Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 410 Chapter 417: Burial

Chapter 410 Chapter 410 Seven: Burial
This night, the entire Jiaolong clan was filled with grief, not only for Qin Ling, but also for the future of the Jiaolong clan, the way forward was broken, and where to go.

The starlight is lonely, and above the void, a figure is flying extremely fast in the night sky. The figure has black hair and shawls, and a golden light shines all over its body.

The Jade Rabbit set in the east, the Golden Crow first rose, and the sky gradually brightened. Standing in front of the window, Ao Zhan said slowly after a while of silence: "Master True Dragon has fallen..." Ao Zhan had already checked Qin Ling once, and found that Qin Ling was in his body. The last sliver of vitality has been wiped out.

Several people were shocked, and it was hard to accept it. Although they had been psychologically prepared for a long time, they still couldn't accept and believe this fact. Ao Fang never stepped forward, but sat on the side without saying a word.

The Crystal Palace is full of figures at the moment, all of them are important members of the Flood Dragon Clan. Now that the real dragon has been lost, everyone must be present in accordance with the highest standard funeral of the Flood Dragon Clan.

"Into the coffin!"

With a solemn sound, Qin Ling was slowly carried into a crystal clear crystal coffin. The people who carried him were Ao Zhan and the other three ancestors of the Jiaolong clan. Such a high-standard funeral is rare in the Jiaolong clan. Appeared, even the previous patriarch of the Jiaolong clan had never enjoyed such an honor.

Just when the Jiaolong clan was about to bury Qinling, they appeared together over the North Erhai Sea. Looking carefully, it was the person who flew extremely fast in the night sky last night.

Outside the Crystal Palace, a little carp demon hurried in and bumped into Ao Li. Ao Li frowned and scolded, "Why are you so panicked? Don't you know what day it is today? If you disturb Lord Zhenlong, you Can you afford it?"

The carp demon was so trembling that he couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground, "Forgive me, my lord... Forgive me, my lord... I have something important to report!"

"Tell me, what's the panic?" Ao Li calmed down his anger.

"My lord, a person came outside, saying that he wanted to meet the patriarch. He said he came from Misty Valley..."

Ao Li was puzzled, he had never heard of Misty Valley, "Misty Valley? What is that place? Why have I never heard of it? Where is he now? Take me to see..."

"He's up there..."

On the surface of the lake, a figure stood quietly, it was the man with black hair and shawl, and then another figure jumped out of the lake, facing the man from a distance.

The first time Ao Li jumped out of the lake, he felt the extraordinaryness of the other party. Although the other party's cultivation base was not as good as his own, he must have a strong background. "Who is your Excellency? What is the purpose of coming to my North Erhai Lake?"

"Misty Valley Tengyi, I'm here for my good friend Qin Ling!"

"Qin Ling? Did you make a mistake? I don't have Qin Ling in North Erhai Lake?"

Teng showed doubts on the side, "No? Could it be that the person who took Brother Qin away outside Misty Valley yesterday was not from your North Erhai Lake?" Teng Yi clearly remembered that Teng Qing said that the other party said that he was from North Erhai Lake. Could it be that the other party concealed it? identity?Fujiichi guessed.

"Your Excellency, please go back! I don't have Qinling Mountains in North Erhai Lake..." Ao Li was about to leave as he said that, he didn't want to say anything more to the person in front of him.

Teng Yi hurriedly said: "Wait, I wonder if there is such a person as Ao Zhan in North Erhai Lake?"

Ao Li suddenly stopped, turned around, and was surprised, "How do you know the name of the ancestor?"

Hearing that Ao Zhan was the ancestor that the other party said, Teng Yi knew that he had come to the right place, but now there was no time to worry so much, he had to see Ao Zhan as soon as possible, and Qin Ling, Teng Yi was very aware of Qin Ling's injury , if there is no accident, I am afraid that it is more or less ominous now, unless the Jiaolong clan has a way to treat it, "Please also report to Senior Ao, and say that Misty Gu Tengyi is visiting!"

Seeing the urgency in the other party's expression, Ao Li didn't ask any more questions, "Then please wait a moment, and I will report to the ancestor!" Ao Li already had a guess that the other party might be for Master Zhenlong. Come on, before Ao Li had heard from Ao Zhan that Master Zhenlong was rescued from Misty Valley, but now that he heard the other party claiming to be from Misty Valley and telling Ao Zhan's name, Ao Li suddenly remembered.

The cemetery of the Jiaolong clan is in the deepest part of the North Erhai Lake, thousands of meters below the bottom of the lake. At this moment, the three of Ao Zhan are carrying the crystal coffin and walking slowly towards the cemetery.

After Ao Li arrived, he found that it was a critical moment. At this time, he must not step forward to disturb Ao Zhan. If he stepped forward at this time, it would not only be a blasphemy to the real dragon, but also a challenge to the Jiaolong family, even if Ao Li was from the Jiaolong family. Those who are not willing to rush forward at this time must wait until the ceremony is over.

But in order to be afraid of Teng Yi's impatient waiting outside, Ao Li took Teng Yi into the Crystal Palace and asked him to wait there.

Half an hour later, the ceremony was almost completed, and the crystal coffin could be carried into the cemetery for burial immediately. Ao Li walked up to Ao Zhan, "Old Ancestor, people from Misty Valley want to see the Ancestor."

