Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 352: The Hard Bone

Chapter 352: The Hard Bone

The man in black looked at the pink-haired girl who suddenly appeared in front of him. Although he was a little surprised at the sudden appearance of the other party, he was not surprised. He punched out without the slightest hesitation.

Yuan Xinying's sharp fox eyes calmly looked at the iron fist that hit like a shell, but there was no change on his face.

Because it is too slow.

The short body drew out the saber, Juhe slashed, and the saber at the waist came out of its sheath instantly, and cut directly to the man in black's ribs.

The eyes of the man in black blurred, and the girl in front of him suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a shock and a huge thrust came from his side.

The bright blade cut fiercely under the ribs of the man in black, and fine sparks flew out.

The body of the man in black staggered from being pushed directly by the huge force, and his punching movements were out of shape, and he moved clumsily to the side to stabilize his body.

Before the black-clothed man could stand still completely, Yuanxin Sakura's oblique strike directly hit the black-clothed man's neck.

The man in black jumped in his heart, and immediately raised his arm to block the blade.

"Dazzling Blade!"

The expected impact did not come, and the long knife directly brought out a phantom, which turned into a slash, and the target was still the neck of the man in black.


A crisp impact sound came from the black-clothed man's neck, Yuan Xinying didn't wait for the black-clothed man to fight back, and immediately withdrew to a distance of five meters, retracting the knife and sheathing it.

The fox eyes looked dangerously at the man in black who maintained a blocking posture.

Yuan Xinying didn't expect that the opponent even had such strict protection on the most vulnerable neck.

It wasn't that Yuanxin Sakura didn't have the strength to break through that relatively weak layer of protection, but that the knife in her hand didn't allow Yuanxin Sakura to make such a powerful attack.

There are not many special knives, but they are tougher and sharper than ordinary knives. The slender blade determines that the knives cannot cope with high-intensity impacts.

"See if Silver Wolf is okay." Yuanxin Sakura said calmly.

Yang Qingzhi nodded immediately, went over and pressed directly on the part of the silver wolf that was hit hard, and shook his head: "The bone is fine, I guess it's because of my back."

Yuanxin Sakura nodded, and then focused on her opponent.

The head of the man in black is also protected by armor, and his face is covered with black glass protection of unknown material. The whole person does not seem to have any flaws, it is completely a lump of iron.

Although the movement is not flexible, but the strength is amazing.

"Come on."

The man in black beckoned to Yuanxin Sakura provocatively.

Yuanxin Sakura's eyes were slightly cold, her center of gravity dropped slightly, and she put her hand on the knife.

At this time, the robots waiting outside the door also began to pour into the hall. The man in black obviously planned to hold Yuanxin Sakura back and let the robots deal with the other people.

Yuanxin Sakura's eyes flickered slightly, and it had to be said that what the man in black did successfully distracted her attention.

For Yang Qingzhi and Yinlang, Yuan Xinying didn't want them to be hurt. Although they usually looked serious, everyone slowly walked into Yuan Xinying's heart. Mixed with other evil thoughts, everyone made Yuanxin Sakura feel a kind of friendliness and kindness.

Yuan Xinying, who was used to being lonely and arrogant before, cared and cherished this kind of friendship very much.

When Yuanxin Ying was slightly distracted, the man in black immediately stepped forward, stomping heavily on the ground, and rushed out in an instant, his iron fist roaring out with the sound of piercing the air.

Yuanxin Sakura snorted coldly, twisted her feet, directly avoided the attack line of the fist, stepped forward suddenly, and the knife at her waist was unsheathed, and cut directly at the genitals of the man in black.

Cut forward

A chill spread from the crotch to the forehead. After the man in black passed by, he felt bad. Although the crotch was also protected, there was always a kind of ballsy sadness.

However, Yuanxin Sakura, who was passing by, turned around with the knife at the moment of passing, and cut directly on the back of the man in black.

cassock cut

If it was an ordinary person, he would have died long ago after receiving two knives from Yuanxin Sakura, but the outer armor of the man in black gave the best protection, leaving Yuanxin Sakura with no choice.

Yuanxin Sakura gritted her teeth, feeling a little regretful in her heart: "If I had weapons and armor like Yichan, I'm afraid he would have been a corpse long ago."

However, a qualified swordsman will never complain about the gap in the external environment, but should think about how to defeat the opponent.


In a private apartment in Taixu City, a group of people are gathering in front of a big screen to watch the picture on the screen.

In the picture is the scene of Yuanxin Sakura fighting the man in black, and next to it is the scene of 19-C fighting the man in black.

"Is this woman also a superhuman? Strength and speed don't seem to be too outstanding, but why aren't our super soldiers her opponent?" A thin old man in a white coat asked looking at the screen.

"She should be an A-level enhancer. Her combat skills have already been perfected. The super fighter is suppressed by her skills." The young man with an "immortal spirit" on the side said quickly.

"The two superhuman races have been temporarily held back. In a short period of time, they will not affect the battlefield here."

Hot in casual clothes sat on a chair, looked at the screen, squinted and smiled: "The super soldier motion assistance system is activated, resolve the battle as soon as possible, and then send someone to capture that silver-haired little girl, that little girl is very important to the target." For important people, it can be used as a backup."

"Okay, my lord."

The whole room started to get busy again, people in overalls came and went.

"It's already failed once, why does the minister still trust this guy so much?" Two staff members who left the room whispered in the corridor.

"Stupid, please keep your voice down. Zhire is not from our branch, but from the headquarters. This operation was arranged by the headquarters."

"Such an exaggeration, isn't it just to deal with a small hunting group, making such a big noise?"

"Who knows what the high-level bosses think, we just do our jobs well."

"The organization is getting more and more crazy now, not to mention Dr. Sheng Hua sneaking away, even I want to leave." The younger youth before whispered.

"Sh, shh, shh, do you want to die? Do you want to die if you say such things here?" The companion on the side quickly covered the young man's mouth.

The young man also realized that he was talking too much and quickly pursed his lips.

The two walked forward with their heads bowed in muffled voices.

A tall Caucasian young man in a stylish black jacket walked past the two, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"What two cute little mice."

The white youth shook his head and muttered with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the two staff members passing by his side suddenly blushed and covered their hearts, and knelt down on the ground in pain. After a while, they fell directly to the ground, staring and losing their vitality.

The Caucasian youth straightened his jacket and walked towards the previous combat room as if nothing had happened.

"Hot cutie, here I come." The white youth pushed the door open and entered.

Everyone in the room turned their heads, and when they saw the young white man, they all turned pale, and only said with a hot smile, "Kelvin, you're here."

(End of this chapter)

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