Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 408 Chapter 415: Bi Yan's Speculation

Chapter 408 Chapter 410: Bi Yan's Speculation

Teng Qing was brought out from the ice cliff by Teng Qing. At this time, Teng Yi was icy all over his body, his eyebrows and hair were covered with white snow, just like an iceman who had been frozen for thousands of years. Teng Qing knew everything from his mouth. After hearing that the Jiaolong clan took Qin Ling away, Teng Yi couldn't help but recall the majestic and heroic appearance of the five-clawed golden dragon that day above the void, and soon knew the purpose of the Jiaolong clan.

In the Elder's Hall, all the elders did not leave, and they also wanted to know who the person Teng Yi rescued was who actually provoked that old dragon from the Flood Dragon Clan.

Teng Yi walked into the Elder's Hall, the old man on crutches asked everything, and Teng Yi also said everything, after hearing everything, the elders now understood why the Jiaolong clan came here.

After knowing everything, the elders didn't feel any pity. For them, even a real dragon is useless to them. The goal of the Sun God Vine Clan is to ascend to the Immortal Realm and restore the ancient glory of the Sun God Vine Clan. First and foremost, everything else is illusion.

"Okay, let's go down! Tengyi doesn't have to go to the Ice Cliff anymore, this matter will stop here, and today's matter can't be revealed, do you understand?"

Tengqing was overjoyed to hear that elder brother didn't need to go to Hanbingya, "Elder, don't worry, we will never spread the word!"

Above the void, between the clouds and mist, several flood dragons passed across the sky. The most surprising thing is that there is a person lying on the back of a flood dragon. If people see it, they will be shocked. Who is it? It can lie on the back of the Jiaolong, and there are several around the Jiaolong, as if they are escorting it.

"Old Ancestor, is this the real dragon we're looking for? Why can't I feel the slightest breath of the dragon clan on him? This person seems to be a human monk, not even a trace of the demon clan's breath?"

"It's right not to be aware of it. Long, Xiao Yinyin and the mountain, big Yinyin and the city, change in many ways, can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, so it is naturally difficult for us to detect. The ancestor has already checked his injuries. The people in Huangshan were injured, and the situation is critical right now, so we must hurry back to Beierhai Lake and find a way to save them!"

Just when several people from Beierhai rushed back to Beierhai, Bi Yan had already started gathering demons to restore Donghuangshan on Donghuangshan. What reassured Bi Yan was that the foundation of Donghuangshan had not been destroyed. Fortunately, the three In crossing the catastrophe, the big monster flew out of Donghuang Mountain at the last moment, preventing Donghuang Mountain from being destroyed by the catastrophe, but the three big monsters in the catastrophe period died under the catastrophe, all of them died.

As long as the foundation is not destroyed, there is nothing to worry about. Donghuang Mountain will soon restore its former appearance. When the demons are busy rebuilding Donghuang Mountain, Bi Yan summons Qingyuejia. Hold on, but it may be impossible to recover in a few months, especially Qingyuejia has broken an arm and a leg.

"Qingyuejia, do you know where the golden dragon came from? I heard that you once fought against the golden dragon?" Bi Yan asked.

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate's arm and leg were injured by the golden dragon..." Qing Yuejia suppressed the killing intent in her heart, and the golden figure of Dao God Wei Lingling appeared in her heart.

"Then why did you come here from that golden dragon, and why did you become an enemy of my Eastern Emperor Mountain?"

Qingyuejia recalled the scene at that time, and he always had a guess in his mind, but he was very uncertain, because even if a person became a five-clawed golden dragon, no one would believe it, and it might be considered nonsense gibberish.

Unless the other party was originally a five-clawed golden dragon, but Qingyuejia was very sure that Qin Ling was definitely a human monk, definitely not a monster. "My lord, I don't know how the golden dragon appeared, but I believe that the golden dragon must be related to the human monk, because after the golden dragon appeared, the human monk disappeared, and the monk was about to be beheaded by his subordinates at that time. Kill him, but who would have thought that when the golden dragon appeared, it must have been the golden dragon who rescued him!"

Bi Yan nodded slowly, and basically believed what Qingyuejia said, because Biyan had already learned about the situation at that time from many monsters, so he asked Qingyuejia again, because Qingyuejia had fought with Jinlong before. Yan wanted to see what Qingyuejia knew that others didn't.

"Do you know who that human monk is?"

Qingyuejia shook her head, "This subordinate doesn't know, but I know that the man's earth escape technique is not weaker than this subordinate's at all. If this subordinate's cultivation base is not higher than his, I am afraid that this subordinate may not be able to catch him." !"

Tudun?This magical escapism has disappeared in the cultivation world for thousands of years!How could that person be able to escape from the earth? Could it be that he got the inheritance of a certain powerful person in ancient times, or got it in the last time in the Immortal Mansion.The last time the Immortal Mansion was born, many people from the Yao clan obtained some ancient magical powers and spells that have been lost in the cultivation world in the Immortal Mansion. "Okay, you go to heal your wounds first!"