"Mist Valley?" Ao Zhan was stunned for a moment, his first reaction was that the other party knew the identity of the real dragon?It's for the Golden Dragon.But now everything is unimportant, so what if you know, Master Zhenlong has died, "How many people are here?"

"One person, only one young man named Tengyi..."

Ao Zhan was confused, "One person?" Why only one person came, if it was for the real dragon, shouldn't there be only one person?Full of doubts, Ao Zhan came to the Crystal Palace and met Teng Yi.

Teng Yi was really in a hurry, he was very aware of Qin Ling's injuries, he was on the verge of life and death.This time I came here because of Qin Ling's injury, but after so long Teng Yi hadn't seen anyone, Teng Yi was in a hurry, wondering how Qin Ling is now?

When Ao Zhan came to the Crystal Palace, the anxious Teng Yi rushed forward, "Senior is Ao Zhan, senior Ao? Junior Miwu Gu Teng once met senior!"

"That's right, it's the old man!" Ao Zhan still doesn't know the purpose of Tengyi's coming here, his face is still full of sadness, and there is a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Tengyi naturally also saw Ao Zhan's question, "This junior and Brother Qin are good friends, and this time I came here for Brother Qin, how is Brother Qin doing now?"

"In your mouth, Qin Ling is the real dragon?"

Seeing that the other party called Qin Ling a real dragon, that heroic figure suddenly appeared in Teng Yi's mind, majestic and majestic, soaring nine days.I feel that the other party's address is not inappropriate, "Exactly, this junior is here for the Golden Dragon, I wonder if Brother Qin is all right?"

Ao Zhan was silent, shaking his head deeply, Ao Li took the words, "Master Zhenlong has fallen, and will be buried in the cemetery of my Jiaolong clan. Since brother Teng is a friend of Lord Zhenlong, you might as well Go and have a look..."

Teng Yi was stunned, and it took a long time before he exclaimed, "What? Brother Qin already..." In Teng Yi's heart, although he knew that Qin Ling was in danger, Teng Yi believed that even if the Jiaolong clan could not cure Qin Ling in a short time, they would not be able to cure him. It can save its life temporarily.But now he heard the other party say that Qin Ling is dead and will be buried soon!How is this going?

"That's right, the real dragon has fallen..." Ao Zhan said in a deep voice.

Tengyi couldn't believe it, he wanted to see Qin Ling no matter what, "I don't know where Brother Qin is now? I want to see Brother Qin..."

A thousand meters below the bottom of the lake, there is an abyss nearly a thousand meters long. The cemetery of the Jiaolong clan is under this abyss. Before the cliff, the members of the Jiaolong clan are still performing the final ceremony. It will push Qinling's coffin into the abyss.

Led by Ao Zhan and Ao Li, Teng Yi came here and saw Qin Ling lying in the crystal coffin. It was only at this moment that Teng Yi really believed that Qin Ling might really be dead.

Standing blankly in front of the crystal coffin, Teng Yi secretly blamed himself for being late, and now it was too late to say anything, all that remained in Teng Yi's heart was deep self-blame.Although I haven't met Qin Ling a few times, and my friendship is not very deep, but at this moment, it's like losing a close friend, and a sudden sadness wells up in my heart.

Ao Li walked to Tengyi's side, patted Tengyi's shoulder and said: "Brother Teng, don't be sad, Master Zhenlong, if Izumi knows, he will definitely be happy to have a friend like Brother Teng..."

"If I had come one step earlier, Brother Qin wouldn't have been like this..."

Ao Li shook his head weakly, "It's useless, even if Brother Teng came one step earlier, it wouldn't change anything. Master Zhenlong's injury is too serious, and it cannot be cured by ordinary elixir. Elixir, I won't just sit and watch Lord True Dragon fall..."

"I've already brought the elixir, but it's a pity that it's still a step too late..."

Ao Li's eyes brightened obviously, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, "I mean the spiritual object of the most rigid and yang, did Brother Teng bring it?"

"What's the use of bringing it, Brother Qin has already passed away, even a fairy medicine can't bring it back..." Teng Yi shook his head with a wry smile.

This time, Ao Li finally heard clearly that Teng Yi had the most masculine and powerful elixir in his hand, but now Master Zhenlong is dead, just like what Teng Yi said, even if he had it, it would be useless, even if it was useless, Ao Li Li still told Ao Zhan about it.

"What did you say? He brought the most masculine and powerful elixir?" Ao Zhan stared at Tengyi who was going away in surprise.

"Yes, Patriarch, Brother Teng said just now that he came here specially to save Master Zhenlong, so..."

Ao Zhanzhen muttered to himself, "The elixir of Zhiyang Zhigang? Could it be..." At this moment, Ao Zhan suddenly thought that there is a kind of elixir in the Sun God Vine family, which is the treasure of the Sun God Vine family, and it is the Zhigangzhiyang elixir. Things, because of impatience before, even forgot this.Now suddenly remembered.

"Old Ancestor, if we use the medicine on Lord Zhenlong now, is it still useful? Is it true that Lord Zhenlong is buried like this?" In Ao Li's heart, what is buried now is not as simple as that of Zhenlong alone. What follows is Ao Li's future path, and also the future path of the entire Jiaolong clan.

(End of this chapter)

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