Chapter 350

"Wait, it's not good to use heavy firepower here." Yang Qingzhi shouted immediately.

Silver Wolf tilted his head as if remembering what someone said, and then all the muzzles of the 19-C were retracted into the mechanical arm, and Fang Dun shot at the rushing robot.

Although 19-C is the most advanced autonomous combat robot, due to its structural characteristics, although it carries a variety of shells, the amount of ammunition it carries is not much.

Can't use the heavy firepower of the heavy-armored rabbit, but Silver Wolf has other means.

Silver Wolf stood in the center of the hall, watching the robots pouring in like a tide, without any movement, but the robots in the front row suddenly stopped.

In addition to reloading the bunny, as the creation of Elk Ji, Silver Wolf is also a super intelligent brain. Although Silver Wolf does not use such methods on weekdays, her invasion and control cannot be ignored at critical moments. mechanical capabilities.

After the robots in the front row stopped, the robots in the rear couldn't stop, and they all collided together, and a hill piled up on the ground in an instant.

Although Silver Wolf can control it precisely, facing such a large number of robots, that kind of control is too heavy for her brain, and the amount of calculations generated can easily cause Silver Wolf's chip to heat up, thus damaging her health.

"Grenade." Silver Wolf said calmly.

"Okay." Yang Qingzhi felt very comfortable now, how much would it take to blow it up like this.

Three grenades were thrown directly into the hill formed by the robot.

The reloaded bunny raised his shield and stood in front of the silver wolf.

The huge explosion, with shock waves, spread to the square shield of the heavy rabbit, but it couldn't shake it at all.

The robot's self-detonation sounded one after another, and the entrance of the hall was directly piled up into an iron mountain. It was not that simple for the robots behind to break through again.

After all, it is an extremely simple mechanical body structure. It is very difficult for climbing such an iron mountain. The slender hands and feet are inserted into the pile of parts, and it becomes difficult to move.

Yang Qingzhi looked at the Tieshan blocking the gate, hehe smiled, and loosened his sore shoulders: "Thanks to you, Silver Wolf, there is no problem with the captain of the ship."

"Not yet, but there are many armed men against business hidden in the hotel, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with." Silver Wolf said calmly.

"Then let's go up and help."

"No, your task is to defend the hall. If you are attacked from the front or back, the situation will be even more unfavorable."

"Okay, but I feel that those robots won't be able to break through for the time being." Yang Qingzhi looked at the heavy iron mountain.

The other three regiment members were making up their swords, destroying all the struggling robots on the ground.

Silver Wolf looked at the iron mountain blocking the gate, and said calmly, "That's not necessarily the case."

During the conversation, the situation finally stabilized and the tension in the hearts of the service staff in the hall was suddenly loosened. The girls covered their faces and discarded the guns in their hands, shedding tears of fear.

"Hey, take care of the wounded, is anyone injured?"

Yang Qingzhi said with some helplessness that these girls took up the courage to help a lot before. The two lines of defense in the hall made up of tables and chairs were the result of their hard work. Some girls even picked up pistols to help fight back.

"Yes, yes, there are wounded here."

After asking, there were actually wounded people. Yang Qingzhi and Yinlang walked over and saw the two girls squatting in the corner.

One of the girls' arms was bloody, probably hit by shrapnel, while the other girl was using a first aid kit to stop the bleeding.

Yang Qingzhi looked at the injured girl, feeling a little familiar. Thinking about it carefully, this girl seemed to be the first to come out to help, almost half of the first line of defense was completed by her alone.

The ability of the sharp-knife robot to climb over obstacles is not strong, as long as there are some obstacles, they can be delayed. The first line of defense also bought a lot of time for Yang Qingzhi and others.

"Ha, how does it feel to be injured, little girl?" Yang Qingzhi squatted down and asked with the gun on his back.

"Very, very sad." The girl with pale lips responded to Yang Qingzhi tremblingly.

"Are you afraid?"

"Afraid. No, not afraid, thank you for protecting us."

The girl bit her lip to endure the pain, and looked at Yang Qingzhi with her dark eyes.

Yang Qingzhi and others could obviously evacuate directly, but the group of robots didn't seem to have the ability to identify the enemy, and they were sharp knives at all humans.

If Yang Qingzhi and others hadn't stayed behind to direct them, I'm afraid they would have already become a corpse riddled with holes.

"You are outstanding." Yang Qingzhi smiled, and then took out the g96 medicine dispensed by Zhang Pingche from the medicine box on his belt.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

Yang Qingzhi directly injected the g96 medicine into the girl's arm.

The girl had already lost too much blood, and if she didn't stop the bleeding immediately, she might die of heart failure, so Yang Qingzhi gave her g96 without much hesitation.

Yang Qingzhi looked at the small empty bottle in his hand, and shook his head in admiration. If he hadn't followed Zhang Pingche, he would never have used such a precious life-saving medicine to save an ordinary person.

The effect of g96 is outstanding, less than 1 minute, the amount of bleeding began to be greatly reduced.

"Okay, it's okay, let's take a rest." Yang Qingzhi smiled, then stood up and looked at the messy hotel lobby.

The girl looked up at Yang Qingzhi: "This uncle, who are you?"

Yang Qingzhi froze for a moment, then looked at the girl with a smile: "We are just ordinary mercenaries."

"Could the mercenary be as powerful as this little girl?" The girl pointed to the silver wolf and the mighty 19-C beside the silver wolf.

"I'm sorry about that, but Silver Wolf is a special existence." Yang Qingzhi laughed.

"Oh, is it relying on a huge machine?"

"Almost, without reloading Xiaotu, I might not be as good as you." Silver Wolf said calmly.

While everyone was talking, there was a commotion on Iron Mountain, and a large number of parts seemed to be pushed down.

"So fast?" Yang Qingzhi froze for a moment, then looked towards the door.

The moment Yang Qingzhi spoke, the entire iron mountain was flattened in an instant, and two men in black clothes who looked like iron towers stood at the door of the hall, with a large number of sharp-knife robots behind them.

At this moment, the knife-shaped robot stopped obediently behind the two men in black, looking like soldiers.

"People who are against business?" Yang Qingzhi directly raised the electromagnetic rifle.

"should be."

"It's quite courageous to just walk in like this."

After Yang Qingzhi finished speaking, he directly pulled the trigger, and the whistling electromagnetic bullet carried considerable kinetic energy, and directly hit the man in black on the chest.

The electromagnetic bullet hit the bulging chest muscles of the man in black, making a crisp and crisp sound.

"What? Robot?"

"No, it's the outer armor!" Silver Wolf's pupils narrowed.

The mechanical control failed, and the opponent was a living human being, but the equipment under the black clothes, after a quick data analysis, turned out to be a familiar auxiliary equipment.

Some are similar to the outer armor of Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu.

"Did the people against business create this kind of thing just by confronting us once?" Silver Wolf's eyes fell on the two of them calmly.

 ps: Thank you [book friend 20171005081948826] for the 900 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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