Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 59 Lei Yiyi: Enemy!

Chapter 59 Lei Yiyi: Enemy!
When Chris got up from the ground, she had an unbelievable smirk on her face, her beautiful face was tainted by blue insect blood.

Turning her head to look at Zhang Pingche who had just been lifted up, Chris took three steps in parallel and gave Zhang Pingche a hug when she came up directly.

"Great, I'm alive! I'm alive!" Chrissy looked like a madman with a smirk on her face.

"Please let me go. It's your luck that you survived. Originally, I planned to sacrifice you." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Chris froze, and looked at Zhang Pingze, who was expressionless and didn't seem to be telling a lie, with an unbelievable expression on her face: "You, how could you be like this."

"The most efficient consideration." Zhang Pingze was used to such questioning eyes, and said calmly.

However, the expected anger did not appear. Chris's complexion suddenly changed, and a touching smile appeared on her face. She stretched out her finger to pick Zhang Pingzhe's chin, and then imprinted her red lips involuntarily.

Zhang Pingche's head popped up suddenly, and he shook his head: "What are you doing?"

"Kiss, thank you little handsome guy for saving your life." Chris's eyes flickered a little, her boldness caught people off guard.

Jiang Heli's face was a little red, and he turned his face away, as if he didn't want to see this blushing scene.

"There is no gratitude in any practical sense, I don't need it." Zhang Pingze said coldly.

With obvious warmth in her eyes, Chris tugged on the collar, and posted it with a charming face: "Could it be that you want a more practical thank you, handsome boy?"

The words were full of teasing, even if Zhang Pingche was a fool, he would know what she meant.

Zhang Pingze was unmoved, and said calmly: "If you don't have that dirty insect blood on your body, it will be more convincing to say this."

Chris was also aware of her state immediately, she backed away a little embarrassed, and then looked at the blue insect blood on the corner of Zhang Pingche's mouth, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised: "What a cruel little guy, look at you like this, I'm afraid I have to rely on my sister to go out, I am a strengthener."

As Zhang Pingze, who killed the three bugs, said that he does not need the help of an enhancer who seems to have the highest enhancement level but E.

"Huh~ah, the communication is finally connected." At this moment, on Zhang Pingche's personal terminal, Mi Lu Ji's voice suddenly came.

"Hoo hoo, student Zhang Pingping, the reinforcements are coming, please hold on." Molu Ji's cute voice came.

"Well, it has been confirmed that four bugs have been solved, and the whereabouts of one is unknown." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"No, no, no, I saw all the bugs you solved through the recorded video, and now there is not one bug that has escaped, please quickly evacuate from the breeding area, otherwise Elk Ji will have to go to the hero cemetery to see you." Elk Ji said quickly.

"Is there another [Commander]?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"Student Zhang Pingping's logical thinking is really jumping out, yes, there is still a commander, so many bugs have escaped from the breeding area, please evacuate quickly, according to the monitoring, there are still 10 minutes at most , you will meet the first bug that escapes, soldiers."

Having said all this, what are you waiting for, he called out the students who were still hiding in the room, and the two of them set up Zhang Pingche and ran outside.

"There are so many hovercars passing by today, and they are all military hovercars. Are they doing a drill?" A student raised his hand to block the sun, looking at the hovercars speeding past in the air, muttering.

"Who knows, hurry up and take a look. There is a voting activity on the Internet about the construction of space jump nodes. Let's vote for it too." Another person looked down at the light screen in front of him and said.

The students below didn't know what was going on, but the upper echelons of the school were in a mess, and everyone who was cheering got on the suspension vehicle heading to the underground base.

In this case, the school leaders must come forward. After all, it is related to the reputation of Galaxy University, and this matter must be properly handled.

In the end Zhang Pingche was dragged out of the breeding area by the two of them.

The distance between the five hovering vehicles was a bit far away, and there was also a blue light in the distance, which was obviously the tail light of the hovering vehicles that had been reinforced.

