Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 367 The God of Creation

Chapter 367 The God of Creation
Office of the Principal of Galaxy High School.

The current principal of Galaxy University, Principal He looked at the young man sitting on the sofa with a happy face: "There is absolutely no problem with this recruitment. As long as Mr. Zhang tells you the time, we will definitely make it beautiful for you."

"The time will be five days later, please trouble Principal He." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

The matter was easily settled. After all, such a large-scale recruitment activity by Zhang Pingzheng has greatly increased the employment rate of the school. Although the students of Galaxy University are not worried about employment, no one thinks the employment rate is high.

And Zhang Pingping is also an alumnus of Galaxy University.

"Mr. Zhang is young and promising. Although I have seen your company, it is a registered technology company, but the scale does not seem to be that big. Why do you suddenly need so many people?" Principal He asked with a smile.

Although Zhang Pingping is an alumnus, Principal He did not dare to take it lightly. This is a matter related to the reputation of Galaxy University.

"We are planning to expand the scale. We have already applied for it. We just came down today to agree to the approval." Zhang Pingping calmly passed the approval result to Principal He to watch.

After Principal He took it, he nodded: "Haha, Mr. Zhang, don't think too much. I believe in Mr. Zhang's character, but you still have to check it out of procedure."

Zhang Pingze indicated that it doesn't matter.

"Huh? And changed the name of the company by the way?"

"After the expansion, it is not suitable to use the previous name." Zhang Pingze said.

"Well, okay, there is no problem with the documents, so I will arrange the Propaganda Department to make preparations." After reading the documents, Principal He also directly notified the Propaganda Department of the job fair.

"Then thank you Principal He." Zhang Pingping nodded.

"Where, this is a good thing for our Galaxy University. We can't thank you for talking about it. Now there are not many young people who know how to be grateful like Mr. Zhang." Principal He said with a smile.

"Should be."

"Then I wish Mr. Zhang great success in advance." Principal He said with a smile.


After Zhang Pingping shook hands with Principal He, Principal He introduced the Propaganda Director of Galaxy University to Zhang Pingping.

Speaking of the Minister of Propaganda, Zhang Pingche still had some impressions. During the Zerg riots in the underground breeding area, it was this very shrewd and calm middle-aged man who finally turned the tide of public opinion with an exciting speech.

Such a capable person, Zhang Pingze naturally left a little more impression.

"My lord, Sima Jian, Mr. Zhang is glad to meet you."

"Mr. Sima's exciting speech in one year is still unforgettable to this day. Mr. Sima's talent has been admired by Mr. Zhang for a long time. Now he is lucky enough to see his true face." Zhang Pingping said politely.

"Where, if it weren't for Zhang's heroic posture against the Zerg, Sima would not be able to settle such a big event." Sima Jian laughed.

The corner of Principal He's mouth twitched as he heard this, with a smile on his face, mmp in his heart.

Why did these two people suddenly start a business exchange mode?

In this way, Sima Jian and Zhang Pingping began to blow each other's words. Principal He was speechless for a while, but out of politeness, they did not interrupt the mutual flattery.

If the old principal saw this scene, he would probably interrupt the conversation between the two of them directly. Zhang Pingze's sudden change of attitude must have some bad intentions.

"The matter of publicity is entirely up to Mr. Sima. This is my communication number. If you need to know anything, you can send me a communication." Zhang Pingze said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang can rest assured." Sima Jian said with a smile.

After sending Zhang Pingping away, Sima Jian also bid farewell to Principal He directly, and left the principal's office to prepare for publicity matters.

After Zhang Pingze left, he did not leave directly but started to wander around the campus.

After walking around, I returned to the old dormitory.

Based on the time, Qingyun, Jiang Heli, Xiao Zi, the three of them should not have graduated yet, and it is not known whether the three of them have changed dormitories.

"Student Zhang Pingping, long time no see."

The first person to talk to Zhang Pingping was not a familiar person, but Mi Lu Ji.

"Well, long time no see. Have you received the signal from Silver Wolf? Is the outside world exciting?" Zhang Pingze asked casually.

He walked to the door of the dormitory and rang the doorbell.

"It's very interesting. There are many things. If you don't experience them yourself, you will never know what kind of feeling it is." Milu Ji said with a smile.

"Well, Milu Ji, I want to ask you something, I don't know if you know it." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"There's nothing Elk Ji doesn't know about, hmph." Elk Ji said arrogantly.

"Have you heard of the stigmata?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Huh? Stigmata?" Elk Ji's tone was a little more hesitant and uncertain.

It was the first time Zhang Pingze heard hesitation and uncertainty in Mi Lu Ji's tone.

"This... this, well, are you talking some kind of online game language?"


"It's not a game, is it a novel?"



"No, it's about energy weapons."

"Okay, Milu Ji has searched all over the military's database, but she doesn't know about this thing, student Zhang Pingche, can you describe it?"

"A theoretical energy conversion circuit that can transform generalized energy into special spiritual power." Zhang Pingze said briefly.

Zhang Pingche didn't shy away from these words at all. People who don't understand can't understand what Zhang Pingche is talking about even if they hear it, and they can't imagine what he said.

"This is the 'God-making Project' you're talking about." Elk Ji said suddenly.

"What is the 'God-Building Project'?" Zhang Pingping's heart skipped a beat. As expected, the military had actually discovered this aspect. No wonder they wanted to get the Eye of Solomon no matter what.

