Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 99 Roller Coaster

Chapter 99 Roller Coaster

Facing more than a dozen firearms, Thunderstorm's tense body relaxed slightly.

With so many gunners who have received training, if they cooperate well, it is absolutely impossible for them to break through.

"It would have been nice to accept the surrender obediently earlier." The white mask said with a smile.

"That's right, in the end, I'll bother brother Hei to do it myself." The younger brother on the side also flattered him cooperatively.

"Next, you can sleep quietly for a while." After speaking, the white mask was ready to pull the trigger.

At this moment, Thunderstorm's personal terminal suddenly sounded, as if someone was contacting Thunderstorm.

The sudden sound caught Bai Mask's attention, and he raised his chin, indicating that the thunderstorm can be connected.

Thunderstorm hesitantly connected the call, being pointed at by so many guns, even if Thunderstorm had a calm mind, it was a bit unbearable, and the two team members behind him were even more unbearable, directly raised their hands and gave up resistance.

"Drip." The call was connected, but Thunderstorm hadn't spoken yet.

A voice came from the other side: "Student Lei, you did a good job. I will save you as soon as I leave."

Cold sweat slid down the forehead of Thunderstorm, and it was too late to come to the rescue now, well, he was already restrained.

Just as Thunderstorm was about to say something, Lei Yiyi's voice continued to be heard, because it was in the state of amplification, so the voice was very loud

"Hey, the white mask over there, watch out for the back!"

The white mask was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked back, and some younger brothers also reacted immediately and turned their guns around.

"It's not funny at all." The white mask looked angrily at the empty situation behind, and shouted angrily.

It was unexpectedly put together by someone who didn't know where he was through the communication.

Wait, how did she know the white mask I was wearing?

There was a sudden blankness of consciousness in the white mask, and things were a little weird.

All the younger brothers also couldn't help cursing.

The female voice who spoke was purely scaring people.

"No, no, be vigilant, defend the formation, and protect me! There may be snipers on the other side!" The white mask suddenly yelled.

The trained younger brothers subconsciously moved closer to the white masks, and used their bodies to block the white masks behind them, forming a human wall with their bodies.

Although the gangsters were also afraid and were shot, but the order of the white mask was an order.

"Hehe, a bunch of idiots." A chuckle came from above his head.

The white mask only had time to raise his head, when he saw a black shadow jumping down from the third floor of the building beside the street, and with an unstoppable impact, it suddenly fell towards the place where the crowd was concentrated.

"Hold the grass!"

In the chaos, the black figure landed directly in the middle of the crowd, with the white mask that rolled its eyes and fainted under its feet.

Lei Yiyi suddenly raised his head, showing a terrifying smile.

Turn around and sweep across the ground, this trick has a nice name, the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves.

With the blessing of huge strength, the power of this sweeping leg is comparable to that of a lawn mower.

The gangsters in the dense formation, like cutting wheat, all fell down screaming in pain, their bodies flew up in the air, and fell to the ground sideways.

Looking at the dramatic scene in front of him, Thunderstorm felt that his brain was not enough.

The moment Lei Yiyi fell from the sky, four people rushed out from the edge of the street. They turned out to be Yuan Long, Feng Yuming and others. The firearms in it were kicked away.

There were terrified gangsters who held the guns in their hands and shot randomly, but unfortunately, almost all of them were their own people.

However, there was no bloodshed, because the guns in these people's hands were loaded with special-effect narcotic bombs.

Lei Yiyi looked at the hooligans who were almost lying on the ground crying, then reached out, grabbed the back of the white mask, pulled it out, and exhaled softly.

"You, you, what's going on?" Lei Tian looked at Lei Yiyi's sudden appearance and expressed some confusion.

"What's wrong? Did I come too fast?" Lei Yiyi asked with a smile.

"No, how do you know, I remember that I didn't send out a distress message." Lei Tian looked at Yuan Long and Lei Yiyi in confusion.

There were some scars on Yuan Long's face, but he didn't say much: "Brother Lei, don't look at me, I don't know why I was rescued."

"This is not a place to talk. There are more than a dozen people here. Let's talk about it in another place." Lei Yiyi smiled.

Immediately after the thunderstorm, what was even more miraculous was that Lei Yiyi actually brought them to an old-looking factory. The inside of the factory was dark and smelled of blood. some rope.

"Come help me, tie them up and hang them up." Lei Yiyi yelled as she entered the factory.

Xiaogu and another team member immediately came out of the shelter and greeted Thunderstorm with a smile.

The look of doubt on Lei Tian's face became more serious. What kind of a twist is this? How did they make it seem like they were the villains.

The members of the mission team are also gathered together at this moment.

Looking at the dense figures hanging from the iron beams of the factory, some people have doubts on their faces, while others have admiration.

The thunderstorm counted, good guy, there are 35 people hanging from the beams, looking from a distance, it looks like hanging sausages.