Zhang Pingche was ruthlessly thrown onto a simple stretcher, and then a few nurses in nurse uniforms came over with various things and began to check Zhang Pingche's physical condition.

It has to be said that the response speed of the Galaxy University and the military was very fast, and they were mobilized immediately after receiving the alarm, and soldiers in black combat uniforms were still jumping off the suspension vehicle one after another.

"Multiple rib fractures need to be fixed urgently, and an emergency medical room will be arranged." The older head nurse said immediately after checking.

Zhang Pingche looked at a group of people busy to and fro expressionlessly, and turned his head, only to see Lei Yiyi walking barefoot.

Lei Yiyi's body is rather funny, with bandages wrapped on his arms, shoulders, and head, it looks like he is about to be wrapped into a mummy.

Although it looked miserable, Zhang Pingping knew that apart from skin trauma, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this guy.

"Brother Zhang, are you okay? It's because I was too impulsive and didn't protect you well." Lei Yiyi blamed herself a little. After gaining great power, what Lei Yiyi always wanted to do was to do more for Zhang Pingche Things that reflect their own meaning.

"Well, I don't blame you, it's my own problem." Zhang Pingzhen shook his head, "Have you recovered?"

"Well, after I came out, I got a shot of glucose." Lei Yiyi smiled.

"I neglected this issue. The balanced development of the mean is obviously the most important thing." Zhang Pingze reflected for a while, and then fell into deep thought.

"Now, I have the strength to protect you, Brother Zhang." Lei Yiyi waved his bandaged hand and smiled.

The head nurse smiled, and it was very interesting to watch the two young lovers chatting. A girl kept saying that she wanted to protect the boy, which was really cute.

The heavy military suspension vehicle landed slowly and made a loud noise. Zhang Pingzheng turned his head. Looking from this direction, he found that it was a very powerful and domineering large suspension vehicle. The height of the cargo box was definitely over five meters. No wonder it makes such a heavy landing sound.

When the sound of footsteps came, Lei Yiyi turned her head and found that she was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had no makeup on her face, her face was exquisite and perfect, and more importantly, she had a mature charm that young girls could not match, and she was wearing a military uniform. , what a beautiful woman.

However, the first sentence the blond woman said made Lei Yiyi a little furious: "How are you, handsome boy? How about I wash it up now? Do you still want a reward? The kiss time just now is too short, so it doesn't count." Yo."

Wrapped like a mummy, Lei Yiyi tore off the bandage wrapped around his face, and stared at Chris: "Who are you?"

Chris looked at Lei Yiyi, who had a bad complexion, and suddenly there was a smile on his face: "Hi, my name is Chris, not much older than you, you can call me sister Chris, who are you?" Zhang Pingping's classmate?"

"Huh! I'm Big Brother Zhang's girlfriend!" Lei Yiyi almost gnashed his teeth and swore sovereignty. The woman in front of him made Lei Yiyi feel great pressure.

Chris smiled and squinted her eyes, revealing her mature charm. Faced with such amorous feelings, Lei Yiyi, who was still a bit imposing, suddenly felt a mountain pressing down on her body.

Zhang Pingping looked back at Lei Yiyi, didn't say anything, he didn't know when, the guy who was always obedient like a pet would bark his teeth with others, and without the owner's consent, this is not a good sign, Well, not a good sign.

"As a soldier, leave your post without authorization at this time?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Chris narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Pingze, you're right, you shouldn't leave your post at this time, so Zhang Pingqi should keep your eyes open."

After saying that, Chris turned around and walked towards the giant suspension vehicle that had just arrived.

Zhang Pingze's eyes flickered.

No wonder this woman still has a place to wash the blood under such circumstances.

Every mecha division has a complete combat group and maintenance group, from ammunition supplies to mecha maintenance, there is a whole logistics team, cleaning the body on the battlefield is simply a simple matter.

 Ask for a recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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