"I'm sorry, your authority is not enough, Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Pingze." Milu Ji suddenly issued a mechanical prompt, the voice was no longer soft and cute, but cold and ruthless.

Zhang Pingze fell silent.

At this time the door suddenly opened.

"Who is it, it's a rare time to rest." Qingyun's complaint came from inside the door.

"Qingyun." Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the somewhat slovenly guy in front of him. As expected, this guy became more and more loose after losing control.

"Brother Zhang!!" Qingyun looked at Zhang Pingchee with surprise, rushed up, held Zhang Pingchee's shoulders with both hands, and laughed.

Zhang Pingping looked at the clothes on Qingyun's body, then pushed Qingyun's hand away with a slight frown.

"You haven't showered for a long time." Zhang Pingze said.

"Uh, no, it's only been two days." Qing Yun rubbed his head.

"What about Jiang Heli and the others, why did you make it like this?" Zhang Pingping looked at Qingyun calmly.

Although Qingyun was lazy in the past, Chu Lanluo watched closely, basically tidying up every day, so it is not like now, sloppy and fairy-like.

"No, it's nothing." Qingyun's eyes dodged a little.

"Jiang Heli has transferred to the military academy, and Xiao Zi said his sister is back, so he went out to play with her." Qingyun said with twinkling eyes.

"What about Chu Lanluo?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"She, she, we broke up." Qingyun gritted his teeth.

"... I'll give you 5 minutes to tidy up. I have something to talk to you about." Zhang Pingping looked at Qingyun calmly.

Qingyun nodded, led Zhang Pingping into the door, and then ran into the room to tidy up.

Zhang Pingping went upstairs and looked at the closed door of his own room, then found a place in the hall and sat down.

After returning to Earth, Zhang Pingping was also informed about Qingyun by Qin Aiguo. Qingyun's family's Pingbu Qingyun large hotel was attacked by opponents due to food safety issues, and the entire hotel was on the verge of bankruptcy. The legal person of the company, that is, Qingyun's father Bearing millions of debts that cannot be repaid.

So Zhang Pingping came to Qingyun after dealing with the recruitment matters.

While waiting, Elk Ji, who had disappeared for half a day, reappeared.

"Huh, classmate Zhang Pingche, you have triggered a sensitive word, and the confidentiality procedure has been activated just now." Milu Ji said.

"You said it yourself."

"Huh? Is there? Milu Ji didn't say that, Milu Ji is very cautious, how could she leak the secret." Milu Ji snorted.

You are still cautious, with your carefree appearance, I really doubt if you are a brain program, maybe the main body is a little goblin hiding behind the scenes.

"By the way, back to the topic just now, how far have you learned about the stigmata you mentioned." Milu Ji said curiously.

Milu Ji obviously understood that the two words of stigmata are not prohibited words, so she simply used Zhang Pingze's title.

"I don't know much about it, it's just that I just learned about it." Zhang Pingze said.

"Oh, that classmate Zhang Pingze has to work hard. Although I can't tell you the secrets, I can tell you that the big guys in the military department have already researched the outline and are ready to start implementing it." Milu Ji laughed. .

"Started to install?"

The huge water polo made by Kelvin couldn't help but appear in Zhang Pingche's mind, so the superpowers from the military department are about to appear?
The military department dared to split decisively with Nishang, probably because of this confidence, or in other words, Nishang was actually forcibly excluded by the military department?
The things involved are too complicated and Zhang Pingze is unwilling to explore, he just arranges his plan step by step.


In the magnificent Temple of Creation, there is a huge venue with hundreds of seats, each seat is made of extremely precious black star stone, and it is also inlaid with krypton gold with abundant energy.

"The god-making plan is at a standstill, and the most important problem is still unresolved. Do you have any better ideas?" On a seat, a silver-white cube is slowly rotating, and the voice is coming from there. When it came out, three numbers 002 were written on the cube.

"All the top experts have already been transferred, all we can do is wait." A voice came from another cube with 090 written on it.

"We lack professional biological scientists. This is not making mechas. A bunch of weapon experts. What do you expect to achieve?" 195 said.

"That's why I said at the beginning that suppressing that person was a wrong decision." 090 said.

"Don't mention these things that have passed. Who can recommend good candidates now? The current biological scientists are doing some research on nutrient solutions. Even if they are recruited, they will be of no use." 002 said.

"Speaking of candidates, I just found a candidate, and I believe he is definitely qualified for human research." 013 said suddenly
"Oh, are you here today?" 002 said.

"Of course it is." 013 said.

"Let him in." 002 said.

The conversation between 002 and 013 was not interrupted by anyone, because the god-making plan is very important.

God, means eternal life.

An exquisite and graceful figure walked in slowly, with a faint and contemptuous smile on his face.

Entering the center of the hall, facing nearly a hundred cubes, she greeted with a smile: "Hey! My name is Lin Na, please take care of me."

"It turned out to be a woman."

"Can she do it?"

A burst of doubts came.

The woman standing in the center smiled contemptuously: "Hey! If it works, how will you know if you don't try it? By the way, what I study is not the human body, but the genes that determine the ability of the human body."

"Hey! That's it." The woman flicked a single bang on her forehead, and smiled confidently, revealing a shark-like smile.

"Let her try." 002 finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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