"Now can you tell me what's going on." Lei Tian looked at the players around him puzzled.

Lei Yiyi smiled and didn't explain anything.

"At least let me figure it out." Thunderstorm said aggrievedly.

Xiaogu smiled, with a funny look in his eyes: "Let me tell."

"It's true that you are the bait released by Sister Yi, but Sister Yi doesn't care about you. She has arranged for the two of us to follow a team and be responsible for ensuring your safety. So when you are surrounded, Sister Yi The action has already started, first rescued Brother Long, and then rushed to rescue you, Brother Lei."

Thunderstorm was stunned: "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple." Xiaogu spread his hands.

The black mask who heard everyone's conversation on the side laughed: "It's such a cheap strategy, do you really think that if you catch us, it's over?"

"If we have an accident, the company will definitely be aware of it." The black mask said with a smile, "And you don't want to extract any information about the company from anyone. We are absolutely loyal to the company."

Lei Yiyi spread her hands: "Sorry, I've never been interested in going to torture you."

"Because of your company, we will investigate it ourselves."

"It's ridiculous, you don't even know where the company is." The black mask laughed.

Thunderstorm frowned. If these guys really refused to say anything, with only one day left, where should they go to find it?

"You don't have to worry about it. I already know the location of your company, but I didn't expect that you would use it as a base in such a busy place as Silver Wolf Mall." Lei Yiyi smiled.

The black mask's eyes widened, as if a little surprised.

"Don't be surprised. When you caught my team members, you turned on the wireless communication. Didn't you feel that the communication conditions were not good?" Lei Yiyi smiled.

"You, you guys actually used interception equipment!" The black mask looked at Lei Yiyi, gritted his teeth and said, they have always been scheming people, and they never thought that one day they would be scheming.

"It's not an interception device, but a traceability software, which simply intervenes in the communication path and finds the location of the caller." Xiao Gu explained with a smile.

The black mask gritted his teeth and looked at Lei Yiyi, but after a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, I've worked hard, I've worked hard, but in the end I'm still one step short." The black-mask gloated in mid-air, curled up and laughed.

"What do you mean?" Lei Yiyi frowned.

"The one who contacted us was just a contact person. He was only responsible for contacting us after receiving a task, and then conveyed information to the company. That is not the location of the headquarters at all." Lei Yiyi looked at the black mask carefreely, with a surprised expression on his face. .

After being calculated by others for a long time, the person who calculated it turned out to be nothing in the end. This kind of joyful mood cannot be described in words.

"None of you can escape. All of you will be left in the Silver Wolf Street today, and I guarantee that none of you will get out alive." The black mask laughed ferociously.

"Why? We can leave now." Lei Yiyi asked with a frown.

"You can't leave anymore. The company's cleaning team has surrounded the factory, and none of you can escape." There was a gloomy light in the eyes of the black mask.

The faces of everyone changed suddenly, and the situation in front of them seemed to be reversed suddenly. They thought they could complete the task in one go, but they didn't expect it to become so complicated.

"Could it be that you still have the equipment to communicate with the company's headquarters?" Lei Yiyi's expression changed drastically.

"That's right, and it goes directly to the interior of the company, the most elite cleaning team." The black mask laughed.

Seeing Lei Yiyi's unexpected expression, he was obviously very happy.

After receiving the affirmative answer from the black mask, Lei Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, put away his surprised expression, and waved to the black mask: "Okay, thank you very much."

"You, what do you mean?" The black mask's smile froze.

"Literally, thank you for the location." Lei Yiyi spread his hands.

Xiaogu also breathed a sigh of relief, and directly took out the equipment in the corner, and said with a smile, "This time it's the interception equipment."

The black mask looked at the twinkling and shining small box, his eyes widened, and all the camouflage collapsed at this moment: "Impossible, impossible, damn it, you lied to me!"

The black mask struggled frantically, with a frantic expression, and yelled.

Lei Yiyi ignored the crazy black mask, but told Xiaogu to call the police immediately.

"Brother Zhang, there is a big trouble. The signal is transmitted in an encrypted way, so it cannot be intercepted." Lei Yiyi quickly wrote the message and sent it out.

"Everyone has it, evacuate the Silver Wolf Street immediately! I mean, immediately! Immediately!" Lei Yiyi turned her head and shouted to the crowd who were still in the roller coaster just now, unable to extricate themselves.

Calling the police in the third district was of no use at all, and the only thing he could rely on now was Zhang Pingze's help.

Looking at Lei Yiyi's bloodshot eyes, everyone realized something, and ran straight to the factory gate without caring about anything.

Looking at the information on the personal terminal, Zhang Pingze directly shut down the running equipment, and then dialed Chris's communication.

"I need help!" Zhang Pingche opened his mouth and said directly.

With a vertical jump, he took down the metal box placed on top of the laboratory locker.

(End of this chapter)

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