After Qingyuejia left, Bi Yan fell into deep thought. If he wanted to find clues from the golden dragon, it might be difficult, but the human monk should still be his target.And who stole the Eastern Emperor Banner?He didn't even see the figure. From Bi Du's mouth, he only knew that the other party was a man in white. He would be invisible and difficult to detect. It seemed to be related to the theft of Donghuang Mountain two years ago.

What is the connection between the person who stole the flag and that young man? Is everything a coincidence or premeditated?All of this is still unclear. As for Bi Du, he went to retreat after returning to Donghuang Mountain. There was a demon in his heart, and if he didn't suppress it, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Also, the underground prison was broken. Thousands of monsters who had enmity with Donghuang Mountain were imprisoned in it. Now they are all freed. I am afraid that Donghuang Mountain will definitely suffer revenge in the future!Bi Yanning frowned.

"Your Majesty, Commander Sable said that he has something urgent to see!" Just as Bi Yan was thinking about these issues, a little demon ran over and told him.

Bi Yan stopped thinking about it and said to the little demon, "Let him come over!"

Soon, a middle-aged man with flowing purple hair walked up to Bi Yan and respectfully said: "Your Majesty!" If Niu Mang were here, he would definitely recognize this man, because this man is the man who questioned him that day.

"What is your urgent need to see the king?"

The middle-aged man bowed his waist and said in a deep voice: "This subordinate is here to plead guilty to the king, because this subordinate met a suspicious person a few days ago, but this subordinate actually lost him. The people of Donghuang Mountain belong to the same group!"

Bi Yan's eyes sparkled with fire, and he opened and closed his eyes, "Can you see who the other party is?"

"It's a monster, a cow monster. At that time, my subordinates thought he was suspicious. At that time, my subordinates wanted to follow him, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye..." The purple-haired man described the situation that day.

Cowboy?Stealth?Could this bull demon be the one who stole my Eastern Emperor Banner?Bi Yan thought of all possible clues.After a while, Bi Yan said to the purple-haired man: "Since you have met him before, then you can go to the Sunset Mountains to investigate this cow monster and see who he is. He even dared to touch things in my Eastern Emperor Mountain , as soon as there is any news, report to the king immediately, and the king will meet him personally for a while!"

"Yes, this subordinate will take someone to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the bull demon..."

After the purple-haired man receded, Bi Yan showed a vague killing intent all over his body, "No matter who you are? Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it will be difficult to escape my grasp! I will let you know that I am an enemy of Donghuang Mountain! Even if it is a dragon, this king will not miss it!"

North Erhai Lake is located in the north of Xiuzhen Realm, almost close to the northernmost end of Xiuzhen Realm. It is an endless lake that cannot be seen at a glance. Because of its huge size, it is called Bei Erhai Lake. North Erhai Lake is about [-] miles long and [-] miles wide. Here, the entire lake is more like a smooth and boundless mirror.

At a certain moment, over the North Erhai Lake, a few dragons came across the sky, and the sound of the dragon chants spread throughout the North Erhai Lake. It was like a hurricane blowing on the calm lake, setting off turbulent waves, and the lake water quickly divided. Looking to the two sides, looking from the void, one can faintly see a splendid crystal palace looming at the bottom of the emerald green lake. After a few dragons hovered in the air for a while, they plunged in headlong. Half an hour later, the lake surface returned to calm.

The news of the golden dragon appearing in the Sunset Mountain Range shocked the entire Jiaolong clan. Ao Fang, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, even invited an ancestor of the clan, that is, Ao Zhan.Since Ao Zhan went out, the entire Flood Dragon Clan has been waiting, waiting for the news of the True Dragon. The True Dragon is of vital importance to the Flood Dragon Clan and concerns the future of the entire Flood Dragon Clan.

About tens of thousands of years ago, for unknown reasons, no real dragons appeared in the cultivation world, and the Jiaolong clan did not know the reason, there was a gap in the cultivation techniques of the clan, so that for tens of thousands of years, the entire Jiaolong clan None of the dragons in the family could successfully evolve into a real dragon, and the dragon family began to decline from then on.Now a real dragon appeared again in the realm of comprehension, and it was a golden dragon with five claws.

In the crystal clear Crystal Palace, Ao Fang, the patriarch of the Flood Dragon Clan, is waiting anxiously. Now that it has been counted in the past, there is no news. This is a kind of torment for the Flood Dragon Clan.

"Your Majesty, you are back, the ancestors are back..." A carp demon ran in in a panic.

Ao Fang excitedly stood up from the stone chair, with a smile on his face instantly, "Okay! Come with me to meet the ancestor..." Although Ao Zhan returned, Ao Fang still doesn't know whether the ancestor found it. If you get the real dragon, will you invite the real dragon back?

When Ao Fang led all the people out of the Crystal Palace, Ao Zhan and the others had already brought Qin Ling to the Crystal Palace, "How is the situation of the ancestor, can the real dragon be found?" Ao Fang couldn't wait to ask when he saw Ao Zhan.

"Patriarch, we found the real dragon, you see he is..." A few youths behind Ao Zhan carried the unconscious Qin Ling to Ao Fang.

(End of this chapter)

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