out two pistols that had been modified to resemble Desert Eagles from her back. Armor-piercing projectiles with huge kinetic energy whizzed out from the barrel.

click -

The armor-piercing projectile pierced directly into the skull of the ball robot.

The next moment, Lanna was so frightened that she retreated into the bunker.

The robot instantly turned red, and then exploded directly on the spot, splashing shrapnel, which was as powerful as the previous machine gun.

"It turned out to be a suicide robot." Zhang Pingze muttered calmly.

"Lanna beat them out." Zhang Pingping called out calmly.

"Huh, it's easy to say, but this lady likes challenging things." Lanna leaned against the wall and smiled without nervousness at all, "It's a pity that I don't have many guns at hand, otherwise I can play casually. "

After Lanna finished speaking, she dodged out from behind the bunker, and the two electromagnetic pistols fired crazily.

The robots crawling towards Lanna quickly on the ground were all hit by an electromagnetic bullet on their front feet. The ingenious angle and the kinetic energy of the bullet directly overturned the suicide robots that looked like balls. down, fell to the ground.

Then, Lanna's second wave of shots directly shot the robots facing down one by one, like kicking a ball, one or two meters away.

"Goodbye." Lanna kicked out the broken sofa with only one frame left at her feet. The heavy sofa hit "Ball" directly, and the four suicide robots gathered together were directly loaded out. , fell down the tall building along the completely destroyed floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Nico! Nico! It's a piece of cake." Lanna turned the gun in her hand and smiled triumphantly.

But the next moment, Lanna retreated back to the bunker, and three armed men with electromagnetic rifles jumped down and fired at Lanna's position.

With so much firepower, even Lanna didn't dare to stand up.

"It's not easy." Zhang Shaoxin's scalp felt numb when he heard the firepower outside.

In addition, there are armed personnel coming down from the suspension vehicle one after another. The number of people is so large that it cannot be solved at once.

Zhang Pingping looked normal, but in the spiritual world, Lei Yiyi in another room seemed to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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