Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 360 The Poignant Love Story of Herrscher and the Clones

Chapter 360 The Poignant Love Story of Herrscher and the Clones
Seeing the hover car quickly disappearing in front of her eyes, Lei Yiyi doubted her life, did I time travel and live a very young life?

However, the fast-moving suspension car was gradually covered by a layer of water film, and then the water film expanded rapidly, and it expanded into a huge water polo in less than a moment. I saw a huge water polo, spinning rapidly, passing across the sky at high speed.

"Shoot him down!"

Immediately afterwards, bullets and shells all over the sky poured towards the huge water polo.

Looking at the water polo that had expanded to a diameter of [-] meters, Lei Yiyi suddenly doubted the power of modern weapons for the first time.

"Is this really a human?"

"This is the strong man who has mastered the laws of nature. In Nishang, he is called the Lawrence. And this time, the Eye of Solomon that Nishang is desperately trying to snatch has something to do with the laws of nature." Sheng Hua said with a frightened face. Looking at the picture in front of him.

"Such a guy is in Adversity Business, what else?"

"Yes, but the other two don't like to be in the organization very much. Only the Herrscher of Water, Kelvin, will often appear in the organization."

"I still haven't figured it out, how did he do it?" Xiao Meng looked at the oversized water polo on the screen in disbelief.

"Spiritual power, and a special structural system that has not yet been analyzed, the ability to cooperate with each other." Sheng Hua said in a deep voice.

"You also participated in the research?"

"Me? No, I'm from the mechanical department, and I've only heard a little about the supernatural department." Sheng Hua shook his head.

Sheng Hua looked at the picture on the screen, and sighed, "I can't stop it, the Herrscher of Water is too powerful, and these conventional weapons can't deal with it at all."

"In this position, even the Star Destroyer can't be used. Damn it, why don't you just watch them leave like this?" Xiao Meng complained angrily, holding her hands on her chest.

"By the way, Captain, where have you been?" Sheng Hua looked back, the captain's seat was empty.

The super-large water polo is still moving at an extremely fast speed, and all interceptions have failed. The high-speed rotating water polo seems to have the effect of reducing air resistance, moving faster and faster, and will soon be gone. Break out of the encirclement.

"Hot, I told you a long time ago that I will take you out, hahaha." Standing on the roof of the suspended car, the white young man raised his head and laughed.

Looking at the water curtain around him with complicated eyes, returning to the organization like this, what awaits him is probably an unbearable punishment.

The failure to capture the Eye of Solomon caused damage to the foundation of the Kunlun Star Adverse Business Branch, and most importantly, exposed the existence of the Herrscher.

Heat silently put on the earphones.

"Hot, I seem to have won this round." Zhang Pingping's calm voice came.

"I thought about it a lot, and just when you sent me a message, I understood what my problem was." Xire said calmly.

"Oh?" Zhang Pingze seemed a little interested.

"It's Liu Cheng, it's ridiculous. In the end, I didn't get rid of him, but let him survive." Zhi Nuan smiled bitterly.

"That's right, it was Liu Cheng who told you the secret, so there was this drama of plotting against you." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Why? Doesn't Liu Cheng hate you very much, why does he want to help you? Obviously, I can get rid of you in one fell swoop."

Zhang Pingping: "It's a simple transaction. Liu Cheng is a businessman. He wants to control the underground world of Kunlun Star, so I gave it to him. I also promised him to help him eliminate the anti-business forces in Kunlun Star, and let him be the underground world of Kunlun Star." The leader is safe, so why doesn't he help me?"

"I didn't expect that I have been scheming people's hearts, but I have forgotten the most important stakes. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests?"

"Yes." Zhang Pingze's tone didn't have any waves, and it seemed that he didn't even feel complacent.

"Everything after that, you acted it out for me, right? The ultimate goal is to confirm my position. No wonder we have been fighting for so long, and the reinforcements from the military department have not arrived yet. It turned out that I had already laid an ambush in Taixu City Yes, as long as you find out where I am, they will immediately surround you." Zhire said with a wry smile.


"I, don't accept it." The hot lips twitched, and finally sighed deeply, and said.

"You have already lost twice, it's not accidental." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Xire clenched her fists tightly: "But I didn't leave in the end, hahaha, this is something you didn't expect."

"Well, indeed, I originally thought that your death might be the best result, but I didn't expect you to want to escape back. Adverse business is so worthy of your nostalgia?"

There was a thump in Zhi Zian's heart, and Ni Shang was no longer worthy of his nostalgia, he was just stuck in the quagmire, and could no longer break free.

This is a ruthless organization, powerful and dark, and it will always live a life of fear, fearing that one day, if it does something wrong, it will be disposed of as a defective product by Adverse Business.

In the final analysis, I am just a worthless clone.

Zhi Zi's heart is full of darkness at the moment. He is smart and wise, and seems to have brilliant ideas popping out of his mind every moment, but who knows the fear in his heart, afraid of what will happen to him if he has no ideas? .

"It seems that you are in a good position in Adverse Business, and you can arrange such a superhuman to protect you." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Zhire's whole body was trembling, every sentence of Zhang Pingche seemed to be sarcasm, every sentence pierced his heart, and Zhire's chest seemed to be blocked by something.

What kind of protection, Kelvin is because he deliberately designed all kinds of coincidences, calculated him, and made him his friend. It was also homework done to compensate for his fragile sense of security. It was not for friendship at all, let alone for anything. Bodyguards sent by the organization.

"Enough! Zhang Pingze, I will make you regret it one day." Zhire roared hysterically.

"Oh, is that so? Did what I said irritate you? Why did it irritate you? Could it be that you, who have such an aura, are actually a cowardly and insecure guy in your heart?"

"Bastard!" Zhi Nuan directly smashed the communicator severely, and there was no longer any smile on his face, his face was full of ferocious expressions, and his face was full of blackness, making people shudder.

The driver glanced at the rear through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help shivering. The heat looked really terrifying.

"What were you looking at just now? Are you laughing at me? Think I'm a loser?" Xire suddenly walked behind the driver.

"No, sir, I'm just worried, haha, I'm worried that something will happen to you." The driver said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"You are clearly laughing at me, your contemptuous eyes have exposed you, you lowly bastard, you are nothing but an ant, a clone!"

"What? Clone? My lord, what are you talking about, I, I'm not a clone. Uh! Heh-uh"

The headphone cable in hot hands was strangled tightly around the driver's neck, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he was crazy.

The driver pedaled in pain, trying to break free, and the suspension car became unstable, but it was so maddeningly hot and powerful that it was impossible to break free.

After half a sound, the suspension car lost control, and the driver was directly strangled to death, his eyes widened angrily, full of confusion and unwillingness.

It was hot but still did not let go, the headphone cable was deeply embedded in the driver's neck.

"Let you laugh at me, and those who laugh at me, go to death."

"Hot, what are you doing!" A stern voice came from behind.

The saliva that shed when he was crazy still remained at the corner of his hot mouth, and he turned his head to look at Kelvin with blank eyes, a crazy smile appeared on his face, tears, snot and saliva were all hanging on that extremely distorted face.

"Kelvin, do you also think that I'm a useless waste, a hot chicken that can be thrown away at will?" Looking at Kelvin with a distorted face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We've already left the atmosphere. How did you kill the driver? Do you know that the hover car almost lost control?"

"Answer my question, you rotten dog who stands tall all day!!!" roared hysterically.

Kelvin's face changed slightly, looking at the swaying heat, a complex look appeared on his face.

"Scorching, my brother, couldn't these clones inherit your will, and they just collapsed so easily." Kelvin said to himself calmly, facing the maddening Scorching.

"Kill you, you golden-skinned rotten dog!"


Kelvin closed his eyes. In the next moment, the scorching heat rushed up, and blood-colored ice thorns drilled out from his body, and soon the whole person turned into a blood-colored ice sculpture.

 Ps: Yes, this wave is very philosophical.

(End of this chapter